What's the best movie to watch stoned?

What's the best movie to watch stoned?

Started house and love it. Need a good movie for tonight.

it makes me feel energetic and then really hungry. Every good movie is like watching it like the first time.

Literally any movie you would normally enjoy

Grandma's boy
Kung Pao

the big lebowski


Grand Budapest Hotel is delightful while stoned

That's some dank bud there, breh.

Yeah but I don't want to waste it.

Should I watch American Phycho?


I watched all of Stranger Things while high af. I recommend that.

>tfw watching a Mario Bava movie while blitzed
>have multiple eye-orgasms

Only Chad's smoke weed.


If you already sit in your chair all day, give it a shot. It helps going to a community college. Just about everyone smokes weed there.

Working at McDonalds helps but fuck you it's a job. It's a real job.

Only God Forgives is the definition of mediocre. Only someone so far up their own ass who likes the smell and taste of shit could actually like this. People think this is a masterpiece. The people who respond to you on Sup Forums and call you a pleb are Only God Forgives fans. This has to be one of the most pathetic auteur circlejerks I've seen. Dedicated to Jodorowsky? He doesn't deserve vapid trash with his name slapped on it.

Stop being a loser for once in your life

>it's a real job
>community college
>only Chad's do it
>tfw live in legal state



Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stoned
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Bongs
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Kush
Harry Potter and the Cherry of Fire
Harry Potter and the Order of the Session
Harry Potter and the Half-Blunt Prince
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hits Part 1
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hits Part 2

Pro tip they will also get you laid

Watch it while you're high tho

Serious question.

How many of you faggots smoke weed? I always thought it was taboo here.

I did watch it high my first time tho

What's a good movie to watch after a few beers?

>there are people who post on Sup Forums that DONT smoke weed
Why the fuck are you here? How is this even tolerable? You must be the pedophiles and people who get mad about reviews and stuff

Literally everyone on Sup Forums

I smoke with my friend who always has weed when I hang out with him, but it doesn't fit into my budget most of the time. Good weed is expensive around these parts

Also, the older I get the more I prefer being drunk instead, it feels better and it's more cost-effective. Pic Related is my poison of choice

Everyone on Sup Forums and Sup Forums dispises it.

Almost every day I'm smoking a little right now

Why ia everyone so un fucking chill then



Not a movie, but King of the Hill is great when you're stoned

i quit cigs and weed 2 months ago and a week later realized i literally havent needed them for the past 13 years i was just addicted. took about one week before the urges went away after everyday smokeing both for 13 years. feels good not being winded after running 2 feet and i can actually think a little bit clearer


What are these about?

babys first joint?

kill yourself faggot

>it makes me feel energetic and then really hungry.
Sativa, the patrician's strain of choice

enter the void

And both Sup Forums and Sup Forums are fucking horrible. Coincidence?

>Why ia everyone so un fucking chill then
Because I just ran out.

I watched pineapple expressed whiffed the other night it was great
I thhhouughtt hurricane season was oovaa

ex machina

>it feels better
you must smoke shit weed
>and it's more cost-effective.
tell that to your liver

>you must smoke shit weed
Not really, I used to smoke it everyday for years and got pretty good at telling what is dank and what isn't.

It's just different strokes user, I love the numbness that a good whisky provides.

>tell that to your liver
Fair enough

Im just really really stupid

Chads are more into booze, man

>got pretty good at telling what is dank and what isn't.
kek it's not like analyzing rare gems m8, you should be able to tell immediately

And non chads like booze too

Star Wars prequels

Kino as fuck

what about Chad's smoke weed?

I know that, but I was really into it for a time. As in looking at it under magnifying class and seeing how many trichomes there are and stupid shit like that. I read books about it too

that's silly. probably good that you quit then, sounds like you have obsessive tendencies

I didn't quit, I just don't buy it anymore. I still smoke with friends on a semi-regular basis.

>sounds like you have obsessive tendencies
Most definitely. I go through phases where I'm obsessed with something for months before moving onto something else and so on so forth.

Right now it's spy/espionage stuff

Bad Santa


sounds like autism. that's okay, I'm on the spectrum too

How High on repeat is my go-to.

If you're a habitual smoker then you know that it wont make a difference.

If you get stoned off of two hits, then you should either watch something with a lot of neon lights, trippy visuals and a '2 deep' plot, because itll blow your mind.

OR you just watch something fucking cool like Fury Road and enjoy all the explosions and shit while youre high

>another 12 year old just started smoking weed


Don't act like you are above the second situation, those movies are made to be watched high.

Also groundhog day

This is my favorite movie high, the first watch is amazing.

Go for a bike ride

I've never been diagnosed but yeah, pretty sure I have the Ass Burgers

>watch pot smoking movies while smoking pot

I love getting stoned and going for a jog or nature hike

It's magical, Lucy is great for those too

It's comfy.

>How High's finished
>Put How High back on

fuck that, it would be impossible for me to do anything physical like that while stoned

vape it instead of smoking it and you'd be surprised

I remember one time I jogged stoned and near the end of I turned a corner to see a beautiful sunset, just as Also sprach Zarathustra, Op. 30 by Richard Strauss began playing on my headphones

Brought a tear to my eye

Go for a walk to a nice neighborhood you haven't visited, if you have a dog take it with you.

Also depends on whether you smoke indica or sativa.
I realized that i don't seem to get the full potential out of deeper and more intelligent movies when i watch them stoned. So watching visually impressive movies is what i would recommend.
You should stay away from very challenging movies like inception or anything by Christopher Nolan in general.

But in all seriousness just watch something with great visuals, if you can in cinema.
Watching Mad Max stoned out of my mind in theaters was one of the best movie going experiences. Gravity was absolutely incredible as well, even though it's a shit movie

I am getting shroomz from south america today (I live in norway)
How is watching movies on shroomz? How much should I take?
I cannot remember what they are called, but they are weaker than those you have to take 5g for an heroic dose.

Sorry for my bad English.

How is princess mononoke high?

Actually just taking a little break after tonight.
Getting high all day every day can get a little boring yeah?
Can enjoy some things that I used to like but not much. I have to be 100% engaged in something and I live in Kansas which has shit weed laws.



Why do you honestly give a fuck what Sup Forums thinks about what you do when there are daily threads dedicated to paedophiles and explaining why comic shit movies are kino

You sound like you're 16 and smoked once or twice. Also your post was obvious bait but I responded to it anyway so fuck me

If you try to stay inside and watch a movie you'll probably drive yourself mad. Just go outside. Go to a park with some friends.

I used to get high and go running in the middle of the night/early morning. Then I found a body floating in my parks pond

Ok, thank you.
We planned on going camping and take it with mdma, but it is raining av lot, so we are doing it later.

How about music? Just skip the whole thing if I am indoors?

Evil Dead 2 is hands down the best stoned movie ever.
Hardcore Henry is fucking great too.


The first time I tried watching Mononoke I was really stoned and the violence and setting was too much for me, if it is your first time watching it I don't recomend it.

Spirited Away on the other hand was fucking fantastic while stoned, also Paprika just for the visuals.



I joked in the part about nolans films, but i always used to smoke before/during watching movies and i realized that i get a better emotional connection when i have a clear mind.

Watching movies on shrooms/acid is not a good idea. Not only to you have a really short attention span and, but you live out every tone of the movie in your emotional state. Dramatic music will make you uneasy etc., shit like that.
Like the other guy said just go outside or something, the real world is way better than any scren

I've had paprika and have been meaning to check it out.

Perfect blue was great.

Any movie with Sigur Ros on soundtrack

I really wanted to do that but I ended up watching it with my gf while sober.
Should I rewatch it while high as fuck?



Avatar is the GOAT choice

both the movie and the nickelodeon show

>Any movie with Sigur Ros on soundtrack

yeah watching that arm amputation scene in 127 hours stoned was comfy as fuck

If you're looking for something lighthearted and fun, you can't go wrong with this guy.

Yeah and Mysterious Skin was trippy as fuck. So glad I was baked when I saw that one.

Enter the Void
12 Monkeys
Kairo (Pulse)
Black Swan
Under the Skin
The City of Lost Children
The Game
Mad Max The Road Warrior
The Man from Earth
Panic Room
Pan's Labyrinth
The Blair Witch Project
The Mummy
Le Samourai
Mulholland Drive
Lost Highway

This show is one of the best things to experience in an altered state of mind

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.

It captures the feeling of a seedy drug bindge so well. You'll be forgetting things that happen, but so will the main characters. Funny, surreal and even a bit sad at times.


I'm the type of person that gets stoned off of one hit because I dont smoke anymore.
Thats just my experience. Watching something super deep and complex on LSD or high will just bore your ass off


Watched the first two episodes yesterday while high af.

For me, there is no other way now

How High is cuck core

you seem upset