Mr normie

my friend says this is the best thing he has ever seen while Sup Forums tells me it's shit
I haven't watched it, give me some arguments on why it sucks so I can BTFO him

Other urls found in this thread:

>plot holes for the sake of story: the show

The show lacks originality, a mature perspective, and focus. It is evident from the first three episodes of this season that there were no plans for a second season. They've added too many elements without tying up certain loose ends and answering questions the season finale left us. I'll bet none of the writers have any idea what happened to Patrick Bateman.

This shit is so boring.

You should have ended talking how second season is SJW bullshit, like all Sup Forumsacks do.

In short: plot holes, laughably bad and cringe worthy villain, some of the acting is awful, incredibly indecisive character writing and really boring side characters.
I still enjoyed the first season though. Its far from perfect but still entertaining.

>I haven't watched it, give me some arguments on why it sucks
Sup Forums: the post

I admire what it tried to do, and there were definitely parts where I was engrossed.
But fucking hell, the plotholes.
Inconsistent characters mainly.
This show is the definition of 'turn off your brain' material.
Also the narration gets annoying.
What's sad is that it could have been so much better with just a few changes, at least in my opinion.

Yeah, they could have gone the simple thriller route. With the realistic way they depict hacking it would have been a hit on the same levels as 24 and prison break.

Instead they had to turn it into muh-deep-psychological show, and this show won't be remembered 10 years from now.

It's way too on the nose. My eyes almost fall out of my head from rolling them so much. Their societal "critique" is laughably sophomoric. It tries to be deep but never manages to offer up anything that hasn't been done a hundred times before.

It looks nice and has decent music, though.

>Their societal "critique" is laughably sophomoric. It tries to be deep but never manages to offer up anything that hasn't been done a hundred times before.
Well, most of it comes from the narration of the main character, who has been repeatedly confirmed to be batshit insane. So it's doubtful the show actually means to endorse it.

It's sad that the simple subtext goes over Sup Forums's head so hard, I miss old Sup Forums.

This pretty much.
Shows that are 'deep' get a lot of hate, but this time it's warranted.
The message is old. It would've worked in the early 2000s maybe, when computers were this new and mysterious thing that no one understood.
Corporations rule the world with money and technology, boo!

Also the amount of shit they're ripping directly from l33t hacks Anonymous is genuinely cringe inducing.
Meme word, I know. And people who don't live on Sup Forums might not even notice, or think that 'Anoneemooose' is cool.
But for someone like me, and I assume you all, God it was cringe.
Nevur 4give
Nevr 4get
Excpect ussss XD

just because he's crazy doesn't mean he has to be a philosophical pleb though

Jesus you are fucking retarded

>simple subtext

you're just reinforcing my point.

Even so. Elliot is the narrator from Fight Club, Wellick is Bateman, and I think Streep's daughter is Clarice Starling. They rip off plenty from popular movies

I have only watched season 1 so far.
It's not as bad as people (on Sup Forums?) think it is, but the writers absolutely don't seem to know what "social anxiety" means

>Mr. Normie has fanboys
I'm genuinely surprised.

The show doesn't try to be fucking deep. The only character spouting philosophical ramblings is the main charac, who's a deluded schizo.

Look at r9k. Everyone there is a goddamn loser that likes to spout 4-5 paragraphs of muh society or muh depression as if they"re fucking Plato. Elliot is no different.

Why did they go with the Sega font?

your b8 isn't aggravating senpai, just boring.

Man, if you want something deep go read a history book or watch a documentary.
Show is just painfully trying to be deep while offering literally nothing.
Either way, it just isn't fun in any way. Characters are dull, visuals are bad and generic (terrible cropping that adds nothing to the visuals other than annoy people), plot is combined of a few popular films and series while offering nothing new.

What about the genderfluid Chinese hacker queen/cabinet minister? Pretty sure that's never been done.
The recaps refer to Whiterose/Zhang as "her" even in scenes where the character is presenting as male and interacting with people who have no reason to consider him/her a woman. And of course BD Wong is a guy. Being decent and woke can be disorienting.

I don't think anyone thinks it's a terrible show.
It's just not great.
Sup Forums isn't a site to focus on the positives, even if they're there.
I think you've just seen so many negative posts that you think everyone hates it.
It's mediocre, some episodes being above average.
I enjoyed myself for the most part, even if it could have been better.
>Social anxiety
>Fucks women, starts conversations, gets a girlfriend

what the fuck

I deviate from the Mr. Robot hate circlejerk and say that I really enjoy the show. S1 was thrilling and while the start to S2 wasn't the best in my opinion, it's starting to pick up now.

I won't give away spoilers for when you eventually give it a shot and FORM YOUR OWN OPINIONS YOU KEK

Maybe Clarice's Buffalo Bill

Stop being such a fanboy and admit it has flaws.
No matter how much you personally enjoyed it, you must understand that it has issues.
Damage controlling with 'you don't get it' or 'wow what' just shows that you have no argument to the contrary.

Auto corrects cuck to kek? Interesting

It's possible to have social anxiety and still talk to people and fuck girls. The virgins who get mad at this show because Elliot isn't exactly like them are so pathetic. There are so many legit reasons to dislike mr.robot and that ain't one of them.

it definitely has problems, you're just fucking stupid

Only seems to do it when all caps for some reason, cuck

Every time I've tried to watch this i fall asleep, shit is boring and very cringey like that gamergate episode of law and order

I'll admit it has flaws, I just haven't seen any legitamate ones posted here yet

Stay pleb desu

I love it. It's total Cyberpunk

>mr. normie
It's not exactly about you being relatable to him. You just experience how fucked up situations can get for a person

It's great, normies with ADHD say it's "slow".
