He has the best Joker laugh in cinema history.
True fact
He quacks like the Penguin. Sorta Ace Ventura if you know what I mean.
It made me cringe.
Are you implying that the Joker isn't inherently cringy?
I really felt that Leto was very good but script was just SHIT. Honka honka made me cringe too..
Dark Knight makes you forget the cringe while you're watching it.
Joker is meant to be funny, actually funny and scary at the same time. This joker was just cringe all the way through.
>Ace Ventura
All I could think of when he was on screen
I liked Hamill's laugh more but Leto's laugh made me think of these mechanical teeth from Arkham Asylum which was a nice touch.
I heard this scene is not even in the movie. Is this true?
Hamil's laugh has no competition and probably never will
Sadly it is true.
highlight the numbers, press ctrl+f, type "9"
>Joker is meant to be funny
The only person who finds the Joker funny is himself. That's where the scary part comes in. Hes insane. Hes laughing at shit that is hilarious in his mind.
The Joker isn't funny. He thinks he is. He's a walking cringefest.
I kept doing this in a pub, everytime a friend made me laugh, people were fewmin.
im stealing this
He was pretty good. I liked him. He really felt more unstable than Ledger. Like Ledger had a plan, no matter how crazy he seemed to be. Leto seems way more unpredictable.
Its true, along with quite a few other scenes of him apparently.
The only thing that remotely makes me care about this movie is Harley, specifically her butt.
she doesn't have one
what in the world is wrong with DC movies?
Why do they continue have director/writer combos that result in abortions?
Casting(minus casting will smith, terrible idea) and actor performance is the only decent thing in their movies, but they can't save a terrible directing and writing
I remember when before Heath's death he was stoned and mocked for his laughter and portrayal. Now it's a meter of paragon and THE ONE TRUE JOKER. I remember people being what the fuck is this shit at this and he was made fun of until she kicked the bucket.
Hamill is THE Joker. Leto brings a modern but very similar take to the BTAS version. There was just to little to get into it properly, he was mostly there to propel Harley, which is fair since it's Suicide Squad and not a movie about him.
That's not Mike Matei
Then why did sjws and numales complain about it?
The hype was on as soon as the trailer dropped. There was still broke back banter but people knew he'd be good before he died.
Blindness is a problem user
Ledger's was better
fuck i do that
I'm not saying he wasn't good, because he was. But the dude was lambasted and his death brought him to sainthood.
flat as a pancake
Heath Ledger's Joker was atrociously bad.
He kept gnawing at the fake scars on his face. Did he think people with real scars do that? Probably not. He's just a shitty actor who couldn't pretend for 5 minutes that his scars were real.
Only children think he was any good.
Awww, a contrarian. They're so cute.
Aww, a toddler who wasn't around for any pre-Nolan batman.
Not him, but Ledger was the least Joker of all the Joker in history. Comics, BTAS, you name it.
Nolan created an original character.
Projection and parroting, even cuter.
hi YouTube
Your autism may lead you to believe otherwise, but sometimes people just have a different opinion to you user. Have a juice box and you'll feel better.
The real problem was Ledger's bad acting.
Tommy Flanagan has real Glasgow smile scars. He doesn't gnaw at the insides of his cheeks and lick the sides of his mouth.
Ledger couldn't go a single scene without fidgeting with his fake scars.
People with real scars don't fidget with them the way Ledger did.
This movie brought a fun idea funner aspect into play in my opinion
people are complaining that harlequinn's jokes are cringy-worth and poorly timed, saying that it isn't any good. The joker's jokes are really funny either.
i doubt they did this intentionally, but they may have stumbled into something
Shouldn't the joker's and harley quinns's jokes be really fucking bad and poorly delivered?
Neither were a successful comedian, they are always laughing at their own jokes, and they always want to inappropriately make jokes about everything. There aren't too many depicitions of these characters, or the joker, where people are constantly chuckling or laughing at any of their punchlines. There are hardly any moment where some one laughs at any joke they make. They are always uneasy, or don't find it funny.
Wouldn't a joker and harley that have the worse comedic timing and cringe-worth jokes make a more effectual joker and harley?
I don't think i ever want to see a joker do a joker with good timing anymore
>I'm completely up my ass
i have psoriasis and pick at my scabs all the time
Joker doesn't have psoriasis scabs.
Maybe because he was crazy and not because of the scars, no? Also the Joker's scars looked a lot worse than this guy.
I always liked Heath's at the end of DK.
>Ledger couldn't go a single scene without fidgeting with his fake scars
you mean the joker did, which is the point, he isn't normal, it was heavily implied that those scars were part of what made him crazy
how do you know this?
Maybe because he's a bad actor who had shit stuck to his face that he couldn't stop fidgeting with.
Leto was an ok Joker, mostly because I didn't get to see ALL of him.
Ledger, Nicholson and Hamill will always be the best
Ledger played with the silicone that was glued on his face.
In character it would be scar tissue. People don't fidget with scar tissue like that.
this is some real homoerotic shit
Sounds like you're projecting instead of judging things based on facts. During movie production Nolan told the actor who would have impersonated the deranged Harvey Dent to avoid licking his lips or doing weird "clicks" while talking to people since Ledger's Joker was already gonna do them, so it's related to the crazyness and not the Glasgow smile.
Maybe you'll do better next time.
>NORMAL People don't fidget with scar tissue like that
again, the point is that the joker is crazy
>Ledger played with the silicone that was glued on his face
no shit, unless you wanted him to get a real scars made
Here's Tommy Flanagan doing an interview. Note how he doesn't lick the corners of his mouth or gnaw at the insides of his cheeks.
You can't be really this stupid as to believe people can't "stop" doing something inappropriate while filming a movie. The reason why Ledger kept fidgeting is because it was part of the weird psycho character not because he couldn't avoid touching the makeup.
>Shouldn't the joker's and harley quinns's jokes be really fucking bad and poorly delivered?
Just look at BTAS: cringe overload, and it's fine because they're like that. They find themselves funny but they're not and they're actually kinda sad in their attempts.
Joker is SO CRAZY he acts like an actor fidgeting with his silicone skin adhesive?
Brilliant. Simply brilliant.
He did it was because he was a bad actor who couldn't imagine what it would be like if his fake scars were real.
He thought having scars on your cheeks is like having silicone glued to your cheeks.
>He did it was because he was a bad actor who couldn't imagine
Blah blah blah
boring now.
>YouTube memes
Newfags outing themselves this summer, as if it couldn't get easier.
who is Mark Hamill in Mask of the Phantasm?
You just don't have anything to say because Ledger's acting in TDK was indefensibly atrocious.
>smacks lips
>licks lips
>smacks lips
>licks lips again
>Heath Ledger's performance as Joker in "The Dark Knight" is a masterpiece from all points of view.
I think if he was given more screen time and a better script, Leto's Joker would be up there among the best.
But really, blame the movie. Hamill, Nicholson, Ledger, and Leto all brought something unique to the character. I've liked every portrayal of Joker so far.
Don't let silicone-tard hear you bro.
the fuck
user you misspelled worst
It sounds like a creaky door
I took as the Joker intentionally trying to draw attention to his face. He knows the scars are disturbing and wants people to look at them.
Yes I know Ledger just found the makeup to be itchy but it worked for the character IMO.
Ledger joker was good and its not like philosophical joker isn't a thing in the comics I mean look at killing joke.
>joker isn't funny
nolanplebs must go
Tyler Durden had a better laugh in Fight Club
Do you eat them? I do.
nah, i'm scared my stomach or intestines will get psoriasis
This is bait, right?
Yeah, most people realized and left by now.
lol, u mad bro?
reddit likes him
that's all there is to say
Probably, every post on this board is either bait or contrarianism.
Mark Hamill best Joker. Heath Ledger best Joker on screen. Stop memeing.
Summer is real holy shit. This is facebook tier.