Have you noticed how movies and sitcoms produced in the last ~20 years seem to follow roughly similar pattern...

Have you noticed how movies and sitcoms produced in the last ~20 years seem to follow roughly similar pattern? You have a dumb father whom nobody respects, his role is to express dumb opinions (probably votes Republican too). Then you have a smart wife who actually runs the household. And then there are wise children, who are actually smarter than everyone else in the family. What did they mean by this?

It's been like that since All in the Family with Archie Bunker just to subvert the standards 50s father that was always calm and understanding.

Bob has moments of rage but he's the most level headed of his family


A wife that's sexually more adventurous than her husband and feels repressed because of his inadequacy is also strangely common.


you can give a jew money but you cant give him a brain to write intellectual, interesting kino

I wonder who could be behind it.

No one. It started out as a way to turn the monotonous nuclear family on its head and then became apart of TV culture

It wuz a coincidence and shit

The Middle is an exception, and I think it's a great show to boot.

Brick is the closest "meme" character you get, unlike Modern Family

Sitcoms have followed a few basic formulas since they were first put on the air in the '50s.

Movies, though, that's something that's actually notable. Eleven years ago, a now-deceased writer named Blake Snyder published a book called "Save the Cat", which put forth a detailed "how to" formula to writing a blockbuster film script, where everything is broken down page by page, beat by beat, trope by trope. While the ideas put forth are not particularly new, the clear-cut breakdown made screenwriting into a paint by numbers game. It's basically become the Bible for screenwriters, surpassing longtime standby titles in the field. People like Damon Lindelof & JJ Abrams are almost slavishly adherent to the formula put forth in this book.

People are still question the motives of liberal media? It's pretty obvious they exist to collect money and disseminate Democrat propaganda.

I own a copy of Save the Cat but have never finished it all the way through. I feel like I should send one script through that particular ringer so I can get something funded, but mostly I want to just do creative weird shit on a budget of nothing and see where I get with it.

literally nothing is like this

name any shows or movies that do it

>Dumb husband
>Smart wife
It's funny how feminists complain about womens portrayal in tv/film and yet ignore this trope.

Almost every animated sitcom involving a family in the past 20 years, since they're all ripping off Simpsons/Family Guy at this point.

Bob's Burgers is the only exception I can think of.

I don't know why people think feminists actually want equality. Everything they actually do proves they want superiority and more rights while wanting men to have less.

The biggest easiest example is The Simpsons.
Homer is a dope, his wife is a voice of reason, but all three kids are smarter than their parents.

>le feminists are all the same
Literally like saying all of Sup Forums is the same

I see them complain about this all the time, dude. No one actually wants to be the shrill voice of reason that sops people from having fun.