Oh boy, look at that.
Another ""patrician"" show that has an interracial pairing, what a (((coincidence)))!
Oh boy, look at that
get laid and you'll stop caring about this retarded shit
What is this from ?
Pic related, The Knick - best show to ever air. Really made me think.
delete this
damn, now i miss the weekly oj threads
they were comfy af
>sucks at her job
he can have her
Except the 'will they?/wont they?' was a part of the narrative in real fucking life.
We get that you were born at the ass end of the 90s, but please shut the fuck up and make something of your life. It's getting sad.
Also, take notice of the OTHER interracial relationship in this show, based on real fucking life, the blonde gets stabbed to death and nearly decapitated by her ex-husband. Almost like they wove the Will They/Wont They to juxtapose.
God, teenagers are the fucking worst.
This shoehorned relationship aside this show was GOAT
underaged detected
Any credibility the show has goes out the window once something like this happens. Whether or not you approve of interracial relationships is irrelevant; a woman being a black man was very uncommon and extremely looked down on. But once again, the writers feel the need to insert 21st century characters and views into a period drama. This is why I don't watch period dramas made after 2000.
except this happened in real life
you better go back to Sup Forums.
How's it going fellow patrician?
>don't watch period dramas made after 2000
you are missing out then; Boardwalk Empire for example is the most perfect depiction of any decade ever on tv
did this have clive owen in it?
>we can't have interracial
>all have to be about the white man
Fuck off back to Sup Forums, scummy.
Boardwalk Empire was terrible. It did exactly everything I described. The writing itself was awful too, but that's a different matter. It was after watching BWE that I decided never to watch any historical dramas.
no it had Clive Warren
There's less than 1 billion of us and you keep trying to breed us out more and more, fuckface. Knock it off, we deserve to mate with our own women, not you.
you've never even had a handy lmao
you know how she said she got raped in italy?
well they changed it for the show and she was really raped in israel
You tell him brother!
Is OP upset because there are interracial couples on tv or just in general?
he probably just got cucked