Just finished watching The Dark Knight for the first time (got the trilogy set on blu-ray as a gift)...

Just finished watching The Dark Knight for the first time (got the trilogy set on blu-ray as a gift). Going to view TDKR next, but there's something about the robbery scene that's pestering me.

When one of the goons says, "And there it goes. That's funny. It didn't dial out to 911- it was trying to reach a private number," what private number would this be? This is a mob bank, so I'm guessing more enforcers. But why not just let the cops do it? Second, why would that contact 911 in the first place? Might be a mistake on the goon's part, but what the fuck is the operator supposed to do? No one's on the other end.

Other urls found in this thread:


Either batman or the mob is what I assumed

Why would the mob call Bats? Not like they have his private phone number on hand, either.

I imagine it was the mob, who probably like to handle their own problems and don't want the cops involved.

>This is a mob bank, so I'm guessing more enforcers. But why not just let the cops do it?

Cops would discover that mob funds are there, presumably. I know this is Gotham and half the cops are crooked, but my assumption is that they don't want to take the risk.

>Might be a mistake on the goon's part, but what the fuck is the operator supposed to do? No one's on the other end.

Possibly, but if it's a silent alarm system, the 911 dispatcher might just automatically dispatch as opposed to asking what the emergency is.

It called a private number because its a mob bank, then this is reinforced with the manager saying "do you know who you are robbing?"

I dont get whats so confusing.

well there you have it

good point

Poster above you kinda answered my question. I guess they wouldn't want the funds to be found out if this is a front.

Also, do we ever see the rest of this same mob in the trilogy?

The thing that bothers me is that the Joker doesn't have green hair until the moment he takes off the mask. Up until then it's brown. It's an underhanded trick to make the twist impossible to guess.

The number calls Ewan Yerfrenzaded like the bank owner said.

>call goes to crooked cops rather than legit cops so the illegal stash of money isnt found

whats so hard to understand?
are you retarded?
they are hoarding millions if legit cops found out theyd reposes everythng

>are you retarded?

Could've been Gordon's taskforce. They had marked money setup in the vault to try to track the mob, reasonable to assume they had the lines tapped.

Maybe he has a small container with paint or small green spray that he applies at some moment in the heist, at the beginning when he is standing on the corner im pretty sure he had no face paint or green hair to not attract attention, remember that the Joker's trick is that he masks his intricate plots with "lol just chaos", he already knew he would make his goons kill each other, dont think for a moment he is just making it up as he goes.

0800 dank memes

He wouldn't have time to apply the makeup or hair coloring. He literally has brown hair during his final stand-off with the guy who gets hit by the bus, then suddenly has green hair just before he takes off the mask, after you already know it's the Joker. It's bullshit.

>What happened to the rest of the guys?

>Also, do we ever see the rest of this same mob in the trilogy?

they dismantled the mob. the dent act. the private number thing was made to subtly point to the fact that not all the police force was bought, but corruption was indeed growing, until it was stopped by all the shitstorm caused by dent/batman/joker. also all the mobs money was burned to the ground in literally that very movie by the joker, no money = no mob.

open your eyes you fucktard.

In the trilogy. That includes Batman Begins. I'm just wondering if this was the same one as Falcone's. And I literally just watched this for the first time blindly, so fuck off.


Reminder that the best fight in the entire trilogy is in the chinese prison.

Where my chinese prison niggas at?

>Are you the devil?
>And I...am de devil

There's a ton of subtle symbolism

True capekino.

Woah, I've always assumed it was calling Batman. Well whadaya know...

Speaking of Batman, you guys know those blades on his vambraces? I'd love to see him slash some throats with that, even if it's against his M.O. it would be a cool tool. It did originate with the League of Shadows, so maybe a ninja. I just wish they did that in Batman Begins, then.

I see it more as a defense tool than just blades, as you said they originate from the ninja outfit so im guessing that its very useful against a bat or pipe or any long ranged weapon, plus its a tactical advantage, criminals wouldnt even see the blades in an alley in the dark so they might feel confident and attack first giving Batman the advantage.

This is a different Nolan Batman film, but have you guys ever noticed the opening scene of TDKR makes no sense? Does anyone on this board ever discuss this?

Which part about it?

What doesn't make sense about it?

Are you retarded?

it was dialing out to mobs to let them know people were fucking with their money....im confused on why you are confused

Well, when the Central Intelligence Agency agent says he called in a flight plan containing only one of Bane's men, Bane correctly calls this as a bluff. But later, Bane says "they expect one of us in the wreckage." Shouldn't they be expecting more than one?

Keep up with the thread, faggot. This has been addressed like three times already.

You misheard Bane there, don't worry its common since he's speaking through a mask

What he actually says is "They expect Juan Auvusen, the Wreckage Brother"

This means that the Wreckage Brother, Juan, was specifically expected and so he had to stay behind. It's a shame that he had to be sacrificed for the master plan, I'm sure he must have been useful with a nickname like The Wreckage Brother

The fact TDKR is so bad is the main reason its a maymay. Then people just started spamming it to fit in and get replies.

I think Bane knew that when the authorities discovered a dead body with a hole in the vein and some of Dr. Pavel's blood mixed into it and the wings of the plane hundreds of yards from the rest of the crash sight that they would assume there had been some sort of struggle and there had been casualties on both sides.

>I'm just wondering if this was the same one as Falcone's.

of course its the same, in the mob reunion falcone is sit in the center. hes boss.

learn to watch movies faggooooot.

You're not funny. Please stop.


what really bothers me is how late the joker puts his mask on at the start of the scene
the people in the van would definitely be able to see that he's the joker

you are the type of person that says: hey guys i just watched a movie, was it good?

but unironically.

>But why not just let the cops do it?
It was the mob, the reason why you don't want cops involved is because they will start an investigation and might find the money that shouldn't be there. If the mob has a majority stash in that bank then you want the cops as far away as possible or you might lose it anyway whether it gets stolen or found.

>Ewan Yurfrenzer dead!

What? Who is that? Some mob boss we never see?

It also doesn't make sense why Bane would choose his own brother as the one to be left behind in the crash. Like why not pick one of the other henchmen that isn't blood related to you to let be the one that has to die.

Do you have a fever?

Stop getting so angry.

the private number isn't to tell the mob to come save their money, the police are still called (they show up at the end of the scene as the schoolbus pulls out) it's to inform the mob immediately when something is going on with their operation at the bank.

Yeah or the people in the busy ass streets around him.

Why does the Mayor look like he just eternally has eyeliner on?

Please be bait

it's implied through dialogue they never met face to face with the joker, they only heard about the operation through cut-outs and phone calls.

Yeah but still, he's wearing clown makeup, something the Joker is KNOWN for.

yeah, that shit is weird. hes like that in all movies hes in.

But how would they know that? He had a mask on

Speaking of TDKR, when the new commissioner is chasing Bane and the robbers who have hostages strapped to him, why doesn't he just divert his resources? He has about a hundred squad cars at his disposal. But no, LET'S GET THE SONOFABITCH WHO KILLED HARVEY DENT!

>so why do they call him the joker
>I heard he wears make up

fucking idiots can't follow nolan.

snyder never had a chance...

The shit that bothers me the most is when the Joker cuts the mouth of the black boss.
Or at least it seems like he made a Glasgow smile on him. But he doesn't scream or show us anything.
Zimmer's music goes TAADDUUUM and the black man drops.

I assume the Joker really stabbed him in the throat or heart..

Why is this bait? Bane clearly says "They expect one of us in the wreckage, brother."

Why would he choose to let his brother die over the other henchmen?

the guy on the roof said that. Perhaps the guys in the car hadn't heard that he wears makeup.

It is odd but the other criminals could potentially be wearing make up under their masks so they know who to stop for?

Probably not, since they don't mention it.

They probably just didn't see his face before he put on the mask I guess, as odd and janky and unbelievable that is.

You're trying too hard.

nolan is a classic director. he has a no blood/gore policy in his films

>I heard
is different from
>I saw him wearing make-up
>Didn't you see him wearing the clown make-up?

which means they probably never saw him face to face.
He was wearing the make up when they picked him up and yeah they do drive up before he puts the mask on.

Another thing to consider is the people talking about the make-up are the roof top clowns who are not in the van when the joker get's picked up.


joker only burned his half

if they saw the joker they would probably be able to put 2 and 2 together
>the people talking about the make-up are the roof top clowns who are not in the van when the joker get's picked up
they're all on the same job so it's not a stretch to say that they know who the joker is

>the trilogy

It's a quadrilogy. The Gotham Knight animated movie, which takes place between Begins and TDK is in my opinion necessary to complete the full effect of the series. Seriously, not joking, it sets up a lot of mob stuff for TDK and builds up Batman's mystique. The overarching plot functions better if you include it during viewing.

they're all on the same job, but they also have different orders that the others are not aware of, like when they shoot eachother in the back.

It's possible that the guy on the roof top is the only guy who knows about the Joker's clown make-up shtick.

Jusy a little confused becausr if a clown cut open your cheek ou would probably scream and struggle..
It's ok. You can't analyze those movies too much there is no point. Just have fun.

>schoolbus drives in between other schoolbuses like a normal day (i assume the other drivers knew)
>'what the hell? Fire on the right side of the street? We better drive bellow in yhe tunnels, even through the LEFT side of the street was completely open and safe..' I guess he was a crooked cop giving orders.

it sets up Chechen and Maroni's gang war so you see how crazy it is that they're all huddled together in TDK but I don't think it's really that necessary.

What we really needed was a movie in between TDK and TDKR to set up some of the shit that happens there. TDKR is such a dense, confusing mess.

I feel like TDKR is actually a lot more lighter and base then the TDK was. The confusion comes from being poorly written rather then being complex.

He was trying to call it in with the agency

I don't know, I think Gotham Knight really helps set up how broken Batman's body is, which is a major plot point in TDKR. Pacing wise the series works better with it, too.
And I completely agree there should have been fucking something between TDK and TDKR.

His hair isn't green when he shoots Gordon, retard.

I thought that was just from the fall he took at the end of TDK?

I think we do get plenty of shots of Batman's body being pushed to limits he can't take already in TDK, namely the bit at the beginning with the scars and bite marks when he takes his shirt off and the overall fatigue he has after fighting the joker's henchmen, the swat, the joker himself with the dogs, and then having to deal with Two-face immediately with no breaks in between.
He's struggling to run and keep his compsure at the end when he's being chased by the cops

he's talking about the bank heist scene


What was the gas in the grenade he put in the managers mouth? Laughing gas?


Go and fuck yourself, retard.

It's just a smoke grenade.
The joke is
>give everyone a live grenade to hold onto
>put a grenade in his mouth and pull the pin so he can't stop it from exploding
>it was just a smoke grenade

the problem is that the grenade he puts in the bank managers is mouth is so clearly a smoke grenade (instead of the regular grenades the other hostages hold) that the pay off feels weak.

nobody was saying the joker doesn't have natural brown hair, the oddity was that his hair changes from brown to green during the bank heist.

They make masks with wigs attached. It's not that complicated

there is no wig attached to the joker's mask when he's holding it out in the street, and there is no wig visible when he takes it off.

Oh I'm an idiot then, I thought it was like tear gas or something.

also the hair color changes to green before he takes off his mask
it's brown throughout the whole heist and turns green when he shoots the bus driver


That's not what the Joker was doing.

Can we just accept that this was a fuck up on the creators' part? It's a widely accepted continuity issue, no point arguing it.

when did he flip his hair inbetween these two shots

mask cord drags it up and over

just stop

there's no time for it to do that, he makes no motion to do that, and the mask chord is in the same spot in both places.

if he moved it it would've been clear

I chuckled audibly

Why did they subtly hint at Riddler if they had no intention of using the character?

what the fuck is a mob bank

a bank that is controlled by the mob? i'm not OP, but i figured it was pretty obvious.

How is it so good bros

It ranks amongst The Godfather, Goodfellas and The Good the Bad and the Ugly

He just hated that guy