The epic magician esque cool man or the akward beta gay sociopath?

Which movie also.

Willy Wonk thread.



Original >>> Remake
Wilder >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Depp

The first one obviously. The remake is an absolute festering pile of garbage. There's no question.

The original, but I would have preferred it if it was a bit closer to the books.

pretty cool, wonk...


Better movie - wilder
Better adaptation of the book - depp

Depp's performance was based on Michael Jackson. Tha's kinda fun I suppose.
The original is a better movie and a better portrayal of an eccentric billionaire with a mean streak.

I watched it quite recently after reading the book to my kid. I was surprised to find out the enter the factory at about the half way mark.
If you's asked me before that I would've guessed the factory was the bulk of the film.

I like both, also the book too.


That explains the melting faces while the dolls were singing.

I think they enter the factory 40 minutes in the movie in the willie wonka version

Some random blonde weird looking dude versus charismatic uncle like figure?

Hmmmm...hard to choose...

Wilder is a better Wonka, but Burton's movie is better.

The original never feels really magical and often comes off as cheap. Outside of the first chocolate river scene it all looks like a barely decorated set, and nothing that comes after the river ride is very memorable. The remake gets way over the top but captures the excitement of the book much more.

it's not a remake lol they're just both movie adaptions of the book

Splitting hairs.

Your wife's kid you mean

Depp's wonka is just the mad hatter

which is a shame because his actual mad hatter was terrible

this is the correct answer

Pretty sure it's mine.
I always insist her bull ears a condom.

The original is better but I unironically enjoy the Oompa Loompa songs in the remake.

Pretty sure the colour would be a giveaway

>Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory was filmed in Munich, Germany but the producers had a lot of trouble finding enough little people to play the Oompa Loompas. Sadly, this is because the Nazis had killed thousands of people with unusual conditions and disabilities during their reign of terror.

He'll be fine.


Why is this a question you have to ask?


I like both and I'm glad we got both.

top kek

Reminder that Roald Dahl fucking hated the original.

Wow! It's SO obvious now!!

The music in Burton's was a hell of a lot better. I can't stand the oompa loompa song from the original, and the only good song feels completely out of place considering the tone of the film.

I love the darker edge to Wilder's Wonka

Don't you talk shit about Pure Imagination, it's the greatest movie song of all time.

The 1971 film has aged extremely well.
It's funny, well cast, doesn't faff about.. I've absolutely no interest in seeing the 2005 one again