Half in the Bag - Suicide Squad
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Cool, I have that Jurassic Park making of book
>they compare it to FF
so 2015
mike needs to lose weight, its aging him prematurely
it was a good comparison in that they were talking about how it's obvious there was executive meddling. Context vs content, faggot.
>its aging him prematurely
what do you mean? he's like 45 years old.
He's 37
>30 minutes
do you not get bored after 5?
why do you faggots listen to these talentless decrepit alcoholics babble on about shitty blockbusters for 50 minutes?
jesus fucking christ
They're trying too hard now.
I thought it was kinda weird how they described the audience as freaks like that's a criticism of the movie.
Like, to an extent you can be annoyed by the fanbase of a particular thing, but you can't just use that to add even more ridicule of it when it should be judged by its own merit.
I see that happen all the time here when people start shitting on something because its core audience is tumblr users or something. Normally someone will pipe up and say the audience doesn't matter.
No because its this or moviebob, and fatty dont wipe.
He's 40, same Rich. Jay is 2 years younger
Max Landis on suicide watch
Laffed pretty hard, glad they took his landis out there asses
What did they mean by that
I couldn't stomach this fat fucks voice for more than 5 minutes before turning it off. Don't bother watching their capeshit reviews you know what they're gonna say.
Trying too hard to do what?
They're clever and entertaining, unlike that chucklefuck of a human being with the nostalgia show. How do you justify watching that accident and not killing yourself after 10 seconds? Were you molested as a child?
>RLM reviewing Stranger Things
Aww yeah.
>30 minutes for a 90-120 minute film
Why not do a bunch of films? Siskel and Ebert did like a bunch of films.
In all fairness, that complaint arose from their criticism that it was hard to define what target audience the movie was trying to go for, which is a fair point to make.
>turning a camera on
>sitting in a chair
>hashing out their thoughts on a film for an hour
>spend some time cutting in trailer clips, and reducing the footage to a reasonable length
I know user, these fucking guys. Jesus, they just need to take it easy.
>I thought it was kinda weird how they described the audience as freaks like that's a criticism of the movie.
They didn't, they were asking themselves who was the audience for this movie. They explicitly said so.
No wonder why you like and defend these spastic music-video shitflicks, you have the attention span of a goldfish.
They were just pointing out that the audience showing up to this movie isn't the typical crowd for a movie like this.
>I thought it was kinda weird how they described the audience as freaks like that's a criticism of the movie.
They weren't describing the audience as freaks as an insult to the movie. Their previous line of conversation was, "In their attempt to edit this movie to appeal to people, who were they even appealing to? Who was the core demographic?" They were talking about all the executive meddling after test screening responses.
That wasn't a criticism of the movie you dingus, it was an observation made to highlight the point that this film seemed confused as to its target audience.
>complaining that the reviews made by the guys who got famous for their lengthy movie reviews are too long
>these fucking guys
are terrific
Mike was born 14th nov 1978 wasn't he? That'd make him 37
wasn't there a picture a few weeks ago that showed mike's 53rd birtday?
The reviews on their show were truncated to fit the small amount of time they had. If you really wanted to see what either of them thought of a movie you read their articles.
You dyslexic, bro?
Mike is 37
Jay is 35
>Not watching youtube videos at x2 speed
hit a little to close to home eh
They should have just made a Joker-Harley movie. Harley as the protagonist. Suicide Squad is the sequel.
A lot of people did. It even has the same overpowered villain that suddenly forgets she could kill the protags in one hit for the sake of having a battle
Why are they not funny? They THINK they're funny... but they're not
Do you really need it explained to you that humor is subjective and what you don't find funny, others might?
>still haven't gotten to the movie
You fucking people give these cunts money, you know that, right?
they didn't notice that the prison guard gave harley the cellphone, what a pair of hacks