Thoughts on The Crow?

Thoughts on The Crow?

Good movie, or naff angsty goth trash?

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It's very good but very dated, try to appreciate it for what it is

Amazing kino

never cared for it.

>appreciate it for what it is

Responsible for a bunch of mixed up goth kids?

Always loved it, the bad guys were just the right amount of campy without turning into memes.

>very dated


One of my favorite movies.
Every character is so good.

You think goth was created in '94? It's a goth movie for goth kids. It's also very well-made capeshit.

I remember it with good nostalgia I dont want to watched again and find it is edgy and bad.

I've never seen goth before then


Goth is from the '80s, have you heard of Bauhaus or Joy Division or Souxsie and The Banshees?

No capes.

Nope. Should I have?

mediocre revenge flick

it's one of my all-time favorite movies, great mood, action, soundtrack, villain

I heard that dude died while filming.
Pretty spooky.

90s goth girls were cute

If Brandon Lee survived, would they have done a remake of the Kung Fu series where he plays Kwai Chang Caine?

Pretty good. Still holds up fairly well.

What about Dark City?

He would have starred in the matrix

Probably this.

Prior to the crow he was doing a bunch of fun but shitty king fu cop movies. When The Crow came around, it really showed what kind of acting he was capable of, he really surprised people with how deep and intense he could be.

That one seen where he confronts Funboy and Darla, really reminds me of Heaths Joker, and this was in 1994!

Its a shame he died, so much potential, plus he had a lot of love for the art.

>never head of joy division

It got big in the 80's but started in the 70's

>goth started in the 70s
No it didn't

great movie

Great movie. Would have benefited immensely from the inclusion of the Skull Cowboy character, cut from the final release.

>In a nutshell, the Skull Cowboy is a character who originates from the original Crow graphic novel, who provides guidance to Eric, in much the same way as his corvid companion does. Here's one deleted scene from the climax of the film, where the Skull Cowboy warns Eric that he's on the wrong path:

>...the Skull Cowboy pops up in a number of scenes, mostly telling Eric off about his lousy attitude. Saying things like, "You work for the dead. Forget that, and you can forget it all." And, "You need to learn to mind your own business or you'll never get where you think you're going." In a nutshell, the Skull Cowboy lays down rules, mostly having to do with not interfering with the living, and Eric keeps breaking them. This is a very different sort of story than the atmospheric, weird-as-hell movie we actually got, where Eric seems invincible and fixated on revenge until the bad guys find his Achilles heel towards the end of the film.

Definitely in the top-5. Awesome movie.

All the sequels are shite, and the pilot of the TV show, which retells the first movie's story, made me want to nuke Canada.

>people liked this piece of shit

No, Skull Cowboy would be too capeshit. One thing that makes The Crow and Unbreakable work is that they both throw you immediately into superheroism without acknowledging the tropes so you know you're watching a dumb movie. That's part of the creepy mood in The Crow, we don't know what Eric really is.

Despite how cringeworthy as it can be most of the time once you read it past the age of 13, I prefer the graphic novel.

>they turned my shitty edgefest into a fun light-hearted action/adventure show