What's next for her career?
Do you think she'll get an oscar next year?
In my opinion she deserved one for Brooklyn already, her performance was amazing
What's next for her career?
Carter Anderson
Other urls found in this thread:
Thomas Perry
>what's next for her career?
Sucking Jew Cock to get her Oscar.
>Do you think she'll get an Oscar next year?
Same answer as it was for question one.
Jacob Reed
Quit making threads about this horse faced bitch.
Kayden Stewart
I want her to throw up a potato stew on my face and dick.
Daniel Torres
terrible post
delete yourself
Jayden Mitchell
I was watching The Night Of yesterday and this Sersha look alike showed up
She's setting the trends now!
Jonathan Sullivan
Do you go out of your way to be the least liked tripfag?
Brandon James
No, I do troll a lot though.
Nathaniel Ross
Brooklyn was great
Jordan Cook
he's a stupid bully, that's all