People keep asking if he's back

>People keep asking if he's back..

Other urls found in this thread:

Back on drugs?


He fucked Mai waifu then beat her

Meth is a helluva drug.

literally who

Was he ever off the drugs?

>some old fart trying desperately to look cool and pretend he's some kind of rock star

So is there anything new to Johnny's divorce case?

Did this Succubus won?

he's literally becoming Jack Sparrow

His hairline hasn't got long left.

Nigga he's 50. If he was gonna lose his hair it would have happened two decades ago.

He would still look good in that sleazy old guy kind of way if he lost some weight.

This is what happens when you spend the majority of your career being best friends with Tim Burton

That guy is definitely an Earth Rocker.

The emo scene kids from early 2000s myspace called johnny...

they both won attention. he had several reality show appearances and has been cast in several movies since, she's rejuvenated her own "career". i wouldn't be surprised if they quit the charade and got back together.


what is the context and meaning of this video?

pirates 6, 7 confirmed?

somethings happening to do to do with court, no idea what..

he already won by not showing up last month and touring, and she was refused spousal support.


Do you have to be a musician to be an Earthrocker?