Live in small, quiet British town

>live in small, quiet British town
>someone is brutally murdered every week

Other urls found in this thread:

it could actually be IRL
if the perpetrators were brown

>be famous detective
>sudden rash of murders whenever you appear somewhere
>implicate someone through contrived circumstantial evidence
>move on to next victims

Marple/Poirot etc were clearly serial killers.

I think they were responsible for a number of towns and villages in the same county.

But still it's probably the only rural county in England with a murder rate equivalent to a Central American city

top comfy

When will they finally outlaw spoons?! I bet all the perpetrators didn't pay their TV licence

>investigate unsolved deaths/murders in Philadelphia
>half the black suspects literally dindu nuffin

Generally at least 3 people are murdered a week according to the show, sometimes more

its the weather. Brings out the worst in people

>Get accused of murdering someone based entirely on circumstantial evidence and supposition
>Instead of just denying it sperg out and go on a tirade about how you did it and why they deserved it