Its joe rogan talks about memes for 10 minutes episode

>its joe rogan talks about memes for 10 minutes episode

5:00 starts his insightful story about memes

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Really makes me think

whenever someone mentions the word "meme" in real life I always pretend that I don't know what the fuck they're talking about

joe surely as hell had no idea what meme means


>see its a duncan trussel episode
>NICE imma go listen to it, it must be full of deep talk about LSD DMT and shrooms

turns out the whole podcast was just joe talking bullshit about memes and VR reality

wasted 2 hours of my life

>its a rogan talk about BIG MEATY DICKS ARE DELICIOUS episode

Duncan needs to fuck off

I wonder if he's seen the copypasta, he'd probably find it funny

He wouldnt get it