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i don't trust a man who thought ghostbusters the feminist remix was a good movie

Didn't he say that it wasn't a very good movie?

>angry joe

Kill yourselves, Sup Forumsedditors
>3/4 stars

This. Credibility really can be eroded in fucking SECONDS; I used to take his opinions into consideration before that, but fuck that. Makes me feel bad that I ever listened to the Blob

Bob is a landwhale SJW, who the fuck cares what he says?

He literally liked feminismbusters

I don't trust the opinion of a faggot who can't see his own penis.

His head looks like a hairy testicle

that 'beard

He seems like he's gotten somewhat thinner, but his face has gotten fatter.

Has he just been wearing spanx or something?

Just the way he's positioned the camera. If he were to turn around you'd see how fat he is.

He did that in an older vid and it was hilarious.

>Mario and I were “born” the same year, 1981 (I’m about 5 ½ months older,) and as such I don’t really remember a world without him.
>And there was Mario – chubby, clad in unassuming overalls and his preposterous mustache, looking for all the world like no hero of anything else that I’d ever seen
>In my memories, the Great Console Wars dragged on like my own private Vietnam, and it didn’t help that I was still constantly in trouble at school and in and out of therapy at the time for anger, attention and authority issues
>I am the man I am for many reasons: because of my parents, my grandparents, my friends and family. But also because of Mario, whose adventures filled my lonelier hours, fueled my dreams, gave me a not-inconsequential sense of stability…

If he wasn't such a liberal faggot I'm sure he would have gone on a shooting rampage

Did he actually say this? This sounds retarded but believable.

He wrote it in his autobiography or whatever that book was. And, yes, he actually compared the console wars to Vietnam.

Not exactly the type of guy you want to be getting your political opinions from.

>C-can I come inside and use your bathroom, you fucking white male?

Can you find the link? Bob schadenfreude is the best.

>It's me a Mario starts playing

Holly shit, did he get fat in a corridor?

I mean, I wasn't around for Mario or anything, but he was never a hero in my eyes. He's barely an avatar or a character. He's just the 'guy' you play as. How did he extrapolate such complexity out of such a nonsense platformer?

I'm not American, and we didn't get into consoles until the PS1 as a whole, but did this even happen to anyone else besides him? Are there others?

> average american office worker

MovieBob has lowkey become absolute reviewkino.

If Trump actually wins, Bob will begin his genocidal rampage against stright white Christian dudebros. Dude wamts Hilary to win more than he wants to inhale oxygen

That would require him to get off his fat ass and do more exercise than he ever did in his life.

Lets all remember that this is the same man who preached to gamers they need to get healthy.

I don't know what you call this kind of style of monologuing, but shoving huge amounts of words in such a short amount of time to describe one thing is just fucking annoying.

He'll be out of breath by the time he leaves the basement. Stairs going up!?

It's called "mimicking Yahtzee"

>could have been a clever riff on covert paramilitary groups

What the fuck does movieblob know about that?