What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Jared Leto
Shitty writing, cringy humor, the re-shoots were really jarring.
nothing, stay mad disneycuck
Care to elaborate on the reshoots?
I loved it.
Meme off.
all it's problems boil down to simply not starting with a Marvel Studios logo
>bigger drop than BvS
Word of mouth killed it.
They tried to make it about a plot instead of 2 hours of Cara and Margot's feet
>If DC is the conservative comic-book universe to Marvel’s pseudo-progressivism, it couldn’t be more unpopular among kids who enjoyed the ludicrous platitudes of Avengers: Age of Ultron.
>They both (Snyder and Ayer) approach a childish genre like adults — and that’s what annoys the Marvel kids, whose bad rap on Suicide Squad has already gone viral.
>Think metaphorically again, and see that Suicide Squad entangles post-Vietnam and post-9/11 notions about heroism and citizenship. Deadshot does the right, patriotic thing, yet compliments Waller, his treacherous superior, saying, “That’s gangsta!” This use of hip-hop cynicism speaks more directly to modern confused ethics than most lines from other movies and most politicians. Suicide Squad is The Dirty Dozen for millennial viewers (and voters), who think their patriotic moral conflict is new.
Well nothing went wrong, it beat guardians.
It was made.
>Killer Croc shows up
>It Ain't Me starts playing
>outing yourself as a Marvel kid
everything jumped around and obviously cut out before it should have.
If you're going to have a ton of characters together, you need to give them each an easily defined persona and just let the fans fill in the rest. Trying to give backstories and ~deep~ motivations to like half of them and screwing over everyone else was dumb as hell. Most of them were useless in the movie anyways.
They couldn't decide wtf they wanted the tone of the movie to be. It's clear they were supposed to be bad guys (mainly the dudes) but then they tried to pull a 'we're a team family!' thing at the end and it was so weird.
Cara was bad. Joker was bad. Rick Flag was bad and redundant.
We already know the re-shoots were made to "lighten up" the tone of the film. what happens when you drop a bunch of light hearted re-shoots into a mostly edgy grimdark movie?
The tone was all over the place.
I loved BvS and MoS. Suicide squad was just awful. I was legitimately mad
>laughing at your own jokes
Tone was weird, the beggining was slow. Predictable (who was going to die) Fucking Slipknot man
They cut the bar sceen which seemed werid. The end fight seemed weird. "Shes making an army" so numerousis this army they randomly encounter 100 on the street a few blocks away from the epicentre.End fight? nope! its just the bigbad and the enchantress.
Why not blowup the heart ? Why did bommerang come back, would have been amazing if he left immediatly when Flag said to go and had a scene with him running.
The movie was meh, extremly meh
Joker has no relevance on the story whatsoever
the enchantress was just weak. she was a lame af villain.
doesn't help cara was terrible
The story seems like it was either poorly plotted, haphazardly rewritten during production, or both. On top of that, the editing is just bush league, amateurish in a way that I didn't think even possible in a major studio offering.
>Why did Boomerange come back
Here we go
because is he Boomerang
Then you're a faggot.
not enough Katana >:(
Top 40 garbage every other scene for the first of this flick
I don't know, gonna see it in an hour, ill tell you when i come back.
it comes back
Kek, me tho.
>*High five awkardly*
There never was a foot scene!!
>MFW people have lost faith in DC shit movie universe, Wonder Woman and Justice League will inevitably bomb, and our one chance to have DC connected universe movie is gone.
Life is suffering
that's a good thing.
It was meh, 5/10
They're not villains.
big toe not shorter than the index toe
Post production and reshoots.
You can literally tell where they butchered it, and everything else is really fucking good.
Slipknot dying was literally known from announcement. It's what he's famous for.
where did they butcher it? every scene felt like a disaster to me
Disnigger pls
For a movie about supervillains, they never really did anything villainous, or morally grey
The whole movie was a fucking fraud.
It dressed itself up as something different, but NOPE, it's the same superhero movie you've seen a thousand times, and badly done too!
Deadshot was just Will Smith being Will Smith in a costume, like almost every movie he's in. Worked in MiB, didn't work in SS.
Harley was OK.
Joker was OK, just wasn't enough of him and he seemed kind out of place in the movie. Interested in seeing him as the Joker in a movie that doesn't sideline him and only give him quick throwaway scenes.
Captain Boomerang, El Diablo, and Killer Croc were OK. Would have actually liked to see more of Boomerang and Killer Croc.
Amanda Waller was spot-on.
Flagg was kind of annoying.
Enchantress was shit. The actor playing her was too campy with her weird "sexy" body movement thing. As a villain it was WTF is she even doing?
Katana shows up, and she's OK for as horribly cliched as her character is to begin with.
Here's a character we didn't bother to introduce, OH NO HE'S DEAD. Moving right along, here's some generic mooks and OH NO SOME MILITARY GUYS DIED. Back to the witty banter and maybe a shot of Will Smith being a positive role model despite being a contract killer...
The soundtrack was intrusive. Every little thing seemed to cue it's own pop song and it was unnecessary and distracting.
Did those SEALs just blow themselves up?
It started off ok, then just descended into a total mess. Enchantress was a lousy villain. Ra's Al Ghul and the League of Shadows would have been much cooler.
I don't think they played to the character's strength. We only got to see dead shot pull off one impossible shot in his backstory flashback. I would've loved to see him to ricochet shots in every fight. Captain boomerang hardly got scenes to himself, and only use his boomerang about twice or three times in the whole movie. Every other time he's using knives or some shit. Also, even though it pains to admit this, I think Killer Croc would've done better as a CG beast. He just wasn't all that scary looking, and it would've fun as shit to see him open his mouth and chomp some guys in half.
>Every little thing seemed to cue it's own pop song
Yeah that kind of ruined the pace.
This is what happens when people who edit trailers edit a movie though.
Not much, really. I liked it and so did everyone else in the theater from what I could tell.
god, she's ugly
Were sending an assassin, a crazy woman, a chick with a katana, a guy who throws boomerangs, a guy who climbs things, and military man up against 2 ancient gods and an army of undead
The movie would have been much better if they sent them into a war torn country to steal something and each team member's ability would come in handy to achieve said objective
Here they are essentially just watch a hundred mooks get killed
I used to laugh at DCfaggots but this is just sad now. This movie was their only hope.
Dead Shot's daughter
She let him go to prison, and we're supposed to feel sympathy for her
Yeah this or go against gangsters. I wanted this to be more like the joker scenes
I'm not even a DC faggot and I'm depressed. The only way to make superhero movies better is with competition, and Marvel doesn't really have any competition. Cape movies will go stale and stagnate sooner because of this. God, I just wish I could've gotten a Zatana movie.
DC didn't pay off the critics
Enchantress was good every time she was in her dirt costume. Her other costume scenes sucked and were obviously reshoots.
Everything in the movie was explained
Yeah, that's why I want a recut. I think the only music cuts that worked were House of the Rising Sun and Bohemian Rhapsody.
capeshit is shit and hopefully it will be over soon
They weren't sending them against Enchantress. They were sending then to retrieve Waller.
They were specifically told not to engage Waller.
>The soundtrack was intrusive. Every little thing seemed to cue it's own pop song and it was unnecessary and distracting.
Man fuck that shit, it's the thing I disliked most about the movie. A lot of those scenes would've been fine without the music.