>those dim salty tones
>that tension
>that naturalism

Nolan is back, baby.

Other urls found in this thread:


where are the big guys?

What's the sci-fi twist tho?

Crashing this beach....With many survivors!


>summer 2017


Is this a fan made trailer? What's with that terrible font/graphics?

sorry, mad Mels film is gonna blow Nolan out the water.


Was getting caught part of his plan, he just smiles throughout WTF.

Nolan is well known for subtly subverting genre conventions using precisely placed extras

It's so dense.

Looks interesting. Can't stand Garfield's accent though, it'll get old real fast.

Göring was an alien all along.

>looks like a well made movie about something Im interested in
>the Sup Forums meme squad of 16 year olds is already trying to find "hillarious maymays xD!" to make out of this movie

Im done with Sup Forums forever and never coming back

Why is Harry Styles in it

>that awful southern accent from Garfield

also, this looks like it should have come out in 2003

Well hes just a simple god-fearing farmer boy who doesnt want to kill no man.

And yeah the real story is just as unusual as the movie makes it out to be. The guy caried like 100 soldiers out of the heat of battle without ever firing a shot.

>using cardboard cutouts instead of CGI

remind me why this movie isn't gonna break a billion

Poor garfield


I'm with you man, not enough WW2 films covering British happenings

is that a piss filter?

>tfw it looks worse than cgi

Is that actually based though?
I feel like it will look like shit and Sup Forums morons will be cutting out webms from the YIFY rip so you can see which shots have cardboard people in the background

Fuck off then.

The world doesn't need more Oscar Bait bullshit about how bad WW2 was. We fucking get it. War Am Bad.

>still talking about YIFY


Does it look that way in the trailer?

>British in ww2
>anything other than pussies

What will the silly extras nickname be?

Hitler was right

>being this fucking NolanDrone

He's obviously joking user, this isn't a Snyder thread

Me on the left

>the moment he bats away in incoming grenade and it cuts to him fucking doing the most ridiculous balletic spin jump


Because by then ww3 is on it's way

what anime will he copy this time?

is he saluting to God?

Hopefully JoJo.

Is this going to be historically accurate or is it going to show Nazis as the bad guys?

what the shit is a dunkirk, the british were getting their ass kicked until USA stepped in to help.

This should be the bombing of London and USA saving the day like how it really happened.

>mold eating up the oxygen in 1 generation that took 2 billion years to produce

Hitler is renanimated



All movies have to look blue now. Dunkirk looks like Jurassic World

is JoJo any good im not much into animu will i like it i hate naruto bleach type of bullshit
hows jojo compare it to something pls user

I was an extra in this movie, AMA

posing, music, musclemen and you might actually learn something educational

Looks pretty neat. Hard to say which one is going to be better though.

>N O L A N
reminder on Sup Forums there are still plebs thinking this guy is good

The severe lack of diversity in these films is problematic

Does your father work at Nintendo?

holy cringe
would believe its a true story if they kicked him out of the army for being a baby

huh where do i start watching
i like ninja scroll kenshiro shiki satoshi kon ghost in the shell
i give jojo i try have nothing else to watch since i finish House of cards

Needs more Wichita.

And maybe more nations than just the one in the teaser. About 6 more should do.

Hard to explain. It's just bizarre. Dont worry about animu bs because the author is a total westaboo

Start from episode 1 of the TV series, you can also hunt down the manga which will be a way faster read, if you check Sup Forums you should find a Jojo thread with links to where you can find all that stuff

Literally just watch it in order. Ignore the 90s OVA though

Women were a mistake


Nolan can make twisty thriller stuff, capekino, and sci-fi (in my opinion)

But will he really be able to pull this off?

>Nolan can make sci-fi

mold eating up the oxygen in 1 generation that took 2 billion years to produce defeating it with formula

pic relate


Is this the battle where Rundstedt literally let all the English run away instead of just wiping them out ?

Were you in that boat scene? Do you know anything about the movie's plot?

Adolf Hitler, I'm RAF



Behind the scenes apparently everyone on the project are incredibly hyped. rumours are this could be biggest every oscars winner

interesting, hate the accent.
if the guy really saved that many people without guns he's pretty based

If only more Seven day Adventist were like him

Is the plane at the end The plane?

Yeah, you could say it's the biggest since the biggest since the silent era

memes aside it's a German Stuka about to strafe them

Did you not hear the plane flying over head?

Will he come back for everything?

But really this looks good, with Hugo and everything. Hope both turn out good, love these types of movies and series.

Yeah yeah, fuck capeshit, fuck WW1 and 2, fuck reboots, fuck remakes, fuck futuristic movies, fuck modern movies.

But omg why can't Le hollywood make anything original?? x'(]

Yeah, no women in this movie, are they trying to say women couldnt do the same as men, because they could! They just didnt have the opportunity. Also A LOT of blacks and mexicans served during this era.

Probably the best feeling in the world is when a shitposter desperately begs for (you)s

>A movie about a fucking retreat that was only possible because of German intelligence failures.



>You know Ray, they say you should never bring a knife to a gun fight, but Private Doss didn't need either to win a fucking war.
>Caspere knew this.

oh boy, more 'dem evil nazis' propaganda

they really have to push this narrative, don't they?

Your enemy will always be the bad guys when you watch from the perspective. Watch Generation War if you want the other side, which was a great mini series desu.

>Watch Generation War if you want the other side

That entire show is the quintessential 'dem evil nazis' garbage. SS Officers shooting little girls in broad daylight and then licking the blood off of his face?

Jesus christ dude. You need to get some taste.

Worse, movies look blue and yellow. I blame Battlefield Earth.

The nurse girl was cute.

Every Pacific theater production made after SPR has looked samey and generally crap when the camera pulls out to anything more than a few characters onscreen.

Dunkirk will outclass it visually.

Ju 87 sound?

I think he claimed that he saved maybe 50 men, but the army thought it to be closer to 100. The 75 men approximation is between those obviously.

>Day 34, the Americans still don't know i'm German

You know it only has to break 6 million, goy?

Joke has been done

Ehem, they're britcucks

Thought that was him getting blown the fuck out by said grenade.

>holy cringe

Helloooo reddit

SPR isn't Pacific theater