Actors confirmed to having huge cock

Actors confirmed to having huge cock

i'll start





Ted Danson

No seriously, supposedly over 10 inches.

Why does he pee his pants so much?

He's a drunk irishman.

seriously, is this a side effect of having a cock the size of a dasani waterbottle?

>This guy will be Ryuk in Death Note
hope restored

He needs medical help

He's old and he's drunk.

>wanting to see Blacked Note

jesus how many of these do you have?

Jared Leto's is supposed to be ~9 inches.
And apparently he likes to get kinda rapey when he fucks random women; too rough, likes to see them in pain / cry etc. Just a scumbag all around.

More like Pee 'Em Neeson

I'm pretty sure his wife died in a tragic accident
I'd piss myself for less

Sorry about your husbando.

He just wants to free the groin.

jesus christ you paid shill.
Is there no shame in you? Is there no end to your madness? Why don't you go post some Hillary shit on Sup Forums you faggot

Jon "Big" Hamm

It's legendary.

Heard that Colin Farrell has a large cock as well.



Yeah that was bullshit. It's a known fact that publicist often put out "rumours" of their clients manhood being huge. Unfortunately for Colin, he did a sex tape with some black chick while filming Daredevil and was found out to be slightly above average at best.

>it's a OP is lusting after dicks again episode

Meh, they show that one all the time.

he's right though

Believe me, it's overrated.

Source- 9 inches virgin who's not even that ugly or fat

Orlando Bloom

Watch Shame, lads

why doesn't HBO show big hard dicks so we can know for real??

I heard from someone that knew a gay dentist fucked around with Val Kilmer and another thing about some girl at a convention running out of a room saying he has a small cock.

Any source too prove he has a tiny cock?

they aren't allowed to shot hard penises but they can show gooey vaginas

He's white

Saw it, wasn't impressed.
I can do that too, and I definitely would if I had to be naked for 5 seconds in a movie.
Just fluff it up before they call action and people will be talking about it forever afterwards.

I remember in some article it was described as "confusingly large" or something like that. Thinking of the green goblin with a huge cock made me kek

Charlie Hunnam is supposed to be packing at least 9 inches.

t. Charlie Hunnam

>Top end sports cars are overrated - take it from me. Source - Veyron owner who doesn't have a license

But yeah being 9inch+ sounds like suffering. Blowjobs must be the sexual equivalent of sleeping with your feet poking out of the blanket on a cold night.