Who would you rather see get hit by a bus: Lena Dunham or Amy Schumer?

Who would you rather see get hit by a bus: Lena Dunham or Amy Schumer?

I would fuck Schumer's fat face and asshole for hours if it meant Dunham got trucked.


Lena Dunham because at least Amy is fuckable.

Easily Lena. Amy is unfunny and irritating but Lena is genuinely everything despicable in society right now.


i like lena dunham's pear shaped body

Lena would probably be hot if she lost at least 30 pounds, she's got a good figure underneath the fat. Amy in the other hand is just all around ugly, pig faced.

i would castrate myself if it meant that I would get to watch lena dunham be slowly tortured to death

Lena for sure
Amy didn't molest her younger siblings with pebbles

Lena - she's just a spoiled brat who's mommy & daddy got her a TV show to get her out if the house.

Amy has at least told jokes in shitty comedy clubs before getting fast-tracked to stardom.

Plus a bus hitting Lena would make a hell of a sound.