just marathoned stranger things
just marathoned stranger things
It really is a wonderful show, meant to be binged like most shows on Netflix.
what a strange thing to say :^)
is this pedocore or just normie scifi?
A little bit of column A, a little bit of column B.
I liked it. Kind of ET meets Half Life 1 meets Close Encounters
meets Alien meets Nightmere on Elm Street.
(That will make sense once you watch it.)
Like half life?
I'm gonna watch this now and if it's not I'll fucking murder you.
It's not he's just kidding.
Its not even close to half life retard. Its more like silent hill, the creature is literally first boss in sh1 and the changing world is like silent hill 2
I've heard Stranger Thingsā¢
Careful. We don't like things here. Likers get shunned.
Excellent show
Hey guys, I heard this great show is not on TV?
Where can I find this amazing show?
the child actors are very talented. Pedos will make anything that features good child actors into pedocore. Pedos are disgusting.
>Where can I find this amazing show?
Hey fellow 4channer!
This wonderful show can be seen on NETFLIX, and the best part is, it's streaming, so you can binge watch the whole show!
Definitely worth signing up to Netflix if you don't already have it!
Both of you guys are idiots. It's a 40k television show, through and through.
>Definitely worth signing up to Netflix if you don't already have it!
Thanks Anan!
I'll look into signing up for Netflix! It's really cheap!
It was ok
Agreed. Netflix has the best original shows you can't find on networks or especially Amazon.
stranger things have happened
Do NOT sign up for Amazon video friend. They make you PAY for everything... there are no decent free shows with the service.
11 isn't dead, r-right lads?
>tumblr art style
Thanks guys!
I'm definitely choosing NETFLIX.COM for my video viewing needs!
With great shows like "Stranger Things", I'll be comfy for weeks!
>lel, references
You didn't catch those obvious blatant death flags throughout the whole last episode?
b-but the box
>Agreed. Netflix has the best original shows you can't find on networks or especially Amazon.
Stranger Things is the best show streaming right now.
Well worth the netflix subscription alone.
Do you guys really believe this meme? That Netflix would actually bother to viral market their shows on Sup Forums, the board that loves pirating so much it has daily threads about how to replace KAT?
She's clearly alive, also the monster is either still alive, breading via larva, or wills becoming the monster.