I re-watched Bridge to Terabithia again and didn't feel too sad this time. Do you lose emotion as you get older? In 2007, I remember being super sad when she died..
I re-watched Bridge to Terabithia again and didn't feel too sad this time. Do you lose emotion as you get older...
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She's my waifu so I watch this film every year. I get pretty depressed in the week leading up to watching it, and I'm a fucking wreck for a month after. It never gets any easier for me.
I stopped watching when I found out it was an after-school special instead of the fantasy film that was advertised.
When I find out I was bait-and-switched by a fucking film trailer, I shut the movie off immediately and ask for a refund if I purchased it.
That's how I felt every time I watched this film. I couldn't bare to put it on some days even though I knew what the outcome was going to be. Now I feel depressed knowing how fast time has passed. It's a shame ASR isn't doing much nowadays.
In this case it was a much better film because of this trickery. I only watched it as it was on tv at christmas.
I'm old as shit and the only things I feel anymore are anger and fear. I only come here to anonymously vent my anger on faceless internet people. I get called Sup Forums a lot, which is weird.
I hope you weepy faggots die in a fire.
>You kids all have a plan, you all have it figured out. Everything is just perfect, everything comes through in the end. Well guess what, shit head? It DIDN'T come through this time. Your friend Leslie, the googly-eyed idiot? Went and got herself fucking dead. DEAD. You think THAT was her "master plan"? Tell that to the river who ate her up. Cry all you want, but all the "happy endings" in the world aren't bringing Mrs. Magoo back.
My God. This was a KIDS' movie? I know they're dealing with some dark themes and all, but did they really have to put that scene into Bridge To Terabithia?
I've learnt a lot from Sup Forums. Maybe that's why I don't feel much anymore. Like now I realize the family could've just moved out of their huge ass house in this film instead of moan about the costs at the beginning.
I feel fear, anger and crippling loneliness. My life never took off. I can't enjoy anything anymore.
nice copy pasta
>do you lose emotion as you get older?
yes. men below 25 are basically women.
The death was a shock that's why.