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Television and Film #729
Television and Film
What is the most popular television show of all time?
What did he mean by this?
Misogyny Squad
Essential Hackman
Reminder that Tim Burton achieved in one movie what Nolan failed to achieve with an entire bloated trilogy
Meet a girl
ARRIVAL teaser
Am I the only one who thinks the DC movies have been better than the first few Marvel movies so far...
Can he save comedy from the likes of Sam Hyde and Eric Andre?
Is Sup Forums looking forward to Captain Marvel?
The movie industry is gonna be on trouble when capshit movies die right Sup Forums?
Remember when Man of Steel was the "rocky start" to the DCU and everyone thought they would learn from it and make...
Amy Adams starring in a Denis Villeneuve directed space movie
Wtf im a pedo now
The Rock Slams Male Cast-Mates On Fast & Furious 8
Quick without googling, what is this actor's most known role?
Why does The Flash need a bike?
The Nice Guys
She deserves better than flop Spiderman. Cast her in DC or Marvel universe
ITT: Post your top 5 horror films
Can someone please explain why this shitty terribly written terribly acted show is getting such high praise...
Who's the big guy now?
Life sucks. would you agree?
Why don't you numale cucks ever talk about this show...
Who else is /bibble/ here
I used to watch this guy all the time, now I only see him as a shallow hack of a critic...
What are some good romantic movies?
Go into the theater
Peep Show being developed for a US remake on Starz
Was this movie kino?
The Big Lebowski is a shite film. Prove me wrong. Protip: You can't
Whatever happened to the #oscarssowhite movement? Everyone stopped giving a shit...
Scream General - New Episode Tonight Edition
Why are Marvel Villains so forgettable?
What are some examples of actors/actresses losing their shit, engaging in awkward interviews etc
There are people on this board RIGHT NOW who unironically like capeshit
What went wrong?
Death Note Cucking
Its joe rogan talks about memes for 10 minutes episode
Two more women allege assaults by Bill Cosby; total now 60
Who was in the wrong here?
I totally forgot this existed and have never seen it
Impressive how HIMYM could be such a comfy show when the main character was so deeply unlikeable
Whats the best way to watch films in the shower...
Lost verticals?
Webm Thread
Is the quality of streaming movies on Netflix/Hulu better than the average pirate download?
This show fucking sucks
Yaddle tales Star Wars spin off movie confirmed
I need a list of good "funny & stupid" movies
What was his best film? Do you miss him?
Luke Cage trailer
Oh man... if we don't win this pod race we're going to be stuck on this planet forever!!!
Just marathoned stranger things
What's a honka honka?
Did he do it?
"I'm as good as House!"
It has a slower pace that some people probably wouldn't enjoy but i do because i'm intellectually superior
How would you have fixed her, Sup Forums?
Do you think she can save MTS3K?
What is your favorite Karl Pilkington moment?
Find out they are making an american version with bryan cranston and kevin hart
People keep asking if he's back
Where the heck's a MEW thread when you need one?
Name me a one(1) interesting black villain
In 2009, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen was the first movie to show footage of President Obama
Describe the MCU and DCU with one word
Congratulations! You have been selected by the Queen of Naboo to be her must trusted advisor...
What's your opinion of her?
What was this character's endgame?
Luke Cage Main Trailer
Is there a valid reason to use explicit sex scenes in a movie or does it always cheapens the movie and should be...
Hey Sup Forums please give me the scariest horror movies you know
90s movie
ITT: Films that were better than you expected
What are some movies that broach the dangers of overdosing into borkdrive?
What happened to European cinema?
Sorry edgelords, but this movie was awesome
When Joker plopped down into his plush VIP seat...
Are there any movies worth watching with director's commentary?
Asian/white is the best mix for actresses
How would the joker react to this?
Whats this goobers beef with sam hyde?
Ba Da Ba Ba Bah, I'm Lovin' It!
DCfan here
Is her character literally the worst of the entire movie?
Just broke up with my gf
Women shouldn't have to face consequences for bad decisions: the movie
So is the new season opener episode kino?
Is he the new Josh Trank?
Characters have sex
How was that take Chris?
Do you guys think Nolan's Batman movies would have flopped, sabotaged, media raped if they came out in 2016?
Remind me what this woman is even famous for again?
This looks fucking stupid
Is this the most an actor has physically done for a role?
Is season 8 ultimately the best season?
Main characters own a big house and write for a living
Actors have no right to be depressed
How come I haven't seen Benoit act since 2007?
I truly feel sorry for Jared, I could feel his power in the movie, I could imagine all the effort he put into this...
ITT: Critics not afraid to tell it how it is
Just saw an early screening of this
Is there a SINGLE good movie released in 2016 so far!?
Will Sup Forums finally admit that GotG is an awesome movie?
Trouble on the set of Fast & Furious 8
Since when do we let sjw nu-males tell us what to think?
Pure kino-sci
Still holds up as the funniest modern comedy and you've gone full retard if you try to dispute this simple fact
As soon as this post 404's...
Why did the less popular version of the office get a movie?
Netflix's A Series Of Unfortunate Events has wrapped filming
Why can't I find any discussion about tonight's episode?
Hey, user! Wanna join our study group?
What's the opposite of kino?
Twin Peaks - Season 3
The Aussie-born Hollywood star worked out with trainer Andie Hecker for three hours a day, most days of the week...
What was this group called again?
"I miss you too dad."
What's his fucking problem?
This show is getting better and better. I laughed my ass off at the last episode...
What are some movies with tomboys in them? "Some Kind Of Wonderful" is one of them that comes to mind
/bb/ Big Brother 18
Why is her face so flat?
Why the hate? Really felt comfy and the cast was great
What's next for her career?
Hey user! Want to go to the movies with us?
Is this the most Jewish movie ever made?
What's his fucking endgame?
On a scale from 1-10 how godly was this show
Does Seinfeld take place before the Star Wars prequel trilogy or during it?
What's the best episode of any tv show ever?
So as a film lover (and student), and space lover (and former aspiring astronaut)...
What if mom wanted to freak?
Suicide Squad made a huge $65.1 million at the Friday box office...
Any other films with very little dialogue ?
Admit it, you have seen more than five episodes of this
What does Sup Forums think of this guy?
Kehlani - Gangsta (From Suicide Squad)
ITT: directors who's first movie was their only good one
What was this character's endgame?
1. Your favorite movie
Is this essential kinder kino?
Go to the dentists
What do you think about her acting skills?
/swg/ Screenwriting General
Forget for a minute that he's a faggot and you're an edgy teenager. Do you think he could write a decent Superman movie?
Is Batsinthebarbell youtube kino?
Did this movie deserve all the hate it got?
Was Orlando Bloom always known for being this openly grabby?
What do you think about her body of work?
ITT: We write awful Simpsons episodes
Should have been Wonder Woman
Write show about a smart liberal progessive son in law and his dumb bigoted father in law
What are some good horror movies that will scare the bejeezus out of me? No meme flicks please
Top 3 Favorite Movies
I have seen about 30 movies this year, and this is my favorite...
Characters that actually made you angry
Zack Snyder shares new Justice League photo
Post a picture, others recommend a movie based off the image
What is the most disappointing thing you've seen this year, Sup Forums?
Come on Sup Forums. It's cherry
What is this stance trying to convey?
WTF i love her now
What would today be like if Seinfeld were it made?
How can Marvel even compete against this?
/stg/-Star Trek General
You're 10 years old
Wtf I want to kill Trump supporters now
Riding citibikes
Why was diversity back then less "Cringy" and "Faggy"
Critique a movie negatively
Tfw you will never see Mr Plinkett's face
Iron Man (2008)
If he would cut out the pot and get his shit together...
How does Sup Forums feel about Cecil Trachenburg (a.k.a goodbadflicks)?
We haven't had a good adult swim thread in a while
Does david lynch in the hollywood satanic elite?
This piece of shit doesn't hold up at all
ITT:Movies only YOU have seen
Why doesn't anyone expose hacks? or are they simply not aware
I think I'm in love with Enchantress
/bb/ Big Brother 18
/BLG/ BLACKED General - porn is film too edition
How do we fix film criticism, Sup Forums?
The female lead of the last movie you saw is now sitting on your face. Thoughts?
Is idubbbz youtube kino?
So what went wrong?
Babysitting your wife's daughter
Go see star trek beyond you shit taste/meme loving turds...
Which is the best Sandra Bullock kino?
Is this out fit age-appropriate?
General Zod: Levels Smallville and Metropolis
What was the best "quiet" scene in this show? No shootouts, no showdowns, nothing "epic," or "badass." Just good...
Just catched Groundhog Day here on TV in my country .. and I'm wondering...
Is Jack our guy?
Why is Marvel always so BTFO'd?
Power Rangers Thread
Oh my god what happened to Daisey Ridley?
What was his problem?
Why didn't anyone tell Jared Leto that Will Smith was the star...
What's the furthest an actor has gone to research a role?
ITT dead memes
You have been appointed CEO of Warner Bros
Are there any movies/kino/film/cinema that everyone on Sup Forums likes?
What the fuck???? what a fucking bitch
What the fuck are his powers?
RLM rejects any association with YMS?
Suicide Squad, Original Version
Eternal /got/ general
Thanks Scientology
Post adverkino
What's the consensus on Tim Heidecker?
This show was fucking great. Is season 2 as good as season 1?
Is anyone else excited for David Simon's new show 'The Deuce' starring James Franco and Maggie Gyllenhaal?
Post the best movies about apocalypse you've seen
/lbg/ - LetterboxD General
Why is the Arrowverse a much better adaptation of DC properties than the DCEU?
This is a private conversation
What's the sound they make?
Channel Awesome TGWTG Thread
/BLG/ BLACKED General -white bois mad edition
Lmao Leto on suicide watch
True foodkino
What is the kino pet of choice ?
Say hello to new Ivy
ITT: actresses/actors past their prime
What are some other examples of a kino masked as a flick?
6 writers for a spider man movie
Best Disney villain coming through
If Bucky killed Iron Man's parents in the past then why is Tony still alive in the present...
Decide to watch Ghost Protocol and Rogue Nation
Who else thinks the humor behind Leela and Zapp's relationship to be gross?
What is the scariest horror movie?
Doctor Who General - /who/
Holy shit this was comfy
/bb/ Big Brother 18
What am i in for?
Reusing Sabotage in your main trailer making you look like complete unoriginal retards
Why is this the best movie ever made?
We need a team to fight superman-sized threats
How can the black man compete?
Would you die for me?
The new Superman and Wonder Woman, do you approve?
Hey white bread, here's your snacks
No bachelor in paradise thread
Who will play her in the inevitable biopic?
Would you fuck?
Spoilers: WB Doing A Soft Reboot, MOS2 Details
Anyone want to talk about the first two Terminator movies with me?
Has oatmeal gone too far?
5 > 4 > 6 > 7 > 3 > 1 > 2 is the only non-meme ranking
The Night of
How do we get rid of Sup Forums?
Why was he with CIA?
Is this kino?
How could the EMH and Kes still be friends after the EMH refused to kill Tuvix?
How could Peter Parker even say no to this?
[ Tropical Music starts playing ]
Where does a psychologist learn kung-fu with the strength to knockout demonic zombies?
I bet you idiots eat popcorn during a flick
Why don't millennials like watching tv?
4 year old cousin comes over
Does it really bothers you that WW is not that good looking?
Would you defend Hitler, Sup Forums?
A reminder that The Joker is a literal cuckold in Suicide Squad
Suicide Squad
Post characters yelling and screaming
Please, step forwards. May I have the password?
Will the hero win this time?
So, how would things have gone down if he didn't encounter Guts...
My that...leeeegal?
You don't have to go to work work work work work work
This is a 9/10 in America
Joe Rogan is the best podcaster
Favorite actors
/bb/ Big Brother 18
Copyright infringement?
Why are there so few black woman x white man couples in tv/ movies?
What does Sup Forums think of Jared Leto's version of the Joker...
.webm thread
What's the point of doing so many takes?
What does Sup Forums think of dead actors being used to sell products?
Can somebody explain why Jupiter is on the Seinfeld logo?
Is this kino?
Movie thread
ITT: Christ kino
Man of Steel 2 announced,ZACK Snyder
Its starting soon
Why can't we have cool, badass black actors like we had in the 80s? These guys were awesome
Naked Attraction in 20 minutes on Channel 4 (UK)
Seriously is there anything this woman can't do
Does it live up to the hype?
How could any of you actually enjoy this movie with all the blatant race-mixing and cuckoldry propaganda going on? Sure...
People experiment when they're young, get over it
Would you be a vampire if given the chance?
ITT - genuinely sympathetic bad guys
Was this the return of Kaijukino?
Assassins creed
Is she the most beautiful woman to ever grace Hollywood?
People shitting all over the place about this movie
Hey Sup Forums, give me a solid movie about society and/or drugs...
Why doesn't he have social media? :3
17 years on the island
Name a better fight scene. Go on, I'll wait
Halfway through prisoner of azkaban and chill and she gives you this look
Has there ever been a bigger fall from grace?
How come there's almost no steampunk Sup Forums?
This is going to be summer's comfiest movie
What did she mean by this?
Let's see
Is this cruisekino?
Really makes you think
How do i sell a screenplay
ITT: Pretentious hackfraud movie reviewers
MDE: World Peace
Who will play her in the inevitable biopic?
What was his motivation
/stg/ - Stranger Things General - Friendship Forever edition
Nathan For (You)
Warner Bros. Puts ‘Man of Steel’ Sequel Into Active Development
Who here /mischief/ at movie theaters?
There are people on this board who unironically think this man is a good director
Just another cloverfield kino
When does this show get better? I'm halfway through season 1 and for a crime drama not a lot is happening...
ITT: Movies/shows people pretend to like to feel smart
Justice League Two Being Delayed And More
How does Sup Forums feel about this kino? One man against the mainstream media
What's next for her career?
/film/ can be achieved. Not as a board, but as an approach
Why DC fans cant accept this movie is generic capeshit?
How does it make you feel that we can NEVER have a Hillary Banks character ever again...
ITT: Androgynous characters
My penis hurts after watching this movie
Paul Feig Has No Plans To Remake Any More Classics
ITT: We thank people of color for saving DC Extended Universe
Uhhhh should i be worried?
It's a Truman eats like a pig when he's alone pretending to be Denethor episode
Let her go, I'm the one you want!
Tell me Sup Forums, which was the best season?
She's our frog. Sup Forums's frog
Death Note General /dng/
About to watch Suicide Squad
Who would you rather see get hit by a bus: Lena Dunham or Amy Schumer?
Was this a good death scene?
Why does anyone like this dumb slut? What did Don see in her?
It's a "Someone tries to convince Riker that everything he knows is a lie" episode
If Sup Forums is allowed to have sfw hentai threads should we be allowed to have sfw porn threads?
44 years old
Is Sup Forums excited for Luke cage?
DB Super
Am I missing something or is this overrated shit?
Ugly emotionless career woman
Homer Sexual?
This was a decent action movie
So, what did Sup Forums think of the J(uggal)oker?
How the fuck did this get past quality control?
Who's the Gary Johnson of Television & Film?
/got/ general
Favorite BBC shows?
No more RLM or capeshit threads
What are your favorite interracial couples?
Best conspiracy films?
Batman Begins
What he did mean by this?
Suicide Squad” star Jared Leto said in a recent interview that there’s so much footage of the Joker that was cut...
Explain this, Sup Forums
What's happened to comedies?
What's your favorite Simpsons episode?
I like Leo as an actor but how come he never actually emulates the voice...
Can you really see her being called Matoko, Supposedly they're going to give her slanty eyes in post
What?!!?!, No way
Did everyone forget about the Baywatch reboot yet? Are all the Daddario posters in jail?
Free kino is rapidly not becoming a thing anymore
As a kid, I hated Lois
It's amazing how an Extended Cut can make you care so much more for all the characters
Is star trek worth seeing or is it plebshit?
Tfw hollywood is phasing out physical media to make you buy films and tv shows digitally at inflated prices
Watching the ultimate edition
Half in the Bag reviews Suicide Squad
Why is asking for /film/ such a taboo?
This movie was fucking terrible. Can someone explain to me why it's so praised and renouned?
Once you take off your nostalgia goggles, Attack of the Clones is one of the best Star Wars movies
Can DC be saved?
Who would you cast?
How to fix Suicide Squad
What are some movies where the bad guys ultimately win?
You know what Sup Forums; you are wrong about the Star Wars prequals being "bad...
Favorite Louie eps?
3 > 6 > 5 > 4 > 1 > 7 > 2
Let's be honest for a sec: this shit aged like cum. It's pretty much unwatchable at this point
Literally movie about war criminal who killed millions of people
French here. I've just heard of John Oliver
ITT: Characters that remind you of yourself
I didn't go to film school, I went to films
Captain marvel will be hard to watch
What do you think of YMS's best kinos of 2014 list?
Sopranos overrated
Is this supposed to be a good thing?
No meme. What is his actual fucking problem?
British female comedian: "O MY GOHD I AM SO AWKWARD" *starts screaming and acting like an autistic retard throwing...
BoJack Horseman
White spiderman
Is anything other than Mr. Robot (which I have already seen) from this list watchable?
Recent movies nobody remember
Are the bibble novels still canon?
There's a disturbance in the communications, we must have negotiations!
Predator 2 & Predators are way better films compared to Predator 1
Whats your honest opinion of DC Universe
Now that the dust has settled, how do you rate it? Is RT's score accurate?
It's STILL better than every marvel movie ever made
Yfw you realize Nolan's Batman trilogy is part of the Friday universe?
What does Sup Forums think of him?
Why did they make Killer Croc so aggressively black?
Reminder that Tim Burton accomplished in just one movie what Christopher Nolan failed to do with an entire bloated...
Oh boy, look at that
Vulgar, Mean and Sexist: 6 Ways ‘Suicide Squad’ Is the Donald Trump of Superhero Movies
So why the fuck was it essential for claire to raise her own baby? was it ever explained?
Half in the Bag - Suicide Squad
He makes a good point
Why are indie films always so depressing and deal with family issues?
Is this the most reddit show in history?
Legitimately the worst film I've seen all year
How did this annoying faggot ever get famous?
It's an American version of a British show episode
I re-watched Bridge to Terabithia again and didn't feel too sad this time. Do you lose emotion as you get older...
Ramsay doesn't know what a masterpiece looks like
What did he actually do wrong?
Big brother season 18 /bb/ /bbg/
If Firefly was so good, why wasn't there a Firefly 2?
List of actors Patrick Wilson is worth more than:
Did he make them proud, Sup Forums?
Just saw this. Are there any more as comfy documentaries out there to watch...
Where does this rank in all time acting performances?
Vice Principals
Associated Press is reporting that Bill Burr has been cast as Holden Caulfield in the big screen adaptation of JD...
What movie do you blame for the explosion of capeshit?
I dare you to name more comfy shit than S01 of pic related
This is the average sucide squad hater
Is this the best sam hyde video?
What are some good films that explore our last moments as human beings prior to death?
What are your favorite Sup Forums memes?
2 Broke Girls
They're going to play the race card and this shit is going to get a 98 on RT I fucking know it
Go to wikipedia
The Office - Was Pam being selfish?
Was it Kino?
What's next for his career?
Live in small, quiet British town
Movies you have some real life connection to. Pic related, my dad was an extra in Starship troopers
What if Seinfeld was about muslims instead of jews?
/stg/ - Stranger Things General - El game edition
If it bleeds, we can kill it
Shere Khan did literally nothing wrong
They both approach a childish genre like adults — and that’s what annoys the Marvel kids...
Why didn't they just run to work?
Cultural differences
What is Vin's best role?
Who should play him in the biopic?
Hitting the gym ,bro, wanna come lift with me?
Finally got around to watching Grand Budapest Hotel
Great. Definitely not
Why is this site specifically Sup Forums so obsessed with reddit?
Is this show comfy or cringey? What does Sup Forums think of weeds?
What do you guys think about Kristen Stewart?
Why can't DC make a decent movie?
Beef is haram
How did Sup Forums change your real life?
Unexpected Kino?
Does Sup Forums have good taste in movies and television?
What went wrong?
ITT: GOAT sports movies
Times where the critics were objectively wrong
Fuck Superman
Why do Sup Forumss hate Daisy?
ITT: Goat episodes from any series
Lex Luthor has cunningly manipulated the protagonists of the last two movies you watched into a duel to the death
He literally did nothing wrong
Which movie would be better to watch tripping on acid? Memento or The Butterfly Effect...
/bbg/ Big Brother 18
Solo bat
Do Sup Forumscucks know how pathetic they are constantly forcing their shit on other boards?
ITT: God-tier female comedy actresses
So I'm finally watching 2001. What am I in for?
Ok I just rewatched the movie for the first time since it came out...
Pretty disappointing
How do we fix Sup Forums
Star Trek Beyond's three week domestic gross
Le stranger things blowing up
Why the fuck would you try to thrust with a lightsaber...
Be most directed Olympian of all time
Show aired today where is the torrent?
What's next for her career ?
I dare you faggots to name a single television show more cozy than TNG
Why hasn't there been a Bioshock movie?
DC vs Marvel
I'm a tits guy
Any good Chinese films?
Everyone ripping on SS
Is Sup Forums's meme power waning?
Wake up and see this
I dont understand why everyone loves Rick and Morty so much, yet China IL hardly ever gets talked about
You know, I used to hate Jimmy Fallon, but I've grown to respect how apolitical he is compared to everyone else...
ITT - Films That Everyone Forgot Exist
She's gonna be great
Kill him
Patrick wilson appreciation thread
What mental illness/illnesses must one suffer from to do what he does?
If you could fight any actor who would you pick?
What's this expression and JJ's dutch shot trying to convey?
Suicide SquadSets Box Office Record Because We Don't Deserve Better Movies
ITT: Underrated movies that helped change the landscape of cinema
We should talk about MEW. MEW is good
What was this expression trying to convey?
Rate the seasons faggots
KotOR movie when? Wasn't this being made way back when?
What's this face trying to convey?
Are you fucking serious?
Just got finished watching Season 3
So if you could bang one actress while in full character costume, who would it be?
DC studio executives need to stop fucking with the films
Name a better writer than Shane Black
This costume isn't really flattering for Ben Affleck...
Blue Lagoon
Sup Forums BTFO
Why is this film so underrated?
There's no bigger plebfilter than Bay
I'm fucking tired of forced love interests in movies. Why does every fucking movie have to have one...
Is cuckoldry mainstream now?
Adum Plaze in a RedLetterMedia episode when?
Is JLaw old news now? What happened?
Post yfw you realize Dunkrick is actually about this absolute madman, psychopath, smiling in the face of death
Ywn operate with Sasha Cooper
In Harley's fantasy of her and Joker together, they were normal people with a family
What went right?
Ayer Film the most comic book like Joker ever
Fuck off Leo
Who's tuning in?
Anyone excited for The Founder? Also general biopic thread
ITT: Movies you sometimes forget you saw
Has your biggest fear been portrayed on the big screen ?
Why is he so fucking small?
Whatever Zack Snyder may have become...
Should I bother watching this film?
Million Dollar Extreme World Peace
What was his fucking problem anyways?
Mermaids of Sup Forums
/bb/ Big Brother 18
I'm watching Mad Men for the first time. I'm at episode five of the first season. This gets better... right?
Seriously, how do you go from this
Who is the intended audience for this show?
Should "Half in the Bag" be cancelled?
Why does every YouTuber sellout for Loot Crate or when they become popular...
Go to theater to watch BvS
This show has no right to be as good as it is...
What went wrong?
Don't mind me, just posting the best Suicide Squad member
Why does 9gag love Suicide Squad so much? Every other post there is about how good it is. Are they right?
Boring and too long, her nude body wasn't even worth it
I just wanna hold hands with her, guys
Hory shet
Jesus Christ that's
Civil War
Anyone else love to trash movie theaters?
Conan the Barbarian (2016)
Yes sir
I just didn't think-
When will he be revealed for the hack fraud that he really is?
Would you eat a guy if it was the difference between life and death?
Eastern Promises
If her grades aren't good enough for ivy league, white people that shit
Well, are you?
Sup Forums has been nothing but BvS threads all year
The Seagull centers on the romantic and artistic clashes between fading actress Irina Arkadina; fresh-faced ingénue...
/swg/ Screenwriting General
What really happened on "The Nigh Of" ?
Am I the only one starring at her ass the whole movie?
There are people
It's a Sup Forums episode
It's out
Is American media aware of different UK accents (i.e. Scouse, Liverpudlian...
Is pic related any good? What the fuck kind of name is that?
/bb/ Big Brother 18
Is this the best scene in all of comic book history?
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Why would Jay take a picture with these fucking plebs?
YMS TOP 10 2014
So... so you sayin
How come no child actor has topped her performance in Leon?
ITT: Actors that look like you
Is this the best short kino ever made? It was a well known fact that Kanye is musically the Chopin of our generation...
Dark Comedy Films
What is Sup Forums's opinion of this show?
Suicide Squad 2016 720p BrRip x264 - AN0NYM0US
A Jew can only beat a white man in a race by cheating (twice)
What films perfectly capture the slow descent into madness brought on by isolation and depression?
Why do I have the strangest desire to fuck this fat whore Sup Forums?
Harley killed Robin?
Things plebs will say
Why couldn't he see shitty people as being horrendously ugly?
Jeremy Jahns and Angry Joe give Suicide Squad their second highest ratings
Whats a good movie about car crashes?
Was this better than the peter jackson hobbit trilogy?
Tim Heidecker
Who are the worst tripfags on Sup Forums?
What would it take from Season 2 onwards to make this show on the same level as Breaking Bad, Lost, Mad Men, etc.?
Christopher Nolan Will Reportedly Crash a Vintage WWII Plane For ‘Dunkirk’
Right, I need 2 risotto, 3 wellington, 2 salmon, and 2 bass!
WTF was Lynch thinking about?
Movie has no villain
Can he really be the best Bond if half his films are shite?
ITT: talentless actors everyone loves
ITT: post what you're watching RIGHT NOW
Name 1 movie from the 10s that will be talked about in the 2060s
Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
True fact
I just marathoned Contagion. What did I think of it?
I don't get it...
WTF I want to fuck Margot Robbie now?!!
Worth Watching?
What is Sup Forums's consensus on The Suicide Squad?
Hardcore History
Best, worst, or just ok?
Wanted to stop mudbloods from diluting wizard culture
Movies women will NEVER understand
What was his superpower?
Was he evil?
Wtf I hate the alt right now
Dr.Pavel; I'm CIA
Actors you forgot were dead
No really, apologize
He is just a regular gangster in this, how could he compete with fucking Batman?
Will the thin red line be an influence on Nolans' Dunkirk?
Is SJW and feminism movement a good thing for film or a bad thing?
What a fucking cuck
/neon/ general
Why isnt she an A-list actress?
Which side was right?
Where were you when Marvel was BTFO'd?
If Tom Cruise was a detective he'd be Tom Clues
Was this movie supposed to ruin love for me?
/sg/ - Scream General - 2 Nights Until Tuesday Edition
Mr robot thread
Your Favourite Film Directors
There will be a Hollywood version within 3 years
What's the messiest food you've eaten in a kino?
How do we get rid of Sup Forums?
Who /bibble/ here?
I know
What went wrong?
With the movie officially confirmed, let's have a thread for the greatest tv show of all time
What did she tell her, Sup Forums?
What is The Money Store of television and film?
350 word essay due friday
Phantom Menace for 6 hours
Was it funny?
Any YouTube channels that are kino?
Sexiest actor and actress to exist?
ITT: Celebrities that browse Sup Forums
The Sun has fallen out of orbit and is going to crash into the Earth...
Is this youtubekino?
A rebellion can do only one thing
Has anyone seen this movie?
What is Orlando Bloom working on these days?
Ding ding
What was her fucking problem?
What's some essential documentary kino?
New Spoony content
How much viral marketing do you guys think happens at Sup Forums?
Is this the best series ever made?
/bb/ big brother 18
Why don't they just use the force to turn off the other guy's Lightsaber?
What are your thoughts on the Multicultural Seven?
ITT: Actors who should have played the Joker
Seriously is there anything this man cant do
World Peace Premiere
How do we get rid of Sup Forums?
Yes yes, well done singles, well done singles
Have you had an actresss you're still hopelessly in love with even though you know they are way past their prime?
Why does hollywood hate him?
Sup Forums likes this sjw, nu-male, cuck
Let's play guess the movie Sup Forums
Is this kino?
So I just watched this. It's American Psycho, except it's English Psycho, and at least 2x better than American Psycho...
Late 90s Brit Flick
In prison, dinner was always a big thing. We had a pasta course and then we had a meat or fish...
Sup Forums's opinion on this?
Neighbor is always sitting outside and wants to have small talk when i leave my house
Now that the dust has settled, we can all agree this scene is a perfect 11/10 right...
ITT: GOAT female characters
Thoughts on the use of body doubles in film and TV, including the now common CGI doubles or digital nudity?
Early 2000s teen flick
Death Note General /dng/
Let's end it once and for all
What did he mean by this?
What the fuck Marvelbros? We were supposed to be win this. Why did we lose?
Why so tryhard?
So what's the verdict? Was Billy out of line?
Now that the dust has settled, what's the Sup Forumserdict?
Thoughts on this movie Sup Forums...
Why the fuck doesn't this culinary genius have his own food network show yet? is america not ready?
Why is Dustin so based?
Sup Forums patrician survey
Did anyone above age 13 enjoy this 2 hour long Family Guy/BBT special?
We have no rodeo clowns in Yell County
How long do we have to wait for the new episode of half in the bag? I'm so bored
Just Marathon'd the first 2 episodes and I'm not sure what to think
Thoughts on Brendan Fraser
Can somebody explain why Jupiter is on the Seinfeld logo?
I've had a shit day
Why has he abandon us?
ITT: Characters who are literally your dad
Are you a Alien or Aliens person, Sup Forums? I may or may not like you depending on your answer
The Wise
Opinions on Armond White?
To absent friends
Bellatrix vs. Snape
ITT: Moments that took you out of an otherwise good show or film
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...