Conan the Barbarian (2016)
Wow the african race sure have beatiful features
Where's bone coming trough his nose?
reminder he fixed is fucking teeth
Still better than that Momoa cunt.
Robert E Howard literally thought niggers were subhuman. He did describe Conan as being Brown though.
I always thought Conan was based on the Germanic barbarian hordes that terrorized the Romans/Greeks
I remember this failed meme
Same, maybe he meant tanned?
>Howard imagined the Cimmerians as a pre-Celtic people with mostly black hair and blue or grey eyes. Ethnically the Cimmerians to which Conan belongs are descendants of the Atlanteans, though they do not remember their ancestry. In his fictional historical essay "The Hyborian Age", Howard describes how the people of Atlantis – the land where his character King Kull originated – had to move east after a great cataclysm changed the face of the world and sank their island, settling where Ireland and Scotland would eventually be located. Thus they are (in Howard's work) the ancestors of the Irish and Scottish (the Celtic Gaels) and not the Picts, the other ancestor of modern Scots who also appear in Howard's work. In the same work, Howard also described how the Cimmerians eventually moved south and east after the age of Conan (presumably in the vicinity of the Black Sea, where the historical Cimmerians dwelt).
this is from wikipedia, but no sources attached
i always connected Cimmeria to Sumeria in my mind, but i guess he's Celticish
>Howard thought niggers were sub-human
Smart guy
Conan was black Irish (Iberian). Howard explicitly said Conan is white.
Careful you don't cut yourself on that edge user
Niggers are sub-human you retard. They have no Neanderthal admixture and are less evolved than the rest of humanity
Interesting, thanks. I wonder if there is any direct source from Howard himself.
Save for the oversized forehead, this is dead up what I imagined Conan looking like.
>less evolved
This is a meaningless statement if you're trying to say one race is better than another to be quite honest family.
He's Atlantian, Howard described them as brown in Solomon Kane.
And this
>less evolved
So those black scientists, the Ethiopian Empire, the Kingdom of Kush, black lawyers and politicians are just Jewish lies then?
His novelettes explicitly called Conan white in at least 3 stories. He was supposed to be a symbol for Irish pride, not some magical brown bodybuilder like the later portrayals.
Yes, seeing as these "empires" were nothing more than trading pacts and short-lived tribal confederations. Black lawyers are extremely rare and politicians don't have to be educated in anything to get into politics. Bernie Sanders was some 40 year old welfare whore when he first got it.
This isn't reddit you fucking faggot you're not going to harvest karma with this pathetic virtue signalling. There are exceptional people in every fucking race but it is undisputed reality niggers are shit tier people. Sub Saharan Africas had to have the fucking wheel explained to them
The wheel. Something you pick up in five minutes in a game of civilization.
Any society comprised mainly of niggers invariably turns into a pile of shit. Look at Detroit.
Howard described Conan as 'bronzed by the sun', not naturally brown.
He makes very clear racial and ethnic distinctions in his writing.
Bronzed. He described Conan as bronzed, as in tan. Claiming Conan wasn't white is like claiming the same of Hermione Granger
>Sub Saharan Africas had to have the fucking wheel explained to them
What are you referring to here?
wrong meme retard
>Thus they are (in Howard's work) the ancestors of the Irish and Scottish (the Celtic Gaels)
Great digits. He means when Europeans showed up in Southern Africa the natives hadn't invented the wheel yet
Who's this fine german?
Literally WE WUZ logic.
>the Kingdom of Kush
Fucking faggot
>they make a straight up movie of one of Lovecraft's works
>It's The Street or The Rats in the Walls
Thanks, but is there more to the story? Specific peoples? I would guess the terrain there was probably too fucked for anyone to consider using wheels, or maybe they didn't have enough domestic animals for the wheel to be useful enough to drag big things around. Or yeah, maybe they were just dumb.
Sorry m8s but this will always be the best Conan in my mind
>tfw Lovecraft's childhood pet cat was named Nigger
>just Nigger
The best part of the last reboot was how he and the entire village were white people and then he grows into a huge Hawaiian dude.
It was more amusing than all the bizarre ethnic diversity in The Bastard Executioner.
Let's give it up for the original CIA!
"Was getting of the boat part of your plan?!"
The "politically correct" version of the story is that Africa was such a land of bounty the noble African did not need to invent the wheel. Or agriculture. Or even writing.
Germanic fantasy is Lord of the Rings
Conan the Barbarian and Game of Thrones is Celtic fantasy.
>not frazetta
How can you fuck up this bad?