This is playing near me tonight. A weeaboo friend says I should see it because it's "the real Inception...

This is playing near me tonight. A weeaboo friend says I should see it because it's "the real Inception." Is he full of shit? Is it worth paying to see regardless?

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He is right, this came before Inception.

So did this.

just because a movie shares visuals and a somewhat similar plot with another movie doesn't mean "it's like [movie] before [movie]!" It just means Nolan is a hack who steals ideas from chinese cartoons made by dead guys.

It's really good, and this is coming from someone who doesn't even watch Chinese cartoons. This, Akira, and Beebop are the only ones I liked.

If you've got a chance to see Paprika on a big screen, for the love of fuck, take it.

It's just a damn good movie in general.

this is so good

The only thing this movie and Inception have in common are they both take place inside people's dreams, and that's it.
I think Nolan lifts a few images from Paprika by way of homage, but that's where the similarities end.

That said, I think Paprika is the better movie, simply because it takes the idea of dreams much, MUCH further than Inception does. THey do a lot of shit in this movie that simply wouldn't have worked in a live-action film.

Also, while Inception takes a fairly straightforward plot and prides itself on making it convoluted, Paprika takes a surprisingly intricate plot which includes a ton of misdirection, dream imagery, unreliable narrator, and dense technobabble, and somehow makes it both engaging and not at all difficult to follow, which, in my opinion, is the greater success.

It's good. You should definitely go and see it.

It's better than most live action movies of it's genre.

Anyone who dismisses animated movies just because they're animated is a moron.

It's a decent time at the movies. I'd say it's worth going to for the sake of getting out of the house.

When I was younger, I watched this to jack off to the tits

But watching it recently, yeah its pretty good

Paprika is superior to Inception in every single way.

Paprika is kino.

one of the best films ever

Fucking go for the soundtrack alone


>It's really good, and this is coming from someone who doesn't even watch Chinese cartoons
why is it that anime and experimental film are the only mediums for which inexperience validates your opinion instead of the inverse

I like Inception more.

Paprika, i've watched it like 3 times, and not once did I feel that it made any sense. It's pretty to look at for sure.

its not like inception outside of that both movies are about entering dreams.

its much better than inception though

Paprika is kinda stupid.

This is the truth. I honestly don't care for Paprika at all. Mind Game is the real Inception.

Your friend is a stupid teenage plotfag but the sentiment isn't exactly wrong. It's the same basic concept as Inception and handled in a much more interesting way.

Kon likes to get creative with editing and transitions to mess with the relationship between media, fantasy and reality while Nolan just likes nicely executed action sequences and doesn't really seem capable of giving a shit about anything else.

Paprika is a cool movie but I don't think it's a great introduction to what Kon's about. It's probably his most experimental work and in my opinion one of his weaker ones. It looks great and should be an interesting experience for you regardless though so seeing it can't hurt.

it's definitely worth seeing, go for it

Paprika is definitely worth watching but this is the real Inception.

>experimental film

I'm a experimental film enthusiast and it's a medium that's regarded in many ways as art, unlike anime. Unless the anime is exceptional in the vein of Satoshi Kon's works.

>Mind Game is the real Inception
Are you retarded? or are you just naming another animated film that also has a unique art style?

Animation in general is art because it delivers an experience that no other medium can offer as well as the craftsmanship involved.

>weeaboo friend
Opinion discarded

Perfect Blue is the film everyone rips off though, not Paprika which sucks.

If you're too much of a faggot to watch Paprika, start with Millennium Actress or Tokyo Godfathers.

It is a rather good animated film.

Unlike Inception, which is more about how dreams and films share a similar structure, Paprika is all about going full tilt on dreams having bizzaro logic and such.

The director is really good at that kinda of super unreality, having made other weaboo loved things, and I don't think you can walk away from this thinking otherwise.

It is also just nice to look at, something about the color to it is just really visually appealing to me.

i agree perfect blue was better. perfect blue is the most coherent satoshi kon work i've seen so far (out of perfect blue, paranoia agent, paprika, and millenium actress), and they all tend to tread over pretty similar themes, so they've all felt in some way like inferior versions of perfect blue to me, especially since i saw that first. still enjoyed them, though.

Inception and the Surreal - Between the Lines

Dreamscape 1984
>A young psychic on the run from himself is recruited by a government agency experimenting with the use of the dream-sharing technology and is given the inverse task of planting an idea into the mind of the U.S. president.

Exorcist II: The Heretic 1977
>Dr. Tuskin hypnotizes the girl, to whom she is linked by a "synchronizer" — a biofeedback device used by two people to synchronize their brainwaves.

Leonardo DiCaprio: Why Nolan's Inception is like Fellini's 8 1/2

Fellini's 8½ (1963)
>Guido Anselmi (Marcello Mastroianni), a famous Italian film director, is suffering from "director's block". Stalled on his new science fiction film that includes thinly veiled autobiographical references, he has lost interest amid artistic and marital difficulties.

Last Year at Marienbad (1961)
>Nolan said that he hadn’t actually seen Marienbad until after his own movie was completed – but that he enjoyed the film, and was certain that he must have been influenced by the countless other ‘dream’ films influenced by Marienbad.

Even if It came before, Nolan alredy had like 100 pages of screenplay in 2001 for Inception.

> Satoshi Kon
You won't regret seeing any of his films

I watched it and found it boring. I mean all it really had going for it was the art work because I didnt find the character interesting. The battles were shite too, just your average anime battle that I found incredibly boring.

Im sorry but after the first one I couldnt watch anymore, that shit looks stupid.

I dont care what kinda film student babble you give it, that shit makes no sense.

How does animation as a visual representation of music make no sense? It's everything Fantasia failed to be.