How to fix Suicide Squad

How to fix Suicide Squad

>make the mission an actual suicide mission, not some generic "save the world" thing
>have Joker try to sabotage the mission the entire way with random goons and traps
>make Boomerang, Croc, and Katana actually useful
>give time for people to grow attached to Slipknot before blowing his head off

Hire me to write DC. $500k starting.

Slipknot was handled perfectly. A sacrificial lamb.

He had a nice quip about punching the lady and he got killed to show that Flag and Waller meant business.

Why waste any time getting to know a nobody?

>have Joker try to sabotage the mission the entire way with random goons and traps
This is just basic shit. I don't know why they didn't do it.

is there a character called slipknot or is there character that looks like a band member?

those braces are kawaii as fuck

>have Joker try to sabotage the mission the entire way with random goons and traps
No it's like poetry. A white knight appears and saves you.

everyone laughed when he immediately died. it didn't feel like some "oh shit they're serious" moment.

>rough stylised digital cinematography like Miami Vice
>minimal dialogue
>movie is from the joker and harley's points of view. Only other suicide squad member is deadshot who is hunting batman
>we see joker's human side as he tries to rescue harley
>harley is being used by batman as bait to infiltrate the underworld and eventually capture the joker.
>movie is more "adult", like an undercover cop thriller

Something like that. Just a comfy stylish movie that cruises along with moments of focused intense action.

Yes his name is actually Slipknot.

> Have them going against some Mexican cartle boss (So CIA could replace him with someone loyal to them) and mke it look like a feud between the criminas.
> Stop trying to make them look like good guys. Have them torture and kill their enemies, and backstabbing Waller every chance they get.
> Have joker sabotaging the mission, and/or taking advantage of the situation to expand his infulence.
> Make a fucking Batman movie and have all the Haley-Joker scenes in it. ( The arkham escape, the acid jump, the love story between them)