What does Sup Forums think of this guy?

What does Sup Forums think of this guy?

Me personally think he has a good way of reviewing movies and I share a lot of those oppinions and favorite movies. Also his movie taste, although sometimes cuestionable, is pretty good and understandable. Also his videos are really entertaining and insightfull even though he gets one out every 1 or 2 months.

Furries jokes aside.

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>even though he gets one out every 1 or 2 months.
He makes $3000 a month from patrons. His goal is TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS a month to make easy reviews every so often, and watch movies and play videos games the rest of the time. He does not need your shilling here. There is literally a subreddit dedicated to his YouTube channel, go there for discussion of him. Nobody here wants to support his furfaggotry by proxy and based dogfuck pasta bro is trying to fight this.

Mark plz tickle my boipucci.

Why do you make constant threads about him? People pretty much always tell you to fuck off. Do you want him to get reported for spam on youtube? There are articles to prove you've been spamming this furfag retard several times a day.
I wonder if he'd lose his chucklefuck of a channel.


Not a very good critic at all, but he isn't bad compared to the other shit heads on YouTube that talk about movies (stuckman, RLM, Jahns).

Despicable excuse for a human being though. I don't care that he's a faggot or a fury, but when he tried to say that people should be able to fuck dogs and other animals I unsubbed. Fuck that guy.

This is literally mi third post on Sup Forums, I dind´t knew the hate you guys had for this person.

I think he's a faggot for thinking we should be able to fuck dogs but i like his videos so i dont give a shit

if you unsub someone for something as inconsequential as retarded personal opinions they never show in their work, you're the real retard

when he makes a video series on analyzing gay furry porn then i'll unsub

Pretty much this, almost 100% of his reviews are not affected by the fact that he is a dog fucking furry. And as long as it stays that way on his future videos it shouldn't be a problem.

Nah he's ok
Cool cat was hilarious
Twitch shit is majorly unfunny tho

Well his videos are very mediocre as well. He nitpicks and over analyzes the fuck out of things without being funny in the process. He's constantly jizzing about Synecdoche New York, but his videos on it are absolute trash and he is only able to analyze things on a surface level. Again, he isn't bad for being on YouTube, but he is a very bad critic. That along with his personal life/beliefs was enough for me to unsub.