So, how would things have gone down if he didn't encounter Guts? Would he (and the Band) have achieved the same glory and position? Would he have made the same mistake with the princess? How would the whole sacrifice go down?
So, how would things have gone down if he didn't encounter Guts...
Other urls found in this thread:
Everything would have happened extremely similarly
The behelit manipulates causality so that a person is brought to their lowest and uses it
didn't guts handle and win a lot of the battles, mostly on his own, though?
It would have taken more time to achieve his goals and he wouldn't have blundered at the last minute.
I think we can agree Guts is the element that triggers everything going to shit.
who am I kidding, with the pendant he was bound to sacrifice everyone anyways
But how would Griffith make a mistake without Guts there to walk away? Would it have been Casca to walk away instead? I can't see Griffith and the Hawks making it as far as they did without Guts. If Guts wasn't around people like Casca would have been killed a while ago..unless it was destined for them to meet.
Yeah but it was also under Griffiths order the battles went the way they did
Something to keep in mind about Berserk is that everything in the golden age was fated to happen the way it did, Griffith was fated to save Midland rising high and then be cast down so low that he would sacrifice everything
The band of the hawk was fated to all die for Griffith but because of the Skull Knight, someone who is no longer bound by fate and causality, Guts and Casca survive and are no longer bound by causality either which creates a ripple effect altering the fate of everyone they meet and interact with
I'm probably not explaining it well but fate and breaking free of that fate is a central theme to the story
Oh fuck off. Let's talk about something that isn't capeshit for once.
>it was destined
Pretty much, the behelits warp events to happen to their will
Are you implying the locals of this board are the one spamming capeshit?
Are you implying it isn't you children of Sup Forums that do it?
Fucking adorable
>muh v boogeyman
Worse than the people that blame reddit for everything
Why was berserk's animation so terrible?
If you say so, Sup Forums
Most of those are Sup Forums
I don't play videogames, faggot. I'm a /fit/izen. This is the only thing I have posted on this shithole for a while. Keep projecting, nigger. Faggots like you are the ones who allow capeshit, BLACKED, and cuckold threads to go on so don't make it seem like I'm the issue.
Nigger Berserk's just grimdark Taiwanese capeshit.
Wew lad!
>I'm a /fit/izen
>don't make it seem like I'm the issue.
>this fucking retard again
I'll gave you one chance to apologize The Ruseman and you coward out like the little cancerous [s4s] memer you are
>Faggots like you are the ones who allow capeshit, BLACKED, and cuckold threads
This is fucking hilarious coming from you of all people
>this fucking retard again
I hardly browse this board, m8. You're getting me confused with someone else. Again, quit projecting.
Nice reply. Here is that (You) memer.
/fit/ is just as fucking shitty as this board but they manage to trick people into destroying their bodies in the process. Sup Forums is rarely taken so seriously, aside from some occasional meme magic
>A guy stronger than all the other guys fights bad guys stronger than all the other guys by being determined and learns about the power of friendship along the way
Tits and gore don't make it anything deeper than that.
>he played the projection card last time too
Holy fuck. I can't stop laughing
Now we know who the tasteless ape is that spams these garbage threads
>He fell for the SS+GOMAD meme.
>He fell for the steroid meme.
People who fall for that shit deserve to get fucked.
Not memeing, all of you tourist faggots are the problem. If you want to come to Sup Forums so discuss a fucking manga you should change hardly browsing Sup Forums to never browsing Sup Forums and take the rest of your cancerous cunt friends with you.
>Now we know who the tasteless ape is that spams these garbage threads
Like I said, I hardly post on this board because it's all capeshit and memes nowadays. If it makes you feel better to put a face on the spammers then go ahead.
>tfw Sup Forums will never be our sister board again
Why even keep this board up anymore?
I remember back when there was just Bane threads being spammed. Don't call me a fucking tourist, kid.
Griffith needs to die miserably. He can't get away with this.
How the fuck do you get that implication from "let's curb the capeshit for 1 thread"? What are you getting upset about?
Bitch autists will keep reporting Sup Forums threads, and mods will continue ignoring it. Enjoy watching this thread die only naturally :P loser
So you came to Sup Forums for Baneposting. You're the exact definition of a tourist you silly cunt.
I just wonder if Guts actually did stick around after they were all knighted would Griffith have lost interest in him when his usefulness to his team as a brute started waning in the new era? People claim he was gay for Gatsu-kun (Guts in Japanese) but he may have just been possessive.
It's like how Robert from ASOIAF became a complete wreck for the remainder of his life after Lyanna was kidnapped but some have the idea that he was more upset about having something taken from him than the girl herself.
No you dumb fuck. Work on your reading comprehension. I said that I REMEMBER when it was just Bane spamming. Holy shit.
Alright, alright, sorry. Congratulations on your dubs
>I remember a thing that happened three years ago on a board I hardly visit
That doesn't in any way mean you aren't a tourist you fucking retard. I remember when Death Grips were first being posted around Sup Forums, doesn't make me a regular there. Eat shit and fuck off.
What Griffith was in danger of losing interest in was his dream.
The freezeframe bullshit, and arterial spray animation done by a edgy preteen, from the original run, or the CGI shite of the new trilogy?
main boardsa are /fit/ and Sup Forums lift and be red pilled brah, only browse Sup Forums for memes and trolling
The state of Berserk right now already resembles Watchmen.
Griffith = Ozymandias
Guts = Rorschach
The only difference is that "Ozymandias" here is as strong as Dr. Manhattan (And there are 5 of him)
Assuming Guts becomes strong enough to exact his revenge, doing so will plunge the broken world into further chaos. The astral world and the physical have been fused causing all manner of monsters and spirits to manifest. Only Griffith is keeping them in check. Even if Guts tries to kill all the monsters, millions will be killed and the survivors will lose all hope. And the Idea of Evil (God) will still be around to make more Godhand. Killing the Godhand and or Idea of Evil might even cause some causality collapse or some bullshit which reduces everything to primordial soup. (Assuming they don't just manipulate causality, but maintain it)
In a long-winded way I'm saying he might just get away with it.
Get the fuck out.
>already 20 years since Berserk started
>been reading this high school
>Guts is still nowhere near as strong to even off one of the 5
>my biggest fear is dying without ever completing Hunter x Hunter and Berserk
and each day grows closer ;_;
Hah, nice job projecting kiddo
You are literally a fucking retard. You don't need to browse a board 24/7 like an autist to understand how low everything has become.
>Complains about a Berserk thread which only appears a few times a month, maybe less.
>Seems to be okay with Suicide Squad, BvS, and generals (which are literal cancer).
Television & Film everyone!
Miura died 7 years ago and manga is done by studio crew
It's cloakshit, they wear cloaks
So you're new
1. Anime doesn't belong here
2. The only people who talk about anime on Sup Forums are from Sup Forums and are too scared to post on Sup Forums
3. Their taste in anime is absolute dog shit
4. They often ask for recommendations which belong on which means that rules that are enforced on Sup Forums aren't being enforced on Sup Forums
Sup Forums allows enough crossboarders to post non-Sup Forums related threads. Ban these retards who can't find the right board.
FACT: Berserk is a top 5 anime of EVERY Sup Forumsedditor
I think Psycho Pass needs to be added to this, someone always brings up Japanese Minority Report in anime threads
It doesn't matter, because he did meet Guts. What-if scenarios are stupid.
>FACT: Berserk is a top 5 anime of EVERY Sup Forumsedditor
Well, Sup Forumsredditors seem to have great taste according to your little image. Is there a word for this phenomenon where people who are obsessed with one hobby have a vastly inferior taste than the "plebs" who only care about it casually?
The "I only post on Sup Forums and know absolutely nothing about anime" starter pack jpg.
Berserk is a top 5 anime, period.
Why do Sup Forumsedditors like get so upset when you call them out?
>if he didn't encounter Guts
I don't think you understand the concept of fate or determinism. He always would have encountered Guts. Also, get the fuck off tv with your anime
>Well, Sup Forumsredditors seem to have great taste according to your little image.
Back to Sup Forums
>freezeframe bullshit
You mean the way the episodes would end with an arty final shot? I always liked that. Especially the unintentional one in ep 20 where he reunites with the Band under attack and gives Caska an encouraging smile only for the special effect to turn it into a rapeface
You got so triggered that you decided to make a thread? Kek! Too bad you autists cannot put this much effort in combating capeshit.
>stronger than all other guys
*blows raspberries*
>breaking free of fate
That has nothing to do with the story. Guts and Casca are both still bond by causality. You must be an anime only faggot. Hell, Guts even has his own behelit for christs sake. Skull Knight himself is bond by causality. His sword cannot kill when it is not meant to. The series is about how you CANNOT break free of your fate.
Which one's the middle one? (Between Outlaw Star and DB/Akira) Worth watching?
>instead of ignoring and hiding threads you don't like, you post in them
>Is there a word for this phenomenon where people who are obsessed with one hobby have a vastly inferior taste than the "plebs" who only care about it casually?
Nah, but there is a board and it's called Sup Forums
>y-you're just too scared to hang out with us
It's useful for manga, its anime discussion has always been complete, complete shit.
Jojo's bizarre adventures. Everyone memes it.
Why do weebs have such an aversion for classics of their medium? You don't see people on Sup Forums sperging out over someone saying The Wire, Lost, Deadwood or the Sopranos is good TV.
>Hell, Guts even has his own behelit for christs sake
That aint his, m8
>>instead of ignoring and hiding threads you don't like, you post in them
Thats what we did for years
and now look at this board, meme parasite
>puck causes the 2nd eclipse
Sup Forums doesn't have room for people who get easily triggered, much less people who get triggered by anime
This is a pointless question. Causality fated him to meet Guts, and there's no way around it. Asking this hypothetical is equivalent to asking what would have happened if Griffith never obtained a Behelit; it's a question fundamentally incompatible with the narrative
>you think there'll be a trace of humor to it but Puck plays it completely straight
This is a very interesting post. What year did you start browsing Sup Forums(Sup Forums not the rest of the site)
Pretty much
More the frequency of single frames that they pan over, adding sounds of battle and the odd visual effect.
>The series is about how you CANNOT break free of your fate.
The series is about the main character refusing to accept his fate, fighting against it and doing so fairly successfully. Whether the manga will end with Gutts ultimately failing remains to be seen, but in that case, it would have been a fairly pointless journey.
You are one of the spammers though
You are from [s4s]
This really bothered me
If I wanted to see still images I would read a manga
>Robert Rodriguez and Ridley Scott will never do a Berserk movie
kill me now
>doesn't have room for people who get easily triggered
Jesus man look at this board alone. You anything remotely resembling SJW sympathetic triggers regulars. All the capeshit threads have brand wars (don't try to convince yourself these posters are satirical). There are folk who just come here on their down time to shitpost casually but they're not the majority
>be fated to die as a sacrifice during the eclipse
>don't die
>i-its not about subverting fate guys
Guts picking up a behelit after that doesn't mean his existence doesn't cause a ripple in causality
And an anime only person would think it just ends at the eclipse, try harder pleb
He can struggle all he wants but man has no control; even over his own will.
>there are people that hate puck
It's something they had to do due to a small budget. That shit looks so much better than the new 3d shit that looks like a cutscene out of a PS3 game.
Had he not met guts, he wouldn't have been so torn up when guts left as to brazenly sleep with the princess, and would have avoided being fucked up in the dungeon, which means he would have no reason to sacrifice the band of the hawk to regain his strength.
If he can choose to struggle, then he has control and clearly the godhand did not expect him to struggle for this long, thus it wasn't fated.
So what are you guys doing about the capeshit threads? Seriously. Two more Suicide Squad threads have just been made and you faggots don't seem to be ignoring it. Meanwhile a Berserk thread is made and you lose your shit even though Berserk (or anime in general) is hardly talked about on here.
>It's a "accuse user of browsing a board he has never browsed in his life" episode. One of my favorites tbqh.
Then why are you teens of Sup Forums and Sup Forums so scared of Sup Forums when they all love the same pleb shit as you? Are you what mandrama plebs are to Sup Forums?
>He actually thinks we browse Sup Forums and Sup Forums.
I stopped browsing Sup Forums after The Witcher 3 died down, even then I hardly went to Sup Forums. I don't browse Sup Forums whatsoever because I'm not an edgy teen, plus Sup Forums isn't the same Sup Forums from a year or two ago. Are you that faggot that decided to make a thread on here about how to make Sup Forums go away after getting btfoed?
>scared of Sup Forums
Because Sup Forums mostly only likes loli, haremshit, moe, etc, just the sexualized shit
This post misinterprets the metaphysics of berserk utterly.
It's about determinism.
The way things happened is the only way things could have happened.
So in response to OPs hypothetical. If one thing were changed, everything would be.
because Sup Forums only tolerates anime experts like you and it's difficult to discuss "pleb shit" there because they basically talk just like you whenever one of these "Sup Forumseddit" shows is mentioned.
So you are indeed videogame scum
Tell me when you first joined Sup Forums did you think it was just a pedo board considering all the little girls and waifu threads?
Guts will not kill Griffith out of revenge. Griffith will be challenged because he's a danger to the worlds.
It's not hard to have discussions on Sup Forums about anything anime related. Have you ever considered that maybe you're the problem?
TW3 is the only game I've played in a long time, kid. You already got btfo once. The fact that you don't have much to say shows that. Go back to your capeshit threads, or maybe you should post another "How can we get rid of anime shit?" thread and watch it die within the first 20 mins.
Where do you think you are, kid?
How much of a disaster would it be if HBO decides they need a new fantasy cash cow after GoT is up, and they decide to make an adapation of Berserk?
I would actually be hyped if this happened, even though I know it would likely end in tragedy.
Why are you shilling for Sup Forums so hard? A lot of us didn't just leave after a first glance. Kept lurking for a good period of time before realizing those regulars are too alien to tolerate
Do you also use the term "How amusing" unironically too? Jesus
There's so much autism in that image, it's hard to even contemplate.
It's like the Hubble Deep Field of Aspergers.