What would it take from Season 2 onwards to make this show on the same level as Breaking Bad, Lost, Mad Men, etc.?

What would it take from Season 2 onwards to make this show on the same level as Breaking Bad, Lost, Mad Men, etc.?

Kids doing drugs and imply sexual activities.

Easily entertained bandwagoning faggots who mistake shit with salt on for high quality entertainment or something idk.

well that'd have to redo season 1 for starters

Being on an actual network, a new cast and better writing.

Season 1 on its own is good enough to start it off, if they make season 2 better it could definitely catch up to some GOAT shows

Nice try, Duffer Bros. We're not doing your job for you.

Is it safe to assume Season 2 will have a time jump? Possibly years?

I'm only thinking this because I'm assuming the slug Will puked into the sink will need time to grow. Also it would be interesting to see Season 2 take place in the late 80s/early 90s.

I've just watched with friends 5th episode, I haven't seen 1-4 and I keep wondering what's it all about? Like he teleported himself from future to past?

By acknowledging that anything they could do as a continuation of that story would only ruin it.


I'd need full-frontal hardcore nudity a la Antichrist if I'm ever gonna watch this crap.

Go completely off the rails and not resolve anything.

>on par with Mad Men or Breaking Bad

But I'm not sure exactly what Stranger Things needs to do, the GOAT shows like the two above and the Wire and the Sopranos are pretty dark, I'm not sure how much darker a show like Stranger Things could get without becoming controversial and uncomfortable to watch

GOAT doesn't necessarily mean dark, I'm sure comfy shows like stranger things can become GOAT

Creators said they'd jump a year. Multiple years wouldn't really work given the age of the kids.

Watch the beginning you mongoloid.

Aidan Gillen becomes new main character

This would make Sup Forums obsess about it, no doubt.

The creators actually writing things instead of remixing the most popular movies of all time.

Second season named Stranger Things: Bigger things

I actually take back what I said, Mad Men wasn't nearly as dark as the other three, so maybe Stranger Things should just continue doing what it's doing now

Eleven gets blacked

>implying it's not going to become a sitcom called 'stranger things (have happened in previous seasons)'