Begins was the best Superhero Movie DC's put out in the past 2 decades, and the best Batman movie

Begins was the best Superhero Movie DC's put out in the past 2 decades, and the best Batman movie

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Vastly superior to all the overblown shit that has been released since. BB is the perfect movie.

Scarecrow getting tasered and the fight scenes being shot in extreme close up was garbage.

The rest of the movie was 10/10

Why push such a cool villain like Scarecrow to the sidelines?

Batman Beginzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

I try to tell my friends this all the time but they're ledger cucks

leto is the cuck

Everyone mass suicide. Watched this the other day for probably the 8th time first time in years and it didn't hold up at all. Completely mediocre like all capeshit. Stop posting capeshit

why didn't it hold up?
What parts did you originally think were good that no longer were? Which parts stuck out as awful?

If only Nolan took the magic of BB to TDK. Despite the Joker the movie was just too long and they tried filling so much into it.

It got worse in TDKR

>anything with liam neeson
kill yourself.

TDK could have worked as a two part movie

Ep1 is the best fuck you

How's 2007?

It worked as a one part movie

what would you need explored in part 2?

I always thought the first half hour 45 min were good but they were a pain to get through. I like scarecrow a lot so any scenes with him are good. What stuck out as awful was flashforward the camera work and either the characterization of wayne or nolans directing. Just felt flat or uninspired. The climax was kind of dissapointing

I dunno I liked the climax, yeah scarecrow gets dropped but Ras al Ghul was such an out of left field character to appear in the movies.
I also still enjoy the train crash and resulting explosion even if it makes Batman a hypocrite.

Two face. He was unnessecary to cram into the movie. he's one note and barely gets any actual screentime. What happened is that Nolan probably saw how burton dent never happened and decided to cram him in there to get it out of the way

>a majority of the movie is spent doting over harvey dent and his importance in saving gotham city
>two face was unneccessary

Its probably just that I was in a bad mood. I don't like superhero movies but burtons and nolans batman were usually the exception.

The Dark Knight was better than Begins.

The Dark Knight was also the point of no return for capeshit dominating the box office.

My >gf loves capeshit and it drives me insane, my friends always want to go and see them too, even the ones who have an otherwise decent taste in movies.

It's very hard this decade to go and see a decent non-franchise movie in the cinema, especially in the summer, the last non-franchise movie i saw in theatres was the nice guy which i really liked and I feel it deserved more praise than say secret life of pets or whatever shit was on

That's weird fuck this world.

Harvey Dent was a central figure of the movie. Becoming Two Face was the final step of his fall from grace. But of course, as a butthurt comic fanboy you're just mad that the character of Two Face didn't get enough screen time, you don't actually care about the story and didn't pay attention to it.

>Begins was the best Batman movie
Ice yourself.

Best scene Nolan did in this franchise

even with his trademark exposition and lazy framing, it still works and is the most Batman-esque thing in the entire trilogy.

I liked it for the atmosphere, and the fear Batman uses on his enemies.

Think about it, after he comes back to Gotham, there is so little scenes that are during daylight.
Its dark, grim, edgy in a good way.

Fav capeshit

>liking shaky cams

movies with shaky cam instead of competent choreography are an instant failure no matter the narrative

Yes,Begins was the best.
TDK is not even a batman movie. It's a nowt movie gratifying Batman as a side character.
Dumb shit that only appeals to edgelords

I thought he'd have brought the bats with him to that final fight in TDKR.

Was pretty disapointed

because it's trying to tell a story, not appeal to the autism of comic book readers.

That was one of the issues I had with the later Dark Knight films. Too much daylight and also the cityscape was too generic. Could have done a lot more to bring the setting of Gotham alive, it could have been set in Chicago for all the difference it made.

The first half is pure kino.

The second half is The Dark Knight: Lite and just pretty shitty and throwaway. It's like they had to just squeeze in a stupid villain plot in there.


No my son

The ending to the dark knight is GOAT and the series would have been better left there

They really threw away everything Gothic about Gotham in the later installments.

It's such a shame it looks generic as fuck in the sequels.

I almost forgot it was supposed to be Gotham while watching the movies because it looked like every other steel and glass big city. Gotham does take inspiration from Chicago and New York, but mainly the older parts of those cities. It's got a very early-20th century feeling to it that TDK and TDKR didn't deliver on.

>for probably the 8th time
Don't you realise you grow out of movies the more times you watch them?

not Sup Forums, they never grow in any way

But I watched 6 or 7 of those times last decade. And there are films I rewatch and like that I've seen 20-50+ times