How much viral marketing do you guys think happens at Sup Forums?

How much viral marketing do you guys think happens at Sup Forums?

Even Sup Forums is quite aware that they have shills among them actively promoting products yet I rarely ever see Sup Forums ever pointing out this possibility.

Is it still viral when the mods are in on it? There is hard evidence of Disney and WB paying them off for TFA and BvS in the form of spoilers stickies(which hasn't happened for anything since the lost era) whilst also letting everything else new being released get their things spoiled during the time the threads were up.

Then theres also that game show about nerds, youtube "celebs"
thats about it really

We had "The Nice Guys directed by Shane Black who is the same director of Kiss Kiss Bang Bang" shills here. It was very blatant and obvious.

It's extremely noticeable when a cape film is coming out. The amount of Captain America threads was relentless when that movie was coming (the third one), then it decreased significantly after the movie opened. It's so obvious and you're a fool to think it doesn't happen. This board gets a shitton of visitors so shills will obviously find it interesting

its internet marketing period. The term viral marketing implies someone other than people being paid to do it are paid to do it.

>thinking Sup Forums is big enough to matter

shills go to twitter and reddit

a lot. baneshit, GoT and star wars tfa first set of fake info coming from here first put this board on the map.
the leaked negan footage that was first posted here was also dmca'd by AMC.

>shit marketers say
They post everywhere they can as much as they can.

Sup Forums has always been the "underground" market and the success of products due to the support of this website is not something to be ignored. marketers are smart. they know this. hell in the COPS thread yesterday there was a guy literally gauging people's interest in a COPS blu-ray collection set.

>post your favorite [whatever]
>whatever you watched last will be your waifu! whatever you watched before that will try to steal your waifu! :O
market research

>Sup Forums BTFO! MOST SUCCESSFUL MOVIE EVER!! [middling numbers]
flat out marketing

>waifu threads in general
talent agency spam