Legitimately the worst film I've seen all year

Looking for a discussion. Anyone?

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Watch it again when you're not a fucking pussy.

>Watch it again

The action is far too boring for that.

Second best movie of the year next to BvS

Just like BvS the characters are thinly written, characters "change of heart" has no connective tissue "Martha", "bar scene". and motivations carry no weight.

Horrible pacing: Many flashbacks that cut the pace, mixed with dream/hallucination scenes. At one point there even was a short flashback explaining smoething really basic which had already happened on the movie itself (can´t remember the exact example, it may be something related tot he Enchartess´ heart). Bio introductions for many characters and then but-wait-here-come-3-new-characters-out-of-nowhere! They´re important too, except rope guy, but please don´t think he isn´t because we spent 3 seconds on him...ooops he´s gone! Haha bet you didn´t see it coming, how we we were going to decapitate this integral, central to the plot member of the team!! /s
Lame characters: This is supposed to be a squad formed to stop Superman-level threats, yet most of it´s members can only shoot weapons, throw blades, climb really fast (wtf?) or use a baseball bat. It´s like an Avengers movie where you take out Thor, Iron Man and Hulk and replace them with lamer versions of HawkEye. BTW, HawkEye is awesome compared to most of the cast in SS, at least he has the secret spy angle going for him. He could easily take down all members of SS except maybe Diablo and I´m not a fan of HawkEye.
Boring action scenes: Horde mode where the enemies always miss and the main characters always hit the mark. No decently coreographed fights, just yesterday I saw some Arrow chapters and the action there was a lot better than in this movie. Deadshot is awesome because he never misses, that somehow gives him a superpower to allow him to go out in the open durign a shootout and not get hit once.

No teamwork: Everyone has a little scene to shine, but there´s no teamwork whatsoever. Things like Iron Man shooting at Cap´s shield to reflect the ray, or Hulk laying down a metal piece for Thor to slam it into one of those big aliens were great. But in this movie you don´t see anyting like that, everyone just shoots at their targets and doesn´t interact with the rest of the team at all during action scenes. Special mention for the last scene, where Croc throws the explosives for Deadshot to shoot at them. They had a guy in the team whose special abbility was that he throws things but no, let´s use Killer Croc instead. Seems like no one knew what to do with these characters or how to use them at all. This affected immensely the action sequences pacing: it was senseless action scenes one after another where you knew that "now Capt. Boomerang will do something because it´s his turn", "Katana hasn´t done anything yet, it´s her turn now....yep, there it is". Everything was disconnected like completing independent bullet points on a checklist, without any intent to tie them all together into something bigger and better.

Will Smith was cool, but I couldn´t stop seeing him as Will Smith, not another character and in this situation it was impossible to not like the character since the first moment. Despite his efforts to remind us that he´s a bad guy it was totally unbelievable. Will is a cool guy, there´s no way we´re going to see him as something evil and reprobable if you just make him go out and say some sentences instead of acting as someone else.

Harley was great sometimes and dull in many others: I hated that when she got surprised crying on top of the car, she wiped her tears away and put on a fake smile as if nothing happened. It wouldn´ve been much more believable for her to have a nervous breakdown and don´t give 2 shits if she´s surprised crying, go on a rampage and attack the soldiers or something...hell, that would´ve been a very nice chance for the team to bond: make them stop her, calm her down and comfort her. That scene make her whole persona look fake to me, another of many instances of the characters trying to be edgy and failing at it. When she steals the purse, her reply was really cringeworthy ("we´re the bad guys, it´s what we do"). Instead she should have made that seem natural to her and act surprised or confused at the complaints of the soldiers.

"This is my family" moment (Diablo): Totally unearned and out of nowhere.

Katana at the bar: I couldn´t understand why she went to the bar instead of with the soldiers, apart of "because the script says we now need a bonding sequence at the bar". Katana´s whole pressence in the film felt unjustified.

The whole movie reeks of tryhardness: The Shadow the Hedgehog meme where he says "It´s like stealing candy from a kid, which is totally fine for me" constantly came to my mind during the film. These guys aren´t evil, save Captain Boomerang maybe.

Tell, don´t show: The movie is constantly telling us that the characters are bad guys, but instead is showing us at everytime that they really aren´t. Diablo was the worst offender, he was shown as a pacifist for 99% of his screentime and only a short flashback showed him as a gangster. This is bad storytelling and I even find it insulting and simpleminded: don´t tell me these guys are the worst of the worst if I´m seeing they aren´t. Don´t make them say at every time that they´re bad while they fall short on that, make them do bad stuff instead so I can reach that conclusion on my own in a much more natural and powerful way. The movie was trying to lie in our faces at every turn like we were stupid.

The secret files: After finding the dossier everyone was really outraged at the soldiers and went to the bar to vent. I really didn´t understand this. These are supposed to be villains, men and women capable of the worst with lacking moral, but they were really offended when the same organization that has kept them captive, implanted an explosive on their necks and forced them to go out and risk their lives, was responsible for the whole mess present on the city. I don´t get it. This only served to, once again and despite everything the movie was trying to say, show the characters as good guys. Everything that came after this seemed false and hard to believe.

Me too: As happened with BvS, this movie clearly shows WB´s and DC´s combined intents to replicate Marvel´s MCU´s success and strategy. And as happened with BvS, it also felt flat and was harmed by it. I couldn´t help but compare it with the latest Captain America movie at every turn. Suicide Squad just tried to introduce many characters, give us some small info and done! We´re supposed to instantly grow attached to them and think they´re cool. Show a little flashback, make the character talk about how he wants to be seen and we´re set. Well, I have some bad news: it doesn´t work like that. The DCU is trying to run before learning to walk and I really think they should employ more time in each character and introduce them more slowly, develop them more and make each one show their personality. Make a movie about the Flash and maybe introduce 1 or 2 other important characters, like Marvel does (Ant Man and Falcon in Ant Man, Black Panther and Spidey in Civil War, Vision and Wanda in Avengers 2...). That way everyone has time to show who they are while you develop the plot. Not like this film (or BvS) where you have 7 or 8 characters fighting for screen time while a plot totally unrelated to any of them develops on the background.

Seriously for an action movie in this day and age, this movie has some of the most uninteresting action scenes ever I felt like I was taken back to mtv era movies. wtf.

Comparisons are bad: But in a world where we´re getting 3 or 4 new superhero movies every year they´re invevitable. Any Avengers movie is much better than this one. GG is much better too. Deadpool is awesome and really puts this one to shame. Speaking about Deadpool, that movie really did a good job of showing a believable character with a broken moral compass that got you to root for him. The bigger difference with SS? Deadpool doesn´t say he´s evil at every step, instead he actively rejects to be called a hero, gets mad when doing hero stuff and be recognized by it but, most of all, spends the whole movie doing crazy, sick stuff like it´s nothing and natural to him. The scene when rambles whether it´s more politically incorrect to hit a girl or not to hit her while he´s carelessly preparing his gun to shoot her on the face is gold. Or how he shoves the camera away when he´s about to break the fingers of a bad guy...in SS Harley would have told the camera to look and end the sequence with a lame sentence like "I broke his fingers, see how bad I am?" - laughs maniacally while thinking "please believe I´m bad and edgy and dangerous".

I have mixed feelings about the Joker and he shouldn´t have been in the movie at all: There are already too many characters and the main story has nothing to do with him, he appears a lot in flashbacks, then suddenly erupts in the main plot only to quickly vanish from the film shortly after. BTW, what a lame way to trick us into thinking he was dead, I don´t think anyone bought it. As a character, he suffers from the same flaws as the rest: Leto´s interpretation is good and could be something, but the character is again hyped as the root of all evil, while he really doesn´t actually DO anything noteworthy. With the dark tone of the movie I was expecting him to do some really sick stuff, something really horrendous to bring him to a higher level of evilness. But again, the worst he does is shoot someone up close (another gangster for that matter). I was watching this with my girlfriend who´s really not into comics and this kind of stuff, so I had to explain her that Joker is supposed to be a very big deal. She didn´t see that in the movie and just thought he was another simple one-use villain.

Jane should have died: At least it would´ve been a brave way to end the movie, it may have given the whole team an excuse to be sympathetic towards Flagg and bond. Or it may have been a good opportunity for the supposedly bad guys to say or do something inappropiate and act as dicks. I can imagine Capt Boomerang peeing on the corpse, or Harley smashing it with her bat as Flag is hugging it and make a silly joke. But the moment she broke the Enchantress´ dead carcass and emerged from it, the movie lost what little respect I still had for it (anyway, not much was lost lol). Only thing missing was the squad surrounding them and clapping like in an institute movie.

Best part of the movie for me was the Doctor Strange trailer showed at the beginning: As I was wlking home with my girlfriend trying to explain to her how not all superhero movies were this bad, this was the only argument I could give her.

Please, I fucking beg you: If you haven't seen this movie, don't pay to go watch it in cinemas.

I made the mistake of letting my curiosity get the better of me, but it really does not deserve a single penny in its current state. It's not completely without merit, but that really just makes it worse. It was clearly edited to PG and capeshit hell.

Please wait and see if they release a directors cut of this movie. DC did not deserve my money for this. Be a better man than I was.


Thank you. Your sacrifice will not be forgotten


I had fun watching it. Prove me wrong

By you having fun proves you like bad movies. See what I did there.

Was clearly hijacked and changed by the studio after seeing how well Marvel capeshit did. Maybe if we're lucky we'll see a director's cut sometime down the line

Is this copy pasta or did someone actually write all this crap out?

I just saw the movie, and I may be an idiot and missed something, but did Captain Boomerang literally walk out and abandon them once he realised he didn't have to stay anymore in the bar scene?
Did he really just reappear magically in the next scene when the scene writers remembered they needed him?
Did they go get him off screen or something?
"Of course he came back, he's captain Boomerang"
fuck you

Come back when you've seen The Brothers Grimsby.

>take characters that are much MUCH more interesting than captain america
>hot white girl in rainbow panties the whole movie
>still fail


I just watched it and yeah,it was horrible.

There's not much to talk about,it was just bad and I would never recommend it to anyone

Being a DCfag these days is hard

He just went out to get more beer.

I have no idea if you're joking.
Is that actually what happens? Why would you leave a bar to get beer?

No the actual reason is SHIT RESHOOTS[/spoilers]

Of course he came back, he's Captain Boomerang

>tfw gf wants to see it

I couldn't even finish watching the cam rip. Everyone was saying Harley Quinn was the best thing about the move, but almost all her and the joker's lines made me cringe.

Jesus BvS was way worse.

This movie is fucking terrible

Hawkeye vs Deadshot sounds fun

I went to go see it for the memes and I was disappointed.

> Waller: "Don't fight them. You know how that doesn't work."
> Deadshot hops on a car and kills most of the eye people

One of my friends told me that based on how the shots looked in BvS, you can tell Snyder likes music videos. I don't know how exactly how involved he was in the movie other than the fact he was an Executive Producer, but there were a lot of those scenes in Suicide Squad where it was like "we want Harley Quinn falling off Joker's helicopter. Don't care how it fits in the plot, just make it happen." Which led to a lot of pointless actions/scenes.

> "People no longer worship us! They worship machines!"
> "We will destroy the world because they do not worship us!"
> Thank you DC, I wanted a two dimensional villain in my new picture show.

>Please, I fucking beg you: If you haven't seen this movie, don't pay to go watch it in cinemas.
>marvelshills getting desperate

Already happened.

Kind of.

I wanted to shoot myself in the head halfway through. It was boring as fuck and the story was garbage.

BvS was 10x better than this piece of shit.

Ok, my friend just asked if I want to go watch this movie in friday and it's aired like 200 meters from my home. I don't enjoy capeshit movies that much and I think this one might bee 2edgy4me. Red or blue pill me on this Sup Forums.

Fuck it, bored.

It was edited by a Trailer Editing company.
Apart from Will Smith who plays Deadsmith and Robbie who plays Harley Quinn the actors are garbage.

Story is terrible, there are no stakes. Villain is boring and cliched.


was cara cute at least


This. Robbie ny accent was shit, joker and her were cheesy. Deadshot,flagg,waller were good everything else was fail, if general audience loves this the film industry is doomed. This is fake edge.

Haven't seen it, but just watched the Half in the Bag review. They said too much studio meddling ruined what could have been pretty good.


I'll wait for it to come out on YouTube.


havn't been to the movies since the first Iron Man and have never see a film in 3D
Thinking of going to see this, should I 2D or 3D and should I try gold class or is the screen to small??

fuck you


>Thinking of going to see this, should I 2D or 3D and should I try gold class or is the screen to small??

Try not seeing it at all. It's a mess of a movie. It only has some good scenes.

Scenes that were already in the trailers, actually the trailers have scenes not even in the movie.


Fuck this asshole the movie was entertaining

the first half is messy as fuck plus pop songs every 5 minutes to increase the annoyance, the second half just a bit better but at that point you may be at the state of not giving a fuck anymore. The plot is simple but they somehow managed to execute it stupidly, the jokes arent funny, the action scenes are dull, the characters are uninteresting and, again, stupid.


In short, if you're not an nitpicky easily triggered spaz you'll enjoy it just fine.

they are right on the money

Yeah all these fucking pussies should waste their time watching shitty movies like me! They're wrong for having any sort of critical thinking skills!

Yeah, if you're a DC fanboy and have ridiculously high resistance to shitty movies. Fuck me, you'd have to actually be retarded or have extremely shit taste to enjoy garbage like SS.

Why didn't Deadshot kill Harley?

Why did Viola Davis shoot all those FBI men, and why did the soldier think that was fine?

Why did they make this so full of clichés?

The try-hard soundtrack didn't help.

I need answers

>adressed more than half of the aspect of the movie

Its harder to nitpick the good part you dumb dcucks

I agree with this. I think the part with deadshot in the open could be explained though. I think he was able to kill each target that was aiming at him before they could him, because he's Deadshot.

There's literally no reason for him to come back.

As I said to my friend, Flagg could've informed the Squad that Waller may still have his head blowing phone or whatever on her, but that they aren't sure if she's dead or not se there's some risk involved in leaving.

It would've made his leave even more funnier, taking the risk that his head may still blow to bits but he doesn't give two shits initially.

Im certain its going to be terrible but thats also kind of the reason I want to see it, want to realy soak in how much dc has managed to fuck their shit up.

so is the 3D good quality at least or should i just stick to 2D?

I'm glad me enjoying this movie gets your nu-male panties in a twist.

Never see a movie in 3D.

one of the comic deadshots is softy enough to not kill harley.
i don't know
executive meddling and bad screenwriting
i fucking hated the entire soundtrack, even if i liked one or two of the songs in it, the way they were used was obnoxious as fuck.

Kill yourself

whoops meant to reply to


>Im certain its going to be terrible but thats also kind of the reason I want to see it, want to realy soak in how much dc has managed to fuck their shit up.

Don't bother, I went for a "How bad can it really be?" mentality too and still walked out disappointment.

It's not even enjoyable in a shitty movie kind of way. It's generic and also sloppily put together. It's worse than a bad movie, it's a ruined one. Sometimes you can see parts of a better movie kicking and screaming begging to be let out, but Warner Brothers won't let it.

It will just make you angry for what could've been.

Look how hard this faggot is trying lmao

Sounds personal



Its mainly boring, cringy, or disappointing.

I saw it in 3d and it made little to no real difference. Maybe i'm just used to seeing 3d movies now, but I didn't notice any neat use of depth or anything like that.

>Sounds personal

Well this was pretty much my most anticipated movie of the year, so yeah, I mad.

>Legitimately the worst film I've seen all year


I see people that like it, some actual comic book professionals, and I'm baffled by it. It's like they don't even know what good is.

It's not the worst movie I've seen all year. Pic related is still the worst for me.

Suicide Squad wasn't very good though. It was basically an ensemble movie with only three characters in it. Everyone besides Deadshot, Harley, and Flag felt like either a background face or a plot device.

avoid seeing BvS in the theater for this exact reason
still feel like i need to see Squad thou, always enjoyed some will smith as a kid and jokers my guy (even if freak leto realy is tryhard it cannot be worse than that cunt who tried to be lex in BvS, fuck)

Will Smith is better in this than he's been in a long time.

I still wouldn't say the movie was worth it though.

People also liked TAS2.

It's almost always people easily swayed by fanservice or marketing. People like it because they had already decided they liked it or because they saw Harley and Joker IN THOSE OUTFITS THAT I RECOGNIZE.

Lol get over it fuckface I like this movie more now knowing it BTFOs betas like you.
Movies for guys that like movies. Look up the term.

>he hasn't seen warcraft

thats actualy kinda of what i want, no shitty 3D gimmicks just nice casual 3D lol.

That jason mamoa Conan that game out. Watching that on tv you could clearly see, even in 2D, everytime it was ment to be some stunning 3D scene its going full focus on, but instead it jsut feels like its shitting up an already shitty movie

I'm sorry you settle for such drivel.

If more people like you took issue in the fact that the movie clearly got butchered in post production then maybe we could get a directors cut that isn't watered down PG-13 trash haphazardly cut together.

>what could've been
You mean what was (the movie was already shot before all the studio fuckery happened) but that cut will never be released out of some studio executive's pride and the fear of people (i.e. directors) losing their jobs.

Thats my point though.
Theres no reason for him to come back, and they literally don't even try to give one.
They just hoped you wouldn't notice.

Stopped reading there.


>indian in the bottom corner

fucking lol

>Stopped reading there

Not surprised you did. Seeing as you're barely even capable of writing properly.


>yfw the studio lets affleck and leto work together to take all this unused footage and film some more to make a stand alone joker(maybe harley aswell) movie to lead into affleks new batman one.

what the fuck was that

Which would you rather?

Harley Quinn or Enchantress?

I have a possession/mind control fetish, so I was at full mast for pretty much all of Enchantress' scenes.

seeya missed one

what a waste