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International #730
What's the first thing that comes to your mind when I say "Italy"?
Do women not wear bras in Europe?
The little Mexican kid is walking down the block hawking his family's frozen tamales again
For non-Canadian Frenchies
Hey user thanks for inviting me out! Tell me more aboutyour country!
/fr/ - Le fil francophone et blanc:
How do we attract more black girls our countries?
Ask a russian boy anything
Why are Latinos manlets?
Be me (american)
/deutsch/ - Einigkeitsedition
This is the only solution to stop the eternal Spaniard
Buy a toblerone bar
Russian starter pack
Sup Forums dance party
Poland is third wo-
Ask a Tunisian girl anything
Sverigetråden - Kvällsupplagan
One shot at life
Britain has been causing worldwide butthurt since 1707
What do you think of Albanians
Why only Japanese able to use 3 Characters?
Post in my thread and I will say something nice about your country
If your country doesn't have:
I swear by all that is holy, I will destroy Sp*in and Arg*ntina!
Is this true?
Kurva anyátok
To all past USSR countries
/Stateless/ thread
Why do Argies say they have Italian influence when the most popular surnames are all Spanish?
Coffee culture
Why is this still allowed
Which country has the best Spanish accent?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Redpill me on Slavic people
Mfw my ancestors burned down the white house
Which one of these amerindian shitholes would you get rid of?
/balt/ /ausnz/
Give it to me straight Sup Forums:
His language doesn't have +10 grammatical cases
1 - What kind of phenotype is the most attractive to you?
Why does Spain care about Gibraltar? Isn't it just a small city that makes its money via tourism...
Post your internet speed
Sverigetråden - Minoritetsupplagan
Uk and Spain declare war to each other over >a fucking rock
Someday we will be our own country
Eastern European thiefs
ITT : We post our ancestors
Is Boston the best city in the USA?
Native Americans + Iamzighen + Kurds general
Why do Slavs hate using "the" and "a" when speaking English?
This country
Arab world
Gibraltar's ours, pablo
Were the Americas colonized by lower middle class Spaniards? Is it true they were mostly from Asturias...
1. Your country
Ask a Ukrainian anything
Come Home Phoenician Man
/fr/ - le fil de la France pyrotechnique
So in 20 years time Southern Europe will be whiter then Germany, France, Sweden etc
/ita/ il filo
Why are Europeans and South American such awful posters...
Post your city
Post the cunts you have come to like/dislike after you started Sup Forums
Any fellow Anglos ready to impregnate yuropoors with BIG ANGLO COCK
Do you still believe in a God?
Dumb goy fell for the STEM meme
Wtf i love ukraine now
What happen here? Here never show news from this region
Le french police
Why do europeans hate Denmark?
ITT: Your countrie's golden era
What are some racist things people from your country do/say but don't mean to be actually racist? like...
1. You're cunt
His country doesn't spend 50% of it's budget on defense
Brits want to kill white people AGAIN
1. Your country
/polska/ - prawilna letnia nitka
Russian police arrest protester in moscow
Im at milk bar right now eating dinner and some homeless people are around me
White men responsible for one-third of rapes in South Korea
Friendly reminder that if you have less than 48% of steppe ancestry, you are basically not European
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/balk/ Cooking with Natasha EP1. Edition
My people
Poland is first wo-
How can Sup Forums even compete?
Wake up in europe
Give me your honest opinion on China that doesn't involve being soulless
Sverigetråden - Martyrupplagan
Tell me about Spain
This kraut building is called Walhalla
Honest opinions on these countries?
Tell about your school, your schoollife, girls from your school and was you popular in school...
French Music Thread
Prove that you are, in fact, white
Post bizarre aspects of your culture
What should we do after Brexit?
Geeez I wonder why germans are so mad about brexit
If your flag does not have at least red white or blue in it, you are basically a non country
How do you call this kind of "people" in your cunt? Here banany (bananas)
Is there a more normie country than Spain?
Your cunt
Does anyone else think this is still the best FPS?
How does English sound to Germans?
What's wrong with Chinese people?
I hate being an asian
The history of Malta is pretty interesting...
What country can I find a qt autistic girl?
How do you call this in your country?
/stegner/ auch /deutsch/
/MENA/ + Tunisia
Which is best Europe?
What are the origins of your ethnic group?
Tfw winter in 2 months
/fr/ - le fil francophone
In which countries is this considered a sexy ass?
Why the FUCK do Americans drink out of Jam Jars?
Who is the best documentarian in your country?
No redirect to /vint/
/v4/ + /friends/
Kurva anyátok
/lang/ - Language Learning thread
Prove me you are not a Sup Forumseddittor
I-Is the merger gone? Is this my beloved Sup Forums? Oh how I missed you!
Russian people are starving but Putin is building the tallest building in Europe
/lat/ - Hilo Latino
What do you think about Latinas?
What do you think about Latinas?
Culture Pals - /cp/
Question for non-anglos
America throws a nuke on your cunt's capital city
Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1834.5
Is this normal?
Do we really need two countries here?
Sverigetråden - ostburgare-tan upplagan
Your cunt
/ita/ - il filo
Jew Thread
Post your town city flag
What is the difference between Bolivia and Argentina?
What kind of music does Sup Forums listen to?
My 18 year old cousin in Hong Kong is dating a 13 year girl. And nobody has a problem with it...
How old were you when bartenders stopped asking for your ID? I'm 22 and people stilll ask for my ID
Your cunt
What made you stop being a NEET?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Would these halloween costumbes be allowed in your cunt?
Your thoughts on Jap Moot's April Fools joke?
"Brits are ugl-"
Have you noticed how every shit nationalities ends in "an" (ie american, brazilian, tunisian, palestinian etc..) ?
When will the meme that Brazil is a cesspool of casual sex and degeneracy die?
Imagine being Irish
Name 10 English cities
Any non-white here?
/cum/ Canada United States Mexico
Name the best cunt in each region
Sweden first, Finland second:
What powerful empire has fallen the furthest that still exists...
Give me your honest opinion on America and the chicano people
Let's talk about the G*rmans people
Es ist /deutsch/ hier
Coffee thread
Spain will go to war over this
I fucking love Brazil. Please adopt me
1. you're cunt
Your country
I ate British chocolate all day
/balt/ /ausnz/
At least you live in Europe
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
If you can't name all 7 of these states you have no right to make fun of American education. Especially if your British
What the FUCK happens here
Post your cuntrees (ch)Air-Force
Hey Sup Forums
Sverigetråden - Kampupplagan
Flag bearer thread
Is switzerland truly as amazing as they say? Low taxes? Meritocracy? Beautiful white people and mountains...
/balk/ Bulgaria is Rome edition
French will defend this
There is 1,300,000 Ukrainians refugees in Poland. UE and UN must do something with this...
Should I dump my white gf and tell my mom to find a girl from back home to marry?
1. Your cunt
Cowboys, the most american thing ever, were mexican
How accurate is this list guys?
Nah man, I like girls, I'm not ga-
/balt/ /ausnz/
If a black guy is born and raised in England, is he considered a "real" Brit?
Ask a Mexican anything
What do you think of Albania and Albanians?
Do frenchies actually go to the beach without clothes? That's pretty degenerate desu
/lat/ + /polska/
What race are Greek people
Has your country been able to produce as beautiful and fertile women as in the pic?
1. your cunt (unironically int related)
How do you know so many things about Finland user ?
Post the shoes you are wearing now
Anyone here ever emigrated to Canada?
1. You're cunt
Why are israelis on this board so self hating...
Be from a 1/2 italian 1/2 spanish family
If America is a country, then why are North America, South America, Central America and Latin-America not inside the US?
Sverigestormen - HELL SEGER
Why are Anglos, especially Brits, so obsessed with Germany?
If you like anime so much why aren't you learning Japanese as well?
What do you think about the language of the poster above you?
What is the most irrelevant state in the US?
/ita/ il filo
/fr/ - Le Francofil francophone
Average height in 18C
I would like to share with you some images of the Brazilian police
Who do Poles have such a massive inferiority complex...
We will annex Portugal as our 28th state. Any objections?
"Portuguese, Spanish and Italians are not white, they're all muslim rape babies!"
You wake up in south brazil
I love little Japanese streets. They look so comfy and social
There's no such thing as a perfect fla-
My ancestors :)
Why do Balkan people deny their Turkish roots? Why are they ashamed of their brown genes?
Reading in stupid English
Yfw the President of Ireland is an actual leprechaun
What drugs does Sup Forums use?
What do you think about Latinas?
Why is Rhode Island a state?
Post your country´s stock exchange
/balt/ /ausnz/
Holy Trinity
Kurva anyátok
Why is "authentic " Mexican food so gross?
Ottoman SATANIC, BARBARIC slavery
What's the difference?
Post food you like but is from another country
You're about to buy some product
/cum/ Poisson d'avril edition
/polska/ edycja letniego normiczenia
Tfw no quebec gf
Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1834
I want
A burger walks into a Europe
Ukrainskis/Eastern Euros
Don´t they have trees in Tokyo? Holy fuck
Post the ugliest parts of your city
American Girls or Canadian Girls
Are native Americans related to far easterners? Or Mexicans?
How can one country cause so much russian butthurt?
Do you like hungary?
Mister Sun, arch enemy of the white race, is rearing its ugly head once more
Sverigetråden - Vårupplagan
You have 10 seconds to act as Turkish as possible
How do you say ''April Fool'' in your language?
Go to Sup Forums
Today, the world heritage of Kyoto and Nara was defiled by them
Who do you want to get merged with Sup Forums?
Why are the latinos still mad at Spain?
1. Your country
Dear Israelis!
Merkel says Germany need more young people and workers
/balt/ /ausnz/
Sup Forums didn't get combined
Look I know you all think this is funny, but it isn't. This is very insulting...
/éire/ + /celt/ = /theboys/
ITT: We wish freedom to Scotland
What did Sup Forums do to you? On a personal level
The most famous serb ever was the worst person in human history
/polska/ - Rzeczpospolita Polska General
Expat Thread
ITT: We step outside and snap a pic of the street we live on
You like Indian?
Hey Britches
Post the view outside your house/flat thread, comfy edition
1. Your cunt
Are italians considered white in your country...
Fuck it
Who said America doesn't have commie blocks?
I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands...
What is this called in your language?
Tfw be vegan-born
How are interracial couples threated in your country?
Be proud of your heritage they said. And just like that, I was proud
/MeNa/-Lebanon Is Christian Edition
What does the average residential area look like in your country?
Is this good map of European Canada's
Does your country pray for this fallen black angel?
Why are asian guys so cutie/hot?
How are you preparing for the Asian century?
Russian Music/Women/Memes/Pics Thread
1.your country
I actually love EU and think Euro-countries is a great countries, with amazing history, warm people...
Which nationality has the ugliest men?
Oh my gosh! My house is firing!
What is the greatest thing that your country has given to the world?
Anyone else here like Brazil?
Going to the UK for a bit this summer...
We are brothers Even though there are the irreconcilable difference of historical awareness
I love japan
Austrian-German friendship
"""Brits speak English"""
ITT: Fucked up murder/pedo/serial killer stories from your cunt
1. you're country
Would Sup Forums join me for a midnight snack?
Latinas are the best companion for the racial aware white male in the 21st century
Why is russia red in this map although they are homophobic?
Post your country's Rothschild Bank
Sverigetråden - Morgonupplagan
Who's the biggest traitor of your country's history? Who's like your Brutus?
MFW Russia and Finland aint so diffrerent from our peoples side
/ita/ - il filo
Are French people your friends?
Do Americans really have "culture?"
Is Australia the most culturally European non-European country?
Enforced military service...the #1 sign of living in a Third World country
40% Asian women refuse to date Asian men
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Heel vreemd maar ik zag geen nederdraad dus bij deze. Nederlandse videospelletjes editie
/fr/ - Le Francofil francophone
Does this image actually triggers any of you mongs ?
Any white country
Is this true ?
Avoid the red if you're planning to visit America
*screams at the top of his lungs*
/lat/ - hilo latino
India state to give life sentences for cow slaughter
Why are Krauts so obsessed with England?
What's the best religion
/rus/ /russia/
What do you think of South Africa and South Africans?
What is the best european country to live in and why is it Switzerland?
Kurva anyátok
/cum/ Canada US Mexico
When an american tourist tries to small talk
Ready for the pain, mexico?
Your cunt
What will happen in 14 days?
18/f, ask me anything
There seems to be a tangible correlation between Europeaness and the ability to digest milk
What are chads like in your country?
ITT: your cunt's national land creature
Post a hot girl from your ethnicity
I like France. Do you like France?
Virgin at 30
Why does Latin America lack any African influence unlike the US?
Fuck Drompf and fuck wh*te "people"
1. Your cunt
Is Russia over? The Russian interference with US election seems like it's coming true...
/cum/ Cambodia Uganda Macedonia
One of Japanese music chart number-one singles in 1996
Which foreign leader do you wish was your country's leader?
Brazil is third worl-
Ignore random pic
Black people are pretty /fa/
ITT: Pretend to be a poster from the country above you
Why is America so shit?
Hilo latino /lat/
How dangerous is Brazil to travel?
Gimmi feels music
This is considered sexy in America
Your country
Anyone else just realizing they're 22 yo and have wasted their youth on Sup Forums?
Japan incestual abuse
I want to become able to speak German fluently
Prehistoric animals from your cunt
Sums up your city with one single image
/balt/ /ausnz/
In 17th century intellectuals had to learn Italian
/éire/ + /eire/
/fr/ - Le fil francophone et blanc:
Retarded idiots keep calling me Indian or Latino
So is the joke over?
Marrying a Venezuelan?
The jews and their noses
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Trying to fill out government census form
New worlders will never feel the connection with centuries of history and heritage
Which cunt on Sup Forums makes you the maddest
What are the most a e s t h e t i c borders?
/ita/ - il filo █▬█ █ ▀█▀
Why are Europeans such commies? Why they lack freedom?
/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico
Chinese restaurants are staffed by Mexicans
You're on your way home when pic related stops you
Which neighbour country of yours is the worst, and why?
/spätschicht/ für /deutsch/e - Basler trainiert-Ausgabe
Sverigetråden – Faderlig upplaga
/v4/ + fat
Who is the most famous youtuber in your country?
Asian rate thread
ALL memes aside
/balt/ /ausnz/
1. You've language
Would you racemix with an Argentine girl?
Seriously, what does it feel to live in a first world country?
Afghan people are fucking alpha chads
Why do Europeans still live at home?
Would you race mix with an Anglo?
Be me, 21 years old
Italians must say "geppetto im ready" when ansewring the door bell
What happens here?
Japanese girls hate foreigners
How should Germany punish the eternal anglo for brexit?
Happy taco day, Sup Forums!
Living in Australia means you have to have 12 bottles of anti-venom around in case your kid accidentally tries to...
/fr/ - Le fil francophone
Kurva anyátok
What are weeaboos in your cunt like?
A majority of Sup Forums (mostly americans) won't get more than the average
/balk/ albania autochthonous edition
Road design
Why are dutch people so based and masterrace?
Russia love thread
/esp/ + /ita/ + /por/ /Espita/ and /por/
Have you ever had sex?
Am I a Finno-Ugric mongol?
Serious question, why do Spaniards hate Latin Americans?
Be American
Sweden hate thread
Why is Europe so small?
Could I pass as a local in your country?
Sverigetråden - Fredagsfest
/MeNa/ - sectarian civil war edition
Beating children is still legal in half of Europe
Who here lives under an actual dictatorship? How does it affect your day-to-day life?
You know what would be insane? If anyone here on Sup Forums had the balls to travel to Yemen...
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...