It's a ''Louis gets kicked off a house when interviewer sees through his bullshit'' episode

>It's a ''Louis gets kicked off a house when interviewer sees through his bullshit'' episode

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Will Louis ever make a documentary where he gets autistic virgins laid?

I would actually love Louis to do a documentary on NEET culture and Sup Forums users

>Would you like to see Michael with a partner? A boyfriend or a girlfriend?

I love Louis but his political views are shit-tier

have le upvote

he's done a few documentary's on autism

such as?

>Hi, I'm Louie, I love the BBC
What on earth did he mean by this?

>it's a louis take ages to release his collection of pseudo-interviews episode

which episode would that be?

probably the neo nazi ep

is that where he refuses to answer whether he's jewish or not?

is he jewish?

Yes. He claims to not be Jewish. It's understandable as to why he wouldn't answer the question.

>louie stands his grounds and doesn't buckle to the nazi questions even though he's in a hostile environment

i thought it was admirable

he's not jewish

john oliver's clone or something?

He's not, he was just trying to goad them.

He's not, he just knew it was a good opportunity to provoke a reaction.

he's jewish

got a source for that?

his nose

thought as much

his nazi stuff documentaries are the best

Tom Metzger going to Mexico is one of the most bizarre things I have seen a documentary

Boer one


Olive Jews