Which movie would be better to watch tripping on acid? Memento or The Butterfly Effect? I've never seen either one and out of all the movies I have that I haven't seen those seem like they would be the best choices.
Which movie would be better to watch tripping on acid? Memento or The Butterfly Effect...
Fellowship of the Ring is best movie I've ever seen tripping. Seems like it'd be a much better choice than those two.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.
If you do the right amount of acid, looking at anything on a tv screen will be not that great. Seriously. The wall will be more interesting.
But if you're just doing a bit, watch Microcosmos. It's on Netflix.
this. neither of those sound good to trip to.
LotR, Pink Floyd's The Wall, The fucking Matrix. anything but you're two choices.
Don't be faggots, which one of those two would be better? I'm not a huge fan of LOTR and ESotSM looked retarded from the few minutes I saw of it.
Monster House
Labyrinth, Evil Dead 2, Spirited Away, literally anything but those two.
I've done acid many times and watching a movie on it is great as long as you don't do fucking 10 tabs for it.
The Wall was great tripping, I've seen it on acid and mushrooms, The Matrix was awesome when I watched it tripping, and as I've said I'm not a huge fan of LOTR. And I want to watch something I've never seen before, you guys keep giving me shit that I've either seen or have no desire to see.
Amelie. You don't have to like the movie, but the visuals and score are on another level. Turn the subtitles off if you can and don't do a dub.
Just let it happen and thank me later