Does it live up to the hype?

Does it live up to the hype?

The cats slitting the dogs throat was pretty good. I also liked the part when they knocked out a poodle and dropped it off at a Chinese restaurant. It's was funny when the cook sliced the dog from stem to stern while it was still alive.

It was surprizingly good to be honest, just not made to be seen in a cinema.

Should be a direct to dvd

I laughed during the Chinese restaurant part. Did you catch that Easter egg of the children locked in small cages in the background? I wonder what Sonnenfeld was trying to portray?

Saw this instead of SS and it was a excellent choice.

It's meowingly delicious


Why would Kevin Spacey do this?

That's really depressing

Forced to after being caught balls deep in the tight, pink, sweet asshole of a fourteen year old twink.

Kevin on suicide watch

I'm honestly curious why any of them did this. How does a movie like this get made? It's not based on a book or a cartoon or anything, it's obviously not original or good, and it doesn't appeal to children at all.

It could be that Spacey himself was determined to make a kid's movie where he turns into a talking cat, and he was the driving force behind this movie. Actors do misguided vanity projects like this all the time. "I always play creeps and murderers, I want to show off my fun, sensitive side" Makes more sense than any other explanation I can think of

Better than any DC movie. But then again thats not really hard to do


>amy nicholson is the positive review

Who actually uses RT anymore

shitposters and hipsters

Me on the far left. I marked myself with "Me" just in case you forget which one is me.

i hav seen this 9 times

I was legitimately hoping that there could be at least a semi-decent cat-themed movie.
Guess I'll have to settle for watching the garfield movie again.

House of cuck sequel?

how am i supposed to know if the movie i just saw was good?