What the fuck are his powers?

What the fuck are his powers?

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no human female can resist

he's the only one strong enough to lift the really heavy hammer

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Being a very handsome asgardian

He's literally a god

>Chris Hemsworth will never fuck you

he has though?

Since he has a hammer, he hammers in the morning.
He hammers in the evening, all over this land.
He hammers danger.
He hammers out a warning.
He hammers out love between my brothers and my sisters,
All over this land.
And so forth.

strength, durability, flying, some weather control, magic hammer

D-dubs confirm?

Ok. And what the fuck are his powers?

Michael Keaton would of made a better Hammer Man. Agreed?

no talent prettyboys in marvel movies

shows they are for stupid audiences

It's funny because he's one of the few avengers that actually has powers.

Are you retarded? How do you not know what his powers are? They aren't exactly subtle.

>No talent pretty boy
>Henry Cavill was literally only casted because of his looks

Super everything.

Super strength, super durability, etc. It isn't that hard.

Starring in the shittiest capeshit

Super strength
Flight and lightning with the hammer
He's Mighty whever he goes


Brandon Routh in Superman Returns was literately only cast because he looked like Christopher Reeve

Dcuck detected. Go defend suicide squad


Thor is hot garbage. Hell even Iron Man 3 is better.

read a comic, you movie fag

Super Carpentry

Super strength, Immortality (kinda), Control of Lightning, and a dna-locked magic hammer made from a star.

No, Iron Man 3 is the worst MCU movie by a longshot.

He is ascardian when he goes to the club no one cards him

He is literally aTwat Hammer


Super strength, invulnerability, weather control and flight. In the comics the hammer also allows him to absorb and manipulate energy, teleport, time travel, suck out someone's soul and a lot of other crazy shit. Too bad they didn't implement them in the movies.

Its nice to see someone who shares a similar view.