Poland is third wo-

>Poland is third wo-

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that's pretty

good post

that's a pretty

good post

>3rd world


how is it even possible for a city to be this comfy

take a picture looking out of your window RIGHT NOW, and I'll judge your comfiness

i don't think anybody has said that about polen

>Russia is third wor-

>fly emirates
>arab writing inbackground
>non-russian colour scheme on car

i'm at work now, funny enough 50m down the street from OPs pic


a co to za praca
>siedzi w centrum w niedziele o 23

>on nie zbiera punktów dobrego goja
whoa żbsz lmao

wtf Im polish now?

You already were bartek

Britain is rightfully polish clay

czemu na Sup Forums wszyscy pracuja w IT

ile zarabiasz?

No you are 2nd world

I am aware of this yes

30 cebul/h, jak na branżę to niedużo, ale przynajmniej mogę 80% czasu spedzic na przeglądaniu memów


>on nie pracuje dla pana Goldberga do 23 w niedziele

that's dubai

>we're literally colonizing Anglo countries

>tfw vast majority of hurritage (~80%) is Polish

you are literally clogging up every other country than your home?
what makes you want to flee your country so badly?

>tylko do 23
>nie do 7 rano
Pan Sven Goldbergsson byłby bardzo niezadowolony.

>tfw usa still dont trust us
>tfw still need visa to visit United States

Why ;_;

W-we're on your side

you're an east bloc state. US no like communistas

What makes him different than any white European immigrant group here? Poles have been in America since the 18th century.

We hate gommunism ;_;

Im pretty sure some pajeet can go to us without problems and boland is still treated like shit

It has to do with the rejection rate of Visa applications from there. It has to be below a certain rate for a country to qualify for the Visa waiver program. Rejections have gone down but the rate is still fucked from Poles working illegally here in the 90s and early 00s.

After brexit all the bydlo will come back here, so even if visas were lifted, these alcocholics would ruin everything and it would be back to selected-only.

I have accepted my fate. I will never see the US

you seem to misunderstand, poland.
you ARE shit.

>nie spi w samochodzie przed biurem pana Schlomo Goldberga

>t*rk diaspora declaring who's shit

I would feel insulted if some civilized flag wrote this

Germany? More like Ottoman Empire

>nie spi w samochodzie przed biurem pana Schlomo Goldberga


I thought Bolan was bigger than this.

Fake news.

Trump said he would look into changing it when he was petitioned by Polish-American muh heritage organizations about it, so hopefully he will.

Get fucked cunt, I always thought the rest of you were as bad as the Polish here.
I don't believe the whole "Poland after 2004 is paradise, much less crime, no bydlo whatsoever, thanks UK for cleaning up our streets etc" I won't believe it no matter how many times I read it here, the Poles in Poland are no better than the ones here


Why do so many Poles move to the UK is Poland is so great?

I could give you countless examples of bydlo who I know personally that emigrated to the UK plus plenty of examples online

Its a fact sadly, open country, no restrictions, muh 1pound=5zloty and they all went there, plent of criminals escaping their trials here

it was ;_;

for money, what else

Money and escaping prison

Cant wait for all the post brexit tears and butthurt

If they weren't in UK they'd be sitting in prison

>escaping prison
so that explains why even poles say that polish immigrants in other countries are bydlo scum

hello my aryan friend
that is a false claim

>that is a false claim
that's what poles on Sup Forums say at least, go argue with them, but figure I said ''most'' and not ''all''

Most Poles here are NEET weeabos that hate themselves. Check out /polska/ general sometime. I'd be surprised if they liked anyone.

They even mock St. Pope John Paul II.

Since when is Warsaw in Britain?

nono, I'm not speaking about the poles from /polska/, they're special, I mean the poles from /v4/ and non-Sup Forums users too

but don't worry user, if it's not your case you shouldn't take it personal imo

Doesnt every NEET hate himself?

The pope thing is just some old ass meme from 2003

meant for

>They even mock St. Pope John Paul II.

Also this

I'd like to ride a limousine made in Poland.

Looks too hot to be russia

cute, CUTE!

Actually, according to the three worlds terminology, Poland is or at least was a second world country, in that is was part of the commie sphere of influence. Third worlders getting their name from their third position outside of either capitalist western or communist eastern influence.

finally someone said it.