Now that the JUST has settled, what went wrong with the robocop remake?

Now that the JUST has settled, what went wrong with the robocop remake?

>Sam Jackson

Otherwise I liked it.

Horrible pacing on the first half.

I got a feeling that they ran out of budget at some point...

It was dull and the original was better.
If it was an all female remake it would have gotten more attention

It's a remake so it inevitably gets compared to the original. Not great but it was probably the best out of all the remakes.


Dull and uninspired. It didn't bring anything to the table that justified a reboot. It seemed like the only reason it was made was just to hold onto the rights.

It might not have been such a bad movie if they had called it Cop Robot, or something like that, but it's hopelessly trying to fill shoes that are too big for it.

Horrible pacing.

Also, they completely gloss over how the company was able to get Murphy's body. They say his 'wife' consented, but the level of modification were talking about usually requires court approvals and serious ethical issues.

It needed to be longer, with the entire middle and end rewritten.

Also, making Murphy's injuries a result of a car bomb instead of being shot to pieces was the worst PG-13 cash grab of the last few years.

It was boring

I liked the family parts of it and how Murphy was actually Murphy, rather than a Robot who thought he was Murphy.

Why couldn't they save anything but his lungs and brain, and hand though? That seems like bollocks

The biggest thing that annoyed me was you can clearly see that his head/face and eyes were damaged by the car explosion. (The hospital scans showing how bad it was)

Yet when they reveal him as the full robot, he has completely regenerated the skin and his optic nerves are completely repaired.

If they were able to do that much then restoring most of Murphy should have been much on an issue. (Then using normal prosthesis for his arms and legs)

>what went wrong with the robocop remake?

Same problem with every remake, it's not made by someone who had a burning passion to make something, it was made to bilk money out of stupid people. If you've ever bought a ticket for a remake that hasn't been a surprise hit to critics and the general audience, you're a fucking retard, and you're ruining movies for everyone.

Pg. But pretty much everything was terrible.

It was a total disaster.

Every single character acted against their own best interest at almost every point.
When they were going through the files they had a great candidate that was a conscious and willing quadruple amputee, but he was fat so they didn't let him into the program. Even though he'd end up being a head and lungs at the end.

>Lets download the entirety of the police database into this person's brain
>every step of the way the lead scientist says "we've never done this before, this is unexplored territory" yet somehow he is completely fine with it without even a small test run
>5 minutes before a press conference
>where there are so many cameras and important political figures that should have obviously known Alex wasn't acting remotely human
Luckily there was a criminal in the audience so they didn't have to address that at all

>Lets make him more machine like
>even when his wife is constantly contacting the media about how she isn't allowed to see her husband

The scene in the OP to me is the biggest point. It's not about a man struggling to remember who he is, instead we get a man who is overcome with grief for everything he lost. This scene plays on for a long time. It's just uncomfortable to watch a quadruple amputee vet crying and screaming as he realizes his life is pretty much over as he knew it.

This scene was handled so poorly that it really just made me want to walk out.

You're the reason why films are so fucking shit now, because writers believe they have to over explain every single plot point.

There is a rice paddy outside the factory and Chinese are still planting rice by humans

His suit looks absolutely shit, just a rubber costume stuck around his face and body. Peter Weller face literally looks like it's been sculpted onto a robot on the 1987 film, and his actual body is so slender that he can wear a lot of robot costume and get away with it.

>it was a valiant suicide attempt, brendan, but we cannot let you die
>your wife is still entitled to her alimony

Do you know how cheap labor is in china though? Any kind of simple cost/benefit analysis says that dirt farmers in the middle of china don't need to be replaced with robots.

Christ the cgi sucked too. None of it felt at all realistic. Maybe if they didn't put such a stupid focus on the importance of drones, and robot military forces, the police, and Murphy consequently, might've had more emotion.

>what went wrong

This post isn't even funny. You're just predicting the future. ;_;

Memorable characters who get killed by Michael Keaton

My guess as to why remakes these days are bad, has to do with home video. Since the VHS; when you could rent or even buy your favourite movie; all memmories of your favourite movie is day fresh. Before VHS, when you could only see the movie in the cinema, that movie you saw 30 years earlier is almost forgotten. Nowadays when studios decide to do a remake, the original movie doesn' feel that old, and it seems that a remake is unnecessary because the otiginal is still fresh in everyones memories.

How cheap is it in China ?

Anyway. They can't even hire some cheap Chinese farmers to act in the shot and have to use some fake ass CGI to do it.

Fucking kek gold

Good movie that wasn`t popular unfortunaly.
Public nowadays is dumb and has extremely poor taste, that's the reason why there are so many dumb anons defending muh quips, muh fun, and muy bright colors.

And Behold!

>>A New Meme is Born!

>what went wrong with the robocop remake

A lot



The part where they put Robocop together has some horror elements desu. I really like it. Wish they went full on horror.

>too much CGI
>shit villains
>shit action
>shit story
>shit satire

Katana didn't have his back

Yeah expecting continuity between scenes ruins movies

That's not Star Trek 09