Which one?

Which one?


Disney's hasn't even been released yet so I guess the second one

The one with emma watson singing. Shes sings briefly innawoods in goblet of fire and it was pleasant to my ears

the one with seydoux was faggotry


The one without Ron Weasley's beard.


Eyyyy I seent that bitch in the second one butthole and shit homie

hard to believe the same dude directed le pacte des loups

Why? What's wrong with it?

>one has lea seydoux
>other has book club feminism


>nu age neo Sup Forums everyone

This one


>disney cookie cutter film
>lea Seydoux
no argument

>Rent that shit off the TV one day when I was a kid because it has wolf in the title and it says it's an action adventure movie in the listing
>Instead get an awesome example of French cinéma mixing several genres and an enjoyable experience
>Tell my friends at school they should watch it
>They rent it and tell me it's boring and gay and the worst movie they have ever seen

These are the same people who when I come home to visit send me Facebook messages saying I should come to their "bonfire" to go "muddin" and "get wasted".

I know they are going with style, but he doesn't remotely look like a hideous monster. He still looks very sexy.

Panna a Netvor

Whichever one RT and IMDB don't like.

brotherhood of the wolf was one of the most original movies of a certain tier which might be categorized as kitschy

belle et la bete turns out to be some kind of weird hackneyed superhero movie

felt hollow and pandering

if lea had a nude scene or even a rape scene then it might have been interesting - the director probably could not let loose with the audience expectations including children

>brotherhood of the wolf was one of the most original movies of a certain tier which might be categorized as kitschy

Come on now, it was just Hound of the Baskervilles with a fresh set of paint.

Fucking love it though, especially when Dacoscas is killed and his friend goes native and starts fucking everyone up