Women shouldn't have to face consequences for bad decisions: the movie

>women shouldn't have to face consequences for bad decisions: the movie

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Women are cute and act like little baby people, stop bullying them.

Pretty much.

"I got into internet porn to pay for college and regret it so I should be the victim since we all know that adult females are wholly incapable of taking personal responsibility for their actions"

independence but no consequences pls

if there were no loser men who didn't need to pay for sex there would be no prostitutes

Is that... a triple-negative?

>baby whores

you're sad

>Anyone who doesn't meet young women's impossible standards is a loser

Well maymay'd

It's incredible that they thought I would feel sorry for a bunch of delusional idiots who thought a week of porn would result in instant stardom and fortune and there would be no consequence to their actions.

most people who pay for prostitutes are not loser men but rich men who want some sex on the side

well if there were no pieces of shit degenerate men who paid for it then

dont slutshame men for wanting some extra sex

>insulting the oldest profession in the world

Either way you get your sex, you've paid for it.

reminds me of that porn whore that went to cry on television because she was in her 30s and her life was ruined, no man wanted her and couldn't keep a job after employers found out her porn carreer
then she sploured out:
>"I just want to be treated as 2.3 children nurse."

yes because a woman who studies, works and marries to have a stable family has the same value of a whore who gets paid to suck nigger cock for the camera

This so much.

You want the same rights as men and the independence to choose your own path in life, but none of the consequences?

Tough shit. Welcome to the adult world.

>not just giving agency while keeping all the responsability

Ughhh racist and sexist much???????

This film made me realize that most women are irredeemably stupid

This was a terrible documentary. It doesn't make a point and is beyond slanted

>supporting pornography in any manner, shape or form

When you watch others fuck, you are the cuck.

Nathan Abrams on Jews in the American Porn Industry

>The hardcore pornography industry in film and image format is in particular associated with the United States and many of the most powerful people within the industry in ownership and distribution roles have been Ashkenazi Jews

Pornography, Sex Slaves, Prostitution…Why are These Businesses Dominated by Jews?

Study Archive of Jewish Pornographers in Modern Societies

Anti-Pornography Activist

The Effects of Pornography

Porn Addiction Destroys Relationships, Lives

Pornography's Effect on the Brain - Part 1

Pornography's Effect on the Brain - Part 2

Pornography's Effects on Adult and Child

Study: Watching Porn Boosts Support for Homosexual Marriage

Your Brain on Porn

seriously, why is Sup Forums the filled with paladins of puritan morality?

is it because you can't post this on your facebook wall without alienating all your friends and family?

>women are whores!
i dont get how you think the johns are blameless

it takes 2 to tango

>nobody wants me
>therefor it's impossible to be desired
Yeah, sorry to tell you, but you're a loser.

Just the usual contrarianism swinging in full force since modern society is so degenerate or whatever


Visited there. Too many virgins. Never again.

Women have no place to comment on paying for sex because they have to do literally nothing for it, men are always willing to give. Men are expected to do a lot. If all a man wants is sex, and all he has to do is pay, that's a better deal than the pageantry involved with trying to actually attract a woman.

Prostitution is a win for everyone involved.

If there were no terrorist groups there wouldn't be illegal arms dealers. If there were no underground organ trades there wouldn't be kidney thieves. If there were no people who wanted drugs there wouldn't be drug dealers.

That doesn't absolve them of responsibility for their own actions, dummy.

If it was just contrarianism, it would die out in the absence of response.

this shit just gets stronger the less people reply to it.

The johns aren't the ones complaining and developing a victim complex about it all, user.

I could never be mad at Rashida Jones.

>nofap faggots
out out out

so it's men's laziness? you don't like the game of courtship and conquest so you would rather just pay for it

>exploit women with easy money when they come from poor backgrounds
>LOL it's their fault, trickle down economics



Nobody pays for porn anymore, user.

>you don't like the game of courtship and conquest so you would rather just pay for it

Now you're getting it.

you're must be one of those guys that say it's a woman's fault she was raped for dressing provocatively

You seem to be buttmad.

These women are adults. Choices have consequences. They KNEW they were getting into the porn industry. For them to play the victims is bullshit and only triggered SJW cucks/NuMales pity them.

>it takes 2 to tango
I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn’t take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It’s clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother’s mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.

I thought the film didn't have that strong an agenda. it was more like just seeing what the girls did, some of them clearly enjoyed living in LA or wherever it was and having a party life for a bit.

Do people really not get jobs because they've worked in porn? surely that's discrimination and illegal?

im with you there but some women are pushed into prostitution by violence

And you must be one of those women who can't form a proper counter-argument so just talks shit about the person who proves them wrong.

Call me Hitler next, that'll surely disprove my point.

Shut up faggot, I could kick you across the room like a football.

but why? it's abnormal not to want a wife or gf. someone who will provide sex when you want it.

>it's abnormal not to want a wife or gf

Clearly not, since prostitution does pretty well everywhere that it's legal. You already work for your pay, why do more work for sex? Why not just convert the money you're already working for into sex?

gf's and wives are more expensive than prostitutes by far.

Very true, in the cases of things like human trafficking or where pimps find fucked up women and hook them on drugs then offer prostitution as their only way of getting more drugs, it is a clear cut case of them actually being victims.

But don't forget the OP and the documentary we're actually talking about, which involves none of that. I'd say the fact it involves none of that but just looks at women who make poor choices and then blames everybody else for them makes it quite harmful to the cause of helping those who are actually terrorised and abused.




>Do people really not get jobs because they've worked in porn? surely that's discrimination and illegal?

Would rather fuck a girl who's kept it discreet with simple clients, or one who's done that and also been machine-fucked for 8 hours straight in every hole by some dude pornstar's 7 incher?

I'd like to see the hard anti-porn alt-right and the hard anti-porn SJWs get together and try to discuss why porn is bad.

>Four young women say they were cajoled into appearing in pornography by men who promised that the videos would never be posted on online or distributed in the United States.

Heh, idiots.

Not only is it retarded to think that in this interconnected world/age that their videos wouldn't make it online but it's also retarded to think they wont do that if they didn't sign any contract saying it wont happen.

>Nobody pays for porn anymore

not true, middle aged men who can't into internet still buy porn mags and pay for site passes. they are pretty much the only thing keeping the porn industry alive desu

ok, that wall made me lol

but i agreed with all your points. if no one did drugs why would there be drug dealers?

my point was that if a prostitute got murdered she's partly to blame for choosing such a profession but most of the blame would be on the murderer. do you have an excuse for a murderer as well?

Discrimination, especially in the hiring process, is very easy to avoid. Instead of saying, "We're not going to hire you because you're an ex-pornster/nigger/Jew/tranny/you look a bit rapey," they just say, "We've selected another candidate for the job," and you're essentially bulletproof.

It's discriminatory not wanting porn stars as your kindergarten teacher, but every kind of discrimination isn't illegal, because ex-porn whores aren't a protected group. Their choices in life has made them unsuitable for certain professions, that's on them.
Being discriminatory can also mean that you are able to make a fine distinction and be good at choosing something fitting, for example being good at choosing wine.

Would you also shout discrimination if hooters refused to hire men?

>trying to trigger my OCD this badly.

Fuck you, user.

That's women in a nutshell, they feel like consequences don't apply to them. Now stop victim blaming me, I need to get ready for my slutwalk march.

Short term win

The prostitute didn't openly offer to be murdered for money so is nothing like a customer. Your metaphor is fucking retarded.

>it's an I have no idea what ocd is but I said it anyway because I am le epic self diagnosed

>Women facing consequences for bad decisions: The movie

I thought the film makers did a good job of just exposing what went on and didn't have a particular message they wanted to get across.

dating is fun until you reach that point where you know everything about each other, then its just for convenient sex, when the convenient sex stops there is no more reason for a woman.

i'm too much of a egotist to ever treat a woman as an equal so i really have no use for them outside of sex.

that being said, i fucking love hookers. it's not like regular sex, its a completely different thrill. its almost like a fetish, that feel of knowing you're going to fuck some complete stranger for money gives me a raging hard on, then the first penetration is great, then its all downhill until the orgasm, same as regular sex.

the best part is throwing some cash on the bed and walking off without saying a word.

it says a lot about the relationship between man and woman. that there is something wrong with us and society. like someone said it is the oldest profession and we have been dysfunctional for awhile now.

Are you an idiot? How do you make the distinction between what is a choice and what isn't? What if they need the money?

I kinda feel bad for them because they were socially ruined for a ridiculously small amount of money in retrospect.

But they have only themselves to blame for their own life choices.

Morality? On Sup Forums?

You're mistaken. Truth is not necessarily morality.

I agree consenting adults should be allowed to do whatever they want with their genitals. At the same time don't expect me to respect those decisions. You made a choice you live with it.

Here's a video depicting an evil pornographer brutally raping a poor young girl he tricked. Trigger warning: sex, rape, heterosexuality, Frenchman, copious amounts of lying


they can get a job d00d.

im not the dude you're talking to but seriously, stop pretending their only choice was to take cock. because it wasn't. bitches at my uni turn tricks to buy text-books so they can spend their money on new shoes.

There are plenty of ways to make money. This is a toured old excuse. Lazy women just realized the easiest way to get through life is spreading their legs.


Sorry to tell you but we can all tell you're a walking vagina-- a woman.

And there it is. The "fedora". Right on schedule.

You are the cancer that destroyed this place and is now proceeding to destroy humanity. Everything you touch, is shit. YOU are shit. Everything you will ever amount to, everybody you will ever know and everything you will ever do, will be shit.

You rob everything of its integrity and you spew your "buzzwords" as though they're gospel. You brag about accomplishments that aren't yours to what passes for your "friends" and they reward you with empty applause. Empty. Like everything else in your life. You have never possessed one ounce of dignity, honor or self-respect. Others do not respect you. In all likelihood they will NEVER respect you.

I do not wish death upon the likes of you. I do not wish for you to end your vapid, hollow existence. Instead, I revel in the knowledge that, with each year that passes, you will descend more and more into the despair and depression that will inevitably follow your teenagehood. I wish I could be there to see the look on your face as the revelation hit you. The revelation that you are nothing and always have BEEN nothing. I wish I could be there to tell you, "I told you so" with a wry smile on my face.

That this will never happen, is my only regret. Enjoy what passes for your life, child, because in a few years when adulthood hits you with full-force, you will not even be REMOTELY prepared for it.

>fucking hookers

pick only one. you and i both know autismos are too socially retarded to leave the basement long enough to spend their GGP on hookers.

That's fine, some people aren't meant for relationships and that general lifestyle, so it makes sense to have prostitution as an alternative.

Tbh you sperged out here.

Of course the other user doesn't have a good argument.

I wonder if it's actually better to be a prostitute than a porn actress.
A whore if she manages to not get caught by the police or doesn't spend her money on drugs, can retire and have a clean reputation in some other place with out any proof of the contrary.
A porn star will always be a porn star, she is just a few clicks away from someone discovering her past.

Whatever makes you sleep at night m80.

>Not recognising pasta

Womens are whores.


>people should suffer because they made a bad decision in life

How is that empathy working out for you?

>Calling out people crying that their actions have consequences has anything to do with morality

What's wrong with you?

>women shouldn't have to face consequences for bad decisions: the movie

So feminism the movie?

>Kill a man.

Whoa is just a bad desicions, just deserve a better life whoa!
Fuck off, faggot

It's funny how it only takes two to tango when a woman wants to shift blame, otherwise she is a strong independent womyn who don't need no man.

reminds me of that porn neet that went to cry on television because he was in his 30s and his life was ruined, no woman wanted him and couldn't keep a job after employers found out his cunny addiction
then he sploured out:
>"I just want to be treated as 2.3 children wagecucm."
yes because a man who studies, works and marries to have a stable family has the same value of a loser who plays videogames and watches tv shows all day

as a femanon I get a laugh out of all the triggered manbabys in this thread. How can you call women whores when you've never slept with one?

Warned you 'bout those Jews, bro.

Jokes on you, I only fap to 2d


I think they're just explaining that women really don't have the slightest clue what a lot of men have to go through to get laid and hence why some of them choose to pay.

>How do you make the distinction between what is a choice and what isn't?
>Are you an idiot?

The fucking irony. You make the distinction through simple logic. If someone has their child threatened by gangsters (as in some cases of human trafficking) then they are being coerced, and it is not a choice they have made but a choice that has been made for them. If someone is genuinely mentally ill they are being coerced on account of them not being legally or logically capable of making sound choices for themselves. If someone simply needs the money they have a fucking ton of options; get a different job, be a waitress or a deliverer or a cleaner or sell vacuums door-to-door literally anybody can do that shit, beg, borrow, steal, government welfare (which the vast majority of western countries have), and even staying in the same realm there are other options, be a camwhore, do phonesex, do nude modelling for one of those fetish sites that takes tattooed and fat chicks. Having options gives choice. This isn't a difficult concept you fucking retard.

It's not johns' responsibility to take care for women's well-being.

If I offer to saw off my leg for money, it is I who is retarded and should've known better. Anyone who'd pay me clearly has terrible taste in entertainment but it's my duty before myself to maintain my well-being (And maybe whatever doctors I pay, directly or through taxation) and nobody else's.

i couldnt get sex for free for 2 years so i hit the weights to make myself fuckable again

what im saying is i worked hard for sex and these stupid whores just have to be there and open their legs

they have an asset then sell it for low value and then complain of sellers remorse

fucking idiots

>you don't like the game of courtship and conquest

I'm just some dude trying to cum.

>one anecdote
Come back when you learn how to formulate a proper argument.

>having sex with multiple men is the same as murder
wew lad

I also dont think murderers should be punished, I believe in rehabilitation ;^)

They all rejected me, because i do not have money to pay for their sex.

le criminalise buying sex but legalise selling it face

>Damn evul jews poisoning our minds with their pornography
>Oh, three_blondes_and_a_dog.avi finished downloading, time to fap the third time today


Wew, now that's an ugly attitude. A reminder that women who have a caesarean are lazy.

>How do you make the distinction between what is a choice and what isn't?
Are you seriously this fucking retarded?