Why don't they just use the force to turn off the other guy's Lightsaber?

Why don't they just use the force to turn off the other guy's Lightsaber?

they probably do all the time but the other guy always keeps his finger on the button

that's why it instantly turns off anytime they drop the lightsaber

Same reason the Jedi don't use the force to turn on the safeties on all the enemy blasters.

Good is dumb.

Why don't thy just use the force to break the Lightsaber's internal components?

Because the jedi use a force barrier around their hands while holding the sabers

the force doesn't work on some things and it works on some things.

Because. I REBEL.

Communications between a Jedi and his saber cannot be disrupted.

because the other jedi is using his force to keep it on and he's closer so he gets better reception

>I rebel tee-hee

Because the fights would fucking suck if they could.

Takes too much focus, like even if you did before they cut you in half, they'd just turn it right back on, you accomplished nothing.

She rubs Elle?

Otherwise it would be a: INVASION!

If I was a Jedi/Sith, my fighting style would involve using 2 lightsabers. One I would always have in my hand to block and defend, and the other I would constantly be throwing around and using the force to swing it around to attack enemies and shit. It would sort of work like Daredevil's batons where they swing all around but always come back so you have control over them.

That's not how the force works!

Star Wars never makes sense.

What I want to know is why don't Jedis/Siths throw their lightsabers, still ignited, at people or change it up every now and again instead of just having a sword fight.

Why don't thy just use the force to hit the other guy in the balls?


Only correct comment in this shitposting cesspool.

>reviving a decade old meme
For what purpose?

Do you EVER stop whining?
What a little sissy bitch.

SW telekinesis seems pretty weak and imprecise overall desu

Yoda, who's hyped up as this millennium-old force wizard without equal, has as his most impressive feats slowly lifting a space fighter and a pillar.

>talking tough on the internet

Because they'd just click the fucking button again and Force powers are harder to use on other force sensitive people outside of pushing.
Yoda was also old as fuck and had been on a shitty dark side swamp planet for the last 20 years.