ALL memes aside

ALL memes aside.
What will we do if UK actually goes to shit?
It's probably not going to happen but I'm still worried.
I don't want this once so great nation become a shithole.

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I'll manage
though of course it's the EU that's going down

You must be a brit on holiday or something, all Germans naturally hate Anglos they would like nothing better than to see this nation fade into irrelevancy.
I'd tend to agree with them

*Sup Forums memers hate anglos

In reality you could ask a random german about anglos and he would just say "like the german word Angel?? :DDD Isn't that something british?"
The only ones that show any hate are you and your shitty media.
pic related

pakis are this butthurt the english bulldog is getting strong again
england 5-1 germany never forget

Don't you all see us as uneducated brexiters, inbred islanders who are comparable to your own bydlo infestation?

>What will we do if UK actually goes to shit?
grab the pop corn, obviously

Stop taking Sup Forums memes as facts. Most people i know support the brexit.

>uneducated brexiters

not uneducated, just "arrogant" and disapointing.

>inbred islanders

kek, no.
We see you as decent neighbours.
The only time we actually see you as inbreds is when we have a football match, because then you behave like literal animals.
But we don't go full retard and print it on newspapers.

If we do Germany will suffer with us because of our mutual trading interest

Brexit has unironically not effected me or my finances in any way, why does everybody on this board act like we're in the midst of a second great depression or something? We're fine, relax.


it's going to shit just like germany, you filthy neo-turk

England will be forced to let Scotland go soon, after which Northern Ireland (which feels more connected to Scotland than England) will move to join the Republic.

Thus, they will both reenter the EU, and the Kingdom of England will be left.

feels GREAT

because our """newschannels""" always tell us how fucked you are.

>muh they will go down
>muh the working class will suffer
>muh it's racist

it's top-tier propaganda.
feels like Goebbels is still alive

and then we will conquer it!

I don't fucking get it! Are americans pro brexit or not?

>forced to let Scotland go

Scotland LITERALLY voted to stay you retard

Americans don't give a fuck about us or the EU so just use this as an opportunity to throw out weak bait and get some (You)s. I don't really blame them.

I thought they had a hard dick for the brexit debate because their god emperor mentioned it in the news.

ill move to Australia

I support brexit since I want Britain to remain a nice, sovereign nation.

thank you

I'm pretty sure the UK will do just fine.

yw pops/bro

if you werent following the news you wouldn't have even known anything happened

fucking get a grip, the country is not going to collapse

Nothing has happened yet though. You're still in the EU. The borders haven't gone up yet.

what fucking borders. this government has no intention of doing anything about immigration

Import tariffs.

It's funny how Brits think Australia is some kind of paradise. Just no.



the eurozone is precarious enough as it is

fuck off

The EU is very eager to make an example out of the UK.

Our government has insisted on a smooth transition and a free trade agreement (which is in the Dutch interest) but in Frankfurt, Brussels and Paris they can't wait to take London over.


>brits moving here en masse
>more germanic genes

I'm okay with this

Brexit songs:

they dont need to try to make an example of us, the country will collapse on its own because leaving the EU will be so devastating



Screw the brits. They seriously deserve it for the amount of racism they sustain.

I wouldn't be surprised if this happened. I kind of hope it does actually.

Many great nations in history have become shitholes, it's just nature m8.

Do what your ancestors did and try and make it in the next best place.

>Germans talking about a country going to shit


>Germany of all countries talking about others going to shit

Scotland LITERALLY only voted that way to stay in the EU.

I'm just worried. No reason to be assholes.

Why would it go to shit? Because they don't have foreign bureaucrats dictating their trade policies, interest rates and EU "contributions". The EU is kinda like a cult, you spend most of your money on it only to realise its all bullshit. Besides isn't a bit ironic that a someone from a country that's actively destroying their culture criticising another for taking control of their immigration policy?

britain was just a bunch of neanderthals in straw shacks hitting each other with sticks before the EU. the EU gave our humble little nation everything; it stands to reason they can take it all away again

How would a shitskin fare in the south?

British refugees welcome. Just so you guys know.

you don't have too much to worry about unless you unreasonably dislike china

pretty much everywhere in europe is fucked in their own way

I say worry about your own countries and let us worry about ours

Before the EU: UK lost 2 world wars, couldn't stand on it's own feet, economy was in the shitter, got nuked by America

After the EU: lived in harmony, communities embraced multiculturalism, became a world respected superpower

>UK got nuked by America
what timeline are you from m8

>UK lost 2 world wars, couldn't stand on it's own feet, economy was in the shitter, got nuked by America


Will the UK lose its permanent UNSC seat once it breaks away from the EU like Taiwan did? Which countries will recognize its independence?

It's alright Britain can just trade with Asia and Africa....PFFFT HAHAHAHAHAHA

Why should it? The EU and the UN are separate entities; we'd retain it.

> independence
We're already a sovereign nation, Mehmet.

Memes aside the whole world is fucked
>high hdi leads to people being selfish and not wanting kids.
>higher education leads to decline in religion which makes people get married. marriage rates dropping drastically
>automation will lead to inevitable communism. Government will gain more control as more and more people will find themselves out of jobs.
>lack of work will make people depressed with no purpose in their lives
>instead of people making different amounts of money everyone will get the same basic income meaning everyone is poor
>Christianity has already dissolved to the point where Islam can take over Europe and Christians will do nothing about it.
>the only decent place will be Japan but eventually they will go extinct.

Do Brits like Teresa May?


not particularly but I like her more than cameron

>lack of work will make people depressed with no purpose in their lives
are you joking? not having to work sounds amazing

> Decline in religion makes people get married

What did he mean by this?

better than cameron for most i think

id say so

Not him but it could go either way.

Post-scarcity means that anyone can do what they want. So you'd get a state where most people don't have to do anything, and it could be amazing. I mean what if 90% of the world could be employed as artists? Or entertainers? Imagine the incredible things we could make if we didn't have the distractions of our next meal or job.

...or it could just as easily be dystopian. With no need to do anything, everyone could end up doing nothing. Think WALL-E with the fat fucks on the hover chairs. Or worse, think Fall of the Eldar (torture cults, depravity, etc).

Who knows. I think it's going to work out for the better because its been going that way for all of human history. Think about it: this is the first time in human history when the government can give you 100% of the money you have a right to and it doesn't get siphoned and diverted by the local strongman. It's the first time when you can talk to anyone, anywhere, instantly. You can travel anywhere in 24 hours. At least 95% of the world is safe from raids by marauding bandits that put the defenseless villagers at a high risk rape, murder, and enslavement. Almost everyone lives to adulthood. Life is good, and will probably continue that way.

How the anglos feel about bein ruled by a pro EU Theresa May ?

why should we care klaus

Why on earth would they go to shit? Britain's golden age occurred when they weren't being suppressed by continential ambitions and ideology. They need to focus on fostering their national identity within and let it fluorish, and having the sovereignty to do so will only catalyze that. If they stayed in the union with its tepid liberal globalist ambitions, they'd be diluted into "Europeans" and deprived of what makes anglos great.

why does europe always try to ruin britain

b-but what about all the shitskins
w-what about all the disgusting racemixing

We really need to set up a mini-EU with you, Australia, and New Zealand. Or at least freedom of movement, since most of your trade is with your NAFTA partners. It feels kind of nice that this is now something that could actually realistically happen in the future now instead of just some Sup Forums autistic pipe dream.