God daaaamn, arnie

god daaaamn, arnie

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Damn he is looking great. Can't wait for the new Conan movie.

I want to look like this when I'm 70.

all things considered he is aging fantastically

with his gf

I hope she's the one styling his hair differently. It looks good.

why does he insist on wearing those old man shoes?

Are those stretch marks on his biceps?
Or just wrinkly skin?

He looks fucking stellar

compare him to Bill Clinton, both 69 years old.

Because he's an old man.

Nice to see he's not with some 20 something bimbo. She's still too young for him, but at least she's middle aged (ish).

You surely meant to say "normal man shoes"

Did anybody else see that zombie movie he was in? It was probably the most interesting thing I've ever seen arnie in.

Your shoes are untied

someone shoop Chloe's face on his body

Cause they're comfy and he IS an old man. Guy just turned 69.

>Arnie will die in our lifetimes


damn arnold looks like THAT?

I've seen it. It was pretty decent to be hones desu

Once an alpha, always an alpha.

I'm glad he's back on the juice, the natty look never suited him

>She's still too young for him
Are you implying he should be dating a woman in her 60s?



>why does he insist on wearing those old man shoes?

Those shoes are hot shit this summer. Every girl has one of those.

being president >>> governor of california

stress wise.

>this guy is 69 years old and was on a heavy steroid cycle for 10 years and still probably takes tren/clen

just be glad he doesnt wear socks in sandals

I want to look like this now

Sorry arnuld, termuhdragonater ruined your reputation for me.

It was pretty much the exact opposite of what I was expecting but in the best possible way. The description of it I read went something like

>Arnold Schwarzenegger plays an ageing father who struggles to protect his daughter during a zombie epidemic in the US

I thought that they wrote it intending to be so generic as to be satirical, but it's actually because they want the tone to be a surprise.

I'm sure Hilary is sucking the life out of him, especially after the oral office fiasco.

what did he say to her

>he didn't fly so good

>"And that's where my home planet is"

Or something about repeating numbers. One of the two.

Arnie is beta as fuck.

OP is as gay as that sun is bright

check em

>Arnie could die before the final Conan movie

Basil is already dead

This gives me hope for a future of more Ahhnold movies.


"Yes it is."


>"Okay honey."

he looks like shit compared to Sly


fly ass nigga

He is a real life old Jojo

Yeah but at least he's taller than 5 ft

off to the Bada Bing, Sil?

Stallone is way smaller than Arnold. It's much harder to stay in shape and keep your body from falling apart in old age when you're 6 feet +.

>blue shirt
>camo shorts

Why the fuck is he dressed like an autist?

Kek, the Italian side of him shows.

lmao it's that word again

He's a big guy.

for you

>check out these digits

>Oversized leather shoes
>Royal purple silk shirt
>Tucked in a bling but discreet belt buckle
>Huge golden watch barely contained by his shirt
>Still alpha as fuck

He is oozing Italian it's amazing.

he's turning into a raisin

>tfw almost 30 and still haven't forced myself to get BIG

I have to get off my ass. Arnie would be ashamed.



>too young for him

Please, for the love of fuck, shut the fuck up.

Men and women are not and will never be equivalents. What some 50 year old broad does has no relevance to what a 50 year old man should be doing.

Women are attracted to older men for a fucking reason, you tired old bitch.

Amazing what a set of hair plugs can do.

He does look like he's in beast mode though. He has to make Conan soon.

Because he needs to help tom cruise win at blackjack

rippin and a tearin

Crying shame his shoulders and arms aren't as thick as they used to be, otherwise he's back in amazing shape.


>"... and when that day comes we'll hang them all: Right up there"

Arms are pretty good. Delts are hard when your his age. I reckon his rotator cuffs are pretty sore given his training history. They can just pad them a bit for Conan.

You really think he got hair plugs?

Yes in fact I do


Hey I love that show
The trashman and the mute midget