No meme. What is his actual fucking problem?
No meme. What is his actual fucking problem?
Rumor is that hes being recast so this is all moot
>I am the joker
>I am the joker
>I am the joker Hunka hunka!
>says this 10x in the mirror each day
>interacts with strangers by laughing like major pain
>more hunka hunka outburst
>tells some random stranger "hey i AM the joker"
>rides on his hipster fixie bike, with his emerald green hair singing "hunka hunka"
>goes to sleep, murmmuring "hunka hunka"
What you people don't realize is that Jared Leto is actually the role, and the Joker is his real identity.
Why recast him when they can just make him Jason Todd and introduce a real Joker
Isn't that the plot of a recent Neal Adams comic? It's called "Europa", I think, Batman and the Joker trek across Europe. I don't know the exact plot.
>please put me in any scenes you have fucking please tell me you are doing something with this character
I'm okay with this.
Hinting at him being robin perhaps. Even though it's confirmed that young joker killed robin I think it's obvious for the non simple minded faggots that he was speaking as a double entendre.
The emergence of the jokers personality killed what was left of robin after being tortured to the point of a damaged piece of shit of no return and batman allowed it to happen, failing robin.
By allowing I mean failing to prevent it.