Let's predict the Rotten Tomatoes score
Let's predict the Rotten Tomatoes score
don't be a stooge
my gf will see any movie with Mcongaheee in it - she even sat through interstellar
With those two as leads? Maybe if you switched the roles
that's funny. my mom will see any movie with elba in it
>Idris Alba
He's an excellent actor, but it's like people think he's the only black guy that's available these days.
maybe if it was made by DC
>but it's like people think he's the only black guy that's available these days.
Maybe his agent isn't a lazy piece of shit.
Name one black actor who is on his level.
will smith
Denzel Washington? Chiwetel Ejiofor? Terry Crewes?
>Terry Crewes?
Imagining him as Roland would be great, but he just doesn't have the range(Not that I've seen though)
I just put Terry for fun, thought we were speaking in general not just for Roland.
Who's actually in charge of the screenplay for this though, I hope we can get some trimming of King's fat with some improvements.
Friendly reminder that Red in Shawshank was written as white too.
Morgan Freeman is a better actor than all of those boys put together.
idris was actually doing quality acting in the shitty MCU movies
i wish he'd do a comedy
will smith isn't black
Put me down for 32.
as in the gunslinger?
with luther as roland and mconnawotty as eddie?
the fuck
DC movies might be good if DC actually got to make them. They're the biggest victims. Who is making the Dark Tower movie?
How often do you lurk Sup Forums or movie websites, I'm just curious.
almost never in recent years
just came here again on a whim and saw this thread
>Idris Elba as the whitest god in Norse Mythology
It's like they do it on purpose
>We're tired of WHITE MALES in tv and movies. Instead of actually looking at the source material and discovering that RACE is extremely important to the plot of the books, we threw all that out and went with IDRIS ELBA
>We're going to complain until every single WHITE MALE role-and their wives- are filled by black males
*Coming Soon:Vikings Season 5 featuring BLACK VIKINGS!*
Explains the casting
Wasn't Anthony Mackie considered good too? Has he just been typecasted as black sidekick to white man?
Thing is if you watch interviews Mackie is just happy to be acting, he doesn't care about the politics behind any of that shit, IGN was interviewing him and kept dogging him about FALCON MOVIE WHEN and he was like he doesn't think there's any real hype for that thing.
>Dark Tower boasts talented leads but they aren't enough to save the disappointing end result from a muddled plot, thinly written characters, and choppy directing.
Denzel is too old,Crews is too muscular and intimidating for lead role. Chiwetel is okay.
>The first 3 books of the Dark Tower are legitimately good
>Skip straight to 4
I hope it burns
It's sad to see what happened to Will Smith. I remember when he was hot shit and cast in good roles.
what happened to his career? is it shyamalan?
cry more
It shouldn't have been a movie in the first place, even if they make it into a trilogy.
People are just tired of his shit, none of the roles he's been in for the past 10 years, apart from Concussion all his roles have been ornery smooth talking black guy of some moral fiber, he doesn't become the role, the role becomes him, Deadshot's the best example of this.
I suppose. I'm not gonna mourn him, can't remember a single role where he shined.
Technically it's a "sequel" to the books since Roland has the horn in the movie.
At least that's how King is pitching it
This. WB's moronic decisions have led the abortions of BvS and SS. We could be getting decent films by people who care but nope, gotta catch up with Marvel
>McConaughey hamming it up in the fucking poster
>book 2 is good
Not an official movie poster though, it's from an Entertainment Weekly shoot, which are ALWAYS terrible see: Terminator Genisys
is he going to carry hi points
Matt looks like David Copperfield kek
Blackwashing, black lead. It will be fembusters all over again, terrible movie, weak BO and audience's response but critic's will praise it.
>black protagonist
97% confirmed