These people have opinions
My thoughts is that you have way too much time on your hands. Stop getting upset about shit movies, and get on with your life.
What does is this comparison supposed to illustrate?
Ty Burr literally gave the same score to both yet Ghostbusters isn't rotten
I bet a million dollars you haven't seen either movie.
Lol this took me like 5 min to make. No need to get so anally devastated.
OP deep autism, probably
The taste of ppl who didn't like BVS.
As Sup Forums is right wing only hug box Sup Forums is a marvel only hug box.
>says the butt ravaged autist whining about terrible movies on a mud sculpting ganbaneese board
2.5/4 = rotten
2.5/4= fresh
Idk... the way you write reeks of frustration.
Saw GB on a camrip, I couldn't finish it because it was so bad.
As if they were getting paid to write reviews...
stop defending those shit movies like you're in some sort of mission. are you in any way financially interested in their success? no, so stop shilling for free.
You need to develop some taste in real film instead of watching capeshit
I know its hard for your videogame riddled mind, but you need to try for your sake and your children if you ever have some
Goddamn look at all this gay shit...what a fucking waste of time.
Just seeing if anyone else recognizes a trend... on a movie discussion board.
There's no need to get so flustered.
>Sony paid for some reviews while WB didn't.
Doesn't mean they aren't both crap?
These are good.
Same with BvS.
>three "u mad?" posts in a row
is this 2012?
also, 5
>pink flamingos
Well it's an honest question based on your writing style.
>the Ty Burr scores are the same for both movies
>masterworks of Christopher Nolan
She's a Sup Forums troll, right?
Neo/tv/ BTFO
>SQ 2.5/4 rotten
>Ghostbusters 2.5/4 fresh
What did they mean by this?
Very important opinions
>last name gerber
>has opinions that would be right at hom from a baby
you mean everyone with a brain?
This kills the Marvel drones.
Yep, the same geniuses that slurped up the abomination that is Ghostbusters.