Say hello to new Ivy
Say hello to new Ivy
No thanks, the cheeks fucking ruin it, I dont like round faces.
She grew up sexy. Wasn't she only a kid like a season ago?
178 cm
>Its a young Poison Ivy
>"We need to make her wear green"
new girl, this one is 5'10, cat will probably be at tits height
>it's a young batman
>we need to kill his parents
jesus christ
thx for higher res
Did they do a timeskip
6 months i think
>poison ivy age progression mutation scene
>Hey Selina, like my new tits?
My dick can't take it anymore. Will Bruce finally get his first erection because of her?
No one has even come close to pfeiffers cat woman
i wouldn't be surprised if this is happening
Can't new Ivy wear that sweater too? It's cute af
Fuck me do I wish I was taller than 178.
All these tall beauties can easily tower over me with heels
I want to see her make out with margot robbie
Yeah, killing Batmans parents when hes a kid is a pretty important part of his life. Making her wear green isn't really necessary to her character. I understand its just a promo shot of her, but I really hope they don't just have her constantly wearing green throughout the show.
Actually I don't care, I've never seen the show and probably wont watch it
I feel bad for the cunny desu
What a yummy looking woman
>All these tall beauties can easily tower over me with heels
did you forget pic related?
Im shocked the jews in hollywood didnt cast leslie jones as the new poison ivy.
>Actually I don't care, I've never seen the show and probably wont watch it
Watch famalam it's actually really good,specially Season 2. Just keep in mind it's a alternate universe so you don't get pissed at the fact the villains shows up before Batman does.
>we need to kill his parents
That's the biggest mistake this show did, imo, would have been better to see a show with Thomas and Martha Wayne and Bruce before he was on the path to become Batman. But oh well, I guess they needed to do this to make the conspiracy plot, but I don't see why not they couldn't use Thomas for this instead of Bruce.
They made the right choice. Hopefully Jessica Lucas survives as well, so there's lot to see next season.
Yeah I've heard its good, but I still need to get caught up on Arrow, and I still have yet to watch The Flash. Maybe eventually I'll get to it
Mami :(
it's infinitely better than arrow/flash
Is it the same character as the little girl from like the first episode or whatever, who they literally named "Ivy" because the writing is shit, or will this be an actual Pamela Isley?
It's definitely not.
t. cuck. Flash is acceptable to compare but if you like Arrow you should kys.
None of them are any good at all, but Gotham has the most hilariously bad writing of the three shows and it was shit literally from moment one of the pilot.
No it's not you alienpedowaifufag
Because its about Bruce becoming Batman, not the life of Thomas Wayne. His story doesn't begin until his parents die, so why on earth should the focus be on what happens before then? The show made the right decision.
Didn't they already have a kid ivy?
>unironically liking current arrow
whats your fav episode? i like the bee one xD
she'll probably have a dedicated arc in this season
>>unironically liking current arrow
I stopped watching arrow.
Earlier seasons were still better than gotham which is a meme show for pedofags.
That's what makes it hot tho
The most gayest Bruce Wayne ive ever seen.
Only in fantasies. These women won't even look down at me.
So will she still be hanging out with Selina Kyle? Will she be retaining her young mind even though her body has been advanced?
Flash is dog shit. It doesn't feel like a comic book show, it feels like a drama for teeny boppers.
The killers of the week episodes (95% of both seasons) are dog shit. It's the same formula. Barry get's his ass kicked, returns to the labs, they devise a new strategy / device which will allow him to win, he goes back for round 2 and defeats the killer of the week. The killers aren't even interesting, it's the most boring, unimaginative shit you could possibly imagine. A girl who can control bees, a man who can create doppelgangers, how many times have had someone who is just really strong? I swear we've had about 3 or 4 of those so far. The only good killer of the weeks were Mark Hamill and the clock keeper guy, whatever his name was. Ironically these two characters weren't meta humans with superpowers, they were just normal human beings, showing a charismatic actor / good writing is all you need to pull off a good villain.
Harrison Wells was a great big bad, shame only 3 episodes focused on him while every other episode of season 1 was a killer of the week episode. Everything outside of the big bad / killers of the week is cringy drama for teeny boppers. Love triangles and the most forced "so quirky and awkward" dialogue you'll ever hear. Zoom was a fucking awful big bad.
Fuck The Flash and fuck it's retarded fanbase even more.
I'm 186cm and what is this?
Season 1 was shaky but the overarching story was great.
Season 2 is literally GOAT. They've nailed the camp noir stuff perfectly. Unlike The Flash it actually feels and looks like a comic book show. The production design is insane, the lighting is gorgeous, could literally pass for a movie. When you watch The Flash it doesn't feel like a comic book show, it feels like a typical teeny bopper drama on CW. The sets and cinematography are so bland and dull. It's like a soap opera.
The casting for Mr Freeze, Hugo Strange, Penguin and Riddler is amazing.
>they made his name E Nigma
How old is she? Asking for a friend.
28 year old playing a 19 year old whose character was 13 years old last season lol
The last one is a 14 year old you sick fuck
>178 cm
>Fuck The Flash and fuck it's retarded fanbase even more.
Let me rephrase that. If I'm not a pedophile waifu fag is this actually a good show?
Gotham or DCEU?
You fucking manlets need to shut up. 178 isn't that tall.
28? What the actual fuck?
How are they canonically going to explain her "growth spurt?"
Honestly they should've just killed the loli and introduced her as her big sister taking up the loli's mantle
When she's in 5 inch heels and standing on my balls, its pretty tall
keep em coming senpai
how are they canonically going to explain why I want her to "shove her foot in my mouth"?
Shut up
why do you feel the need to rephrase? you seem confused
if this was marvel they would have cast an asian or nigress for diversity or some shit
>The series also will catch up with the future POISON IVY (Maggie Geha), who, after an encounter with a monster from Indian Hill, finds herself reborn as a young woman who’s harnessed the full power of her charms
I guess we'll see Poison Ivy hypno-terrorizing Gotham
You also forget
Yes, they are that out of ideas.