Does Sup Forums have good taste in movies and television?
Does Sup Forums have good taste in movies and television?
no, the only board who has good taste in its medium is Sup Forums
Not anymore
hmmm what did he meme by this
Sup Forums is is shitposting central
>Sup Forums
>good taste
Yes, they do.
What is our opinion? Is it any good? Do I agree?
>that picture
Lord please have mercy on my sides
I do.
No. This place is 90% shitposters who don't give a fuck about the subject matter and 10% people who think they care but they haven't bothered going at the most maybe 2 steps beyond IMDB-core.
I don't get the joke. It's like somebody just googled 'movie posters' and put the results together. Where's the humour?
its just shitposters and autists. anyone with any actual cinematic knowledge is on reddit
Is that actually true? I've tried looking there before and the discourse has been pretty weak. There's about as many if not less actual ideas floating around. The only real difference is that shitposting is replaced with inane circlejerking.
I feel like the opposite is true. in coparison to othe boards, Sup Forums has surprisingly good taste in movies and quite a bunch of smart posters who can express their opinons well.
any board that appreciates and understands prometheus, for example, displays good taste.
9/10 posts on Sup Forums about Prometheus are shitting on it. And 50% of the positive ones are probably me. Sup Forums's taste on the whole seems pretty fucking awful from what I see.
Sup Forums knows their shit backwards and forwards if nothing else.
Sup Forums probably has the sharpest taste out of all the big communities on the internet about videogames. Of course minor forums populated by 30 grand-elder neckbeards each are going to be better but considering size Sup Forums is good.
/lit/ is overrun by memelords but when people actually discuss literature it generally isn't bad.
/m/ is pretty divided on pretty much everything but the discourse is generally solid and trash doesn't tend to get discussed at all.
And that's it for the boards I know. Of them all Sup Forums is the worst by a fair bit. /lit/ is falling hard but still not Sup Forums bad at all.
I'll consider Sup Forums redeemed when it's actually possible to have a serious discussion of an Armond White review here that gets beyond 30 posts.
Sup Forums has only good taste in waifus and feet
It did before this place got taken over by Sup Forumseddit.
Now all anyone watches are shitty comic book movies that they play in the backround while sperging the fuck out and engaging in twitter wars with literally whos.
you liked Prometheus? like, no trolling?
/lit/ is getting raided by illiterate Sup Forumstrash
it's getting worse each day
Of course. I think it's the best piece of science-fiction to come out of Hollywood in god knows how long. Possibly even one of the best.
Interstellar was an empty mess of a movie, The Martian (book) was the most disgusting excuse for science-fiction I've ever seen so I haven't bothered to see the movie yet, Gravity looked like gimmicky nonsense so I didn't bother their either.
Did I miss anything good? Are any of those worth seeing?
>Sup Forums - superheros and twitter posting
When did that board get added? Hiroyuki's doing some strange things apparently
Is it a genuine raid? It seems to long for that. I thought that the place is just genuinely getting dumber.
When discussion is good at reddit, it's really good.
However, it's impossible to guarantee anything when you post something. So I just read over old posts.
Some of them are great though. Great responses to philosophy posts too. Well read, careful responses.
The likes of which are never seen here.
Even when people make well-informed and interesting posts on Sup Forums, they're always riddled with resentment and post-shitposter stress disorder.
Ehhh, I still don't think so. I actually tried Reddit once and quit in disgust after what couldn't have been more than a couple of months. That upvote system is like (you)-farming x1000000000.
I've heard that TCM forums are all right. Maybe that could work better.
>Is it a genuine raid? It seems to long for that. I thought that the place is just genuinely getting dumber.
For whatever reason a small portion of Sup Forumsweenies migrated there
They unironically type "redpill me"
It's kind of fucking sad....I really hope /lit/ won't suffer the same fate as Sup Forums
>They unironically type "redpill me"
I highly doubt that. I don't think anybody's sincerely used the term 'redpill me' in a long time, but then when was the last time I looked at Sup Forums?
The impression I get from all the trash threads on /lit/ is just that they're fucking with the regulars because it's so easy to do. Threads opening with Sup Forums's 'Easter?' frog get dozens of replies even though the OP image is synonymous with shitposting.
I think /lit/ posters just need to stop bumping retarded threads.
/lit/ used to be goat
i still enjoy /his/ in small doses despite its meme-ness
i know it's quite niche but if you're into anything /tg/ related, it's seriously one of the best communities on the internet.
/his/ I don't mind every now and then but their fixation on endless shitposting wars on infinite variations on 'wewuzX' is annoying. As is the focus on the Byzantines/Rome. It's so boring.
i like rome threads, they're pretty comfy. i also like some of the philosophy threads. it's not a regular visit for me. it's like /an/, if i'm in the mood for particular content that's where i head
>philosophy threads
disgusting, do you think anybody on this site has actually taken the time to study the subject enough to have anything to say? It's all a bunch of teenagers who skimmed the wikipedia articles arguing over what they don't even understand.
dude, trolley dilemma answers is probably the best meme to come out of Sup Forums in a long time. as far as i know it is completely native to /his/.
i know next to nothing about philosophy so i find it easy to follow along with people who are first year university students spouting shit off, but mainly it's the humour i'm there for. i don't think anyone comes to Sup Forums to learn. just to rage, meme and if you're lucky you might get a couple of people in your thread who are knowledgeable on the topic.
I'm pretty sure trolley dilemma came from the /lit/ philosophy threads before /his/ was a thing. It's pretty funny seeing how people apply it to stuff but I don't think it redeems the threads.
huh, i didn't realise, would make sense though given board creation dates.
trolley jokes obviously don't redeem entire threads, but the cavalier attitude and Sup Forums sensibilities applied to some of the most intelligent thoughts ever conceived by man, will always be entertaining to me.
if you are able to critisise the philosophy you are obviously more educated than me in the area, but like i said i'm not there to learn. i find /his/ to be far more on topic than other boards and most people to be at least marginally informed in the area they are shitposting about.