Why would Jay take a picture with these fucking plebs?
Why would Jay take a picture with these fucking plebs?
For money obviously
Jay was on movie fights?
Jay is a pleb too, so what's the problem?
He's a nice guy and not a massive sperg like you fags
Mark Ellis is pretty bro-tier. I really like him, but dislike SchmoesKnow and Collider quite a bit.
What the fuck is he doing their? Pls don't tell me rlm are freinds with these plebs now
Heh. It looks like he's jerking that guy off.
Also, is he like 3 feet tall?
Kristian and Mark are both bro tier.
Collider is also pretty good save for SJW king Rocha and Sascha. Dennis is alright but he has as much on screen charisma as a piece of wood.
No, he was on the Screeen Junkies show. This was a couple of years ago
Yes to both
I'd kinda like to see Mike do a movie fight, he seems to know how to structure arguments really well and he can really bring the bantz when he wants.
Who's this guy and why do i see him everywhere?
Kristian is only cool when he's just with Mark.
Black Nerd?
>Black Nerd?
well would you look at that
Would be pretty good, unless they're blacklisted now after their Scientist Man Analyzes Ghostbusters video
Holy shit you weren't joking, he's literally called Black Nerd
This. Jay is the non-uptight general audience member guy of RLM
Yeah, I could see them blacklisted, they're too much of "rebels", they bash most blockbusters, they make rape jokes, women jokes, sjw jokes, made fun of stuckmann, they might want RLM near them.
Yeah I thought I recongnized him but I wasn't sure. All black nerds look alike.