What's some essential documentary kino?
What's some essential documentary kino?
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An obvious one but Grizzly Man by Werner Herzog
Jiro Dreams of Sushi obviously
6 days to air
speaking of him, Burden of Dreams
Anvil: the story of anvil
I heard a lot of Herzogs documentaries are actually pretty good. Wanted to see the Death Row one for a while
I love this one
>take of the wind
My nigga
to clarify, burden of dreams is about herzog and by les blank, who made tons of other great docs (blues accordin to lightnin hopkins, a well spent life, gap toothed women)
Man i still haven't got a chance to watch this. I want to see it so bad
What do you mean by "actually pretty good"
Anyone know of some decent history docs?
That isn't about WW2.
I think it's on Netflix.
you don't know what kino means
the story of Dear Zachary was pretty interesting
but the documentary was mediocre
you are taking out the entire technical aspects from it
you're literally a pleb
>but the documentary was mediocre
This. Interesting in theory, sloppy execution.
Not where i live, and if you use VPNs without paying for them you're the product, not the customer, and they'll use your bandwidth for all kinds of shit.
Netflix's selection fucking sucks cock outside of the US
The Act of Killing
That's a shame. The U.S. have such higher selection. Really unfair.
I really liked Jesus Camp
What does kino mean?
Me too. It was refreshing to see so many young people praising the name of Jesus instead of listening to rap music.
I Think We're Alone Now. Two crazed individuals who both stalk the same popstar meet each other for the first time. Hi-jinks ensue.
>my birthday happens to be the same day Zachary was murdered, the 18th
>it's all I can ever think about each year
H-happy birthday to me...
Empire of Dust
Tie Xi Qu: West of the Tracks by Wang Bing
>Empire of Dust
I second this one.
What makes Jiro dreams of sushi so great?
What makes a documentary great?
Nice, loved that one
His only work that isn't necessarily documentary is The Ditch if I'm not mistaken, all his docs ages great by the way
Have you seen behemoth?
good memes
I've seen all his stuff, i'm quite fond of documentaries
It has to do with licensing. The rights are different in each country or state and especially in europe where it's a bunch of fucking countries it's really, really hard.
For example, i was looking for Michael Haneke movies the other day, and the only Michael Haneke film they have here is "The Piano Teacher"
Also wanted to watch "Synecdoche New York"and "The Master" but guess what, the only movies starring Philip Seymour Hoffman they have here are Mission Impossible 3 and Capote
Oh and Netflix sold the exclusive streaming rights for the first 12 months after release of House Of Cards to another streaming service in my country, before Netflix became a thing here, so i can't watch House of Cards, a Netflix series on Netflix.
Hoop Dreams is the obvious answer here. Probably the best doc I've ever seen
No man, behemoth is a docu by zhao liang
Kinda reminded me of wang bing
What do you mean you 'heard'? What's keeping you from confirming it yourself, you faggot? Sup Forums commitments taking up all your time?
Don't even fucking reply to this post. I'm warning you.
Friedman can burn in hell
The thing is, it's a documentary about food, about supreme taste, about the greatest thing you'll ever taste on your tongue, but you can't taste a documentary, so how is it going to convey to the viewer what it wants to show?
I mean, i'm going to watch it right now, but that's always my issue with documentaries about cuisine.
>the documentary is about taste
Stop posting.
>What's keeping you from confirming it yourself
They aren't available on streaming services in my country and my ISP, who owns all the cable in my area, which means i can only be with that ISP throttles internet of anyone torrenting.
Also, torrenting is illegal as you're also uploading data and i really don't want to step into a honeypot and get my ass sued.
And Piratebay literally puts you on the red list here
>the only movies starring Philip Seymour Hoffman they have here are Mission Impossible 3 and Capote
But seriously sorry about your situation. You're not missing out on much with HoC though
>Not about taste
what shithole do you live in
Dark Days
Behemoth (Zhao Liang's)
Yeah I know it had something to do with licensing, but it still bullshit. Especially when streaming basically killed video stores.
Cropsey is pretty interesting, and unsettling in places.
It's not about food. I'm going to stop talking to you now.
Hoop Dreams is the best documentary ever made and anyone who disagrees is a contrarian retard
You're wrong.
30 for 30: Once Brothers
BBC Planet Dinosaur
Goes into maps and fossils a lot.
inb4 """"Documentary"""""
No stories we tell? No finding vivian maier? no the impostor?
I Like Killing Flies was pretty good as is Resurrect Dead: The Mystery of the Toynbee Tiles
It just works
just watch it faggot
omg i forget resurrected dead, that was awesome and scary
>the invention of dr. Nakamats
Ansolutely yes. Love it
how does this fare against The Act of Killing?
damn dark days is kinda depressing
I don't understand why people like Exit Through The Gift Shop at all
That documentary was fucking shit
I found it really comfy, to be honest
i recommend white rage
try Workingman's Death for complete depression
not documentary but great too
>not a single mention of anything by Frederick Wiseman
this board should be put in the garbage
Fuck off Christfag. Go burn a gay man to death.
It's garbage, I agree. Most of the regular Sup Forums recommendations are mediocre, leaning toward garbage.
Exit through the gift shop- garbage
Dear Zachary- mediocre
the imposter- mediocre
the act of killing- mediocre
You must love Michael Moore
But its so fucking boring
Blackfish was pretty fucking harrowing for me, as I had taken my little cousin out to Seaworld at least a year before that trainer died.
everything by Errol Morris.
was it autism
it hasn't dated all that well, but the doc was all the rage a while back especially for the art crowd. Mr. Brainwash reveled in delight during Art Basel festivals and made some bank, too. as a doc, it's just quite funny slice of life and posits how art is simply another con.
Watched Stories We Tell in my film minor, wasn't spectacular but was a good example of a lot of typical documentary techniques and how you can interact with the narrative and influence it or subvert it.
The Imposter made me so fucking sad
>no one mentioned BBC natures docs
Is it just needless to say? Planet Earth. Life. The Hunt.
I know it's about 7 hours long, but this was genuinely fantastic.
Street Thief if you count mockumentary movies.
Samefagging niggerlover detected.
Doesn't filming it defeat the purpose?
I saw finding vivian maier in the theater, I think I was the only person there that evening. It's pretty sad how disregarded documentaries are that are not made by Michael Moore or some broscience show on Netflix...
Cartel Land
i liked this one