Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1834.5

Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
Read the guide before asking questions.


Last thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


>completely dead thread
Time to merge with the Japanese thread




Why the fuck are there even two Japanese threads?
Yeah I know, you got kicked out of Sup Forums, but why not post in the already existing one you fucking autists
>B-but cultures are different
Stop being autistic and polluting this board, there are too many generals existing already

The other thread is cancerous chatroom on a level of those /brit/ threads.
>Stop being autistic and polluting this board
This is one of the small handful of threads which are not polluting thr board, as it is actual on topic. Those 20 odd chatroom generals, the 50 odd meme template threads, the handful of Sup Forums threads, the dozen or so shitposting threads, etc. are what is polluting this board, not a single thread dedicated to learning a language.

>The other thread is cancerous chatroom on a level of those /brit/ threads
Then make it better for fuck's sake.

>stripping the FAQ out

Fuck you, Indonesian subhuman. Ever tried to learn any language on any general before?
I have. And I can tell you all they talk about when they're not ERPing as anime gays is about normie shit and getting a girlfriend (male).
/brit/ is the role model for all these "language-specific" threads.

DJT is one of the few Sup Forums threads with actual content being produced with any seriousness in mind and with enough interest to keep it going. If you don't like it, go post some Anzu or racemixing over the nearest /asea/ and enjoy your memes out of my sight.

very cute picture of best girl you got there


You don't improve a chatroom by feeding it.

That autistic little FAQ was a blight more than anything else.

Only losers learn new languages.

Maybe we could make a better one. Did Sup Forums editions even have a FAQ? I don't remember anymore.

one of unofficial 撥音便
するな → すんな
あのとき → あんとき
it's a conversation language.


Yeah why not just attempt to mold an entire, very active board to a handful of people's liking.

If the rest of Sup Forums enjoys talking about social media and Sup Forums infographics, as long as they don't bring that shit here that's their problem. It's not up to us to change that. I can assure you though that if moderation ever decides to cleanse this board and make it work as originally intended, I will support them wholeheartedly.

Stop falling for the bait, lads.


Thanks for not making a thread while the board was still merged.

It was merged? I was only Sup Forums for me.

Sup Forums got merged? I only saw a few ones because I had to disable my extensions for it to take effect.

We're back.
I fucking missed you guys.

What exactly happened? What did I miss?

How many kanji did you learn during my absence? Let me see them.

The board was merged with Sup Forums as part of this year's April Fools' event. The results were about what you'd expect.

Maybe I'm just being paranoid, but I'm really glad this thread wasn't brought to the attention of all those 15 year olds whose daily amusement consists of spamming "braappp", "JUST", "cuck", "Nintendrones/Sonyggers" and similar cancer.

Maybe it's because I use the website with frames, but Sup Forums wasn't merged for me. The only ones that were merged were /can/ and /fap/.

Sup Forums here, I'm also glad. The brapposters and falseflaggers really do get annoying.

Hey guys! Is this correct? Before asking me wtf, it's a joke...but I just wonder if the grammar is right.

Could you please type it? Your handwriting is kind of difficult to read. But just glancing, there are some grammar errors, redundant sentences, and misspellings.

I don't have the Japanese keyboard installed on my phone right now, unfortunately... I can in romaji if that helps... Oh, and thank you!


Brapposting always gets me, other stuff not so much.

I'm still not sure how this merge was done - if you entered /mlp/, there was no merge; if you entered Sup Forums, it had become /mlpol/. So they renamed one of the supposedly merged boards and kept the other going normally?

Didn't even feel it with Sup Forums, browsed the catalog twice, maybe I'm retarded.

Is there a full list of the fusions somewhere?



どもありがとうございました。 アナは、 素晴らしい者も最上の仲間だって僕の自信を僕に見せてくれた。


Rewriting this, I realized how many 僕 I have. That wouldn't be good were this a more serious letter.




Oh, thank you very much! Almost forgot about something, can you say どうもよ? There is a line I forgot to write on the phone: ずっと。 どうもよ and I'm really wondering about it's validity.

Once again, thank you very much! I'll try rewriting it more carefully this time.

どうもよ is a little awkward. Just どうも is fine, though.

How do you guys practice grammar and text creation?
I had classes before, so it was not a problem until now, that I'm studying by myself.

I can only think of Lang8 or talking with actual people.

Other than that, just texbooks.

What is the difference between と言うこと and という?
Just i have sentence, when と言うこと in final. In grammar guide:
>4. When という is used at the end of a sentence, it means hearsay ("I heard that ~, They say ~, It is said that ~")
In context 遥か - 3d person, she give matchbox, when printed address of the cafe. In conversation she does not participate
Who can translate first sentence?

"I guess she means for me to come to the cafe on the matches."
Or something like that.

It seems like the speaker got a matchbox with the name of a cafe, and he knew that it was from Haruka, so he's assuming that she wants him to go there.

>It seems like the speaker got a matchbox with the name of a cafe, and he knew that it was from Haruka, so he's assuming that she wants him to go there.
All is true.
Just 来い confused me.

Right. It's like "she's telling me to 'come here' by giving me these matches".


for the millionth time, this is not Sup Forums
if you care about "quality discussion," fret about "non-official" OP images, and worry that somebody somewhere might be having fun, you are a part of the problem and would be much happier over with the other blowhards on The more you bitch about preserving your taxidermized 2010 ideal of Sup Forums discourse the more retarded shit I am going to deliberately start posting in these threads.



And, what about さあね?
In google i found several different meanings:
"Who knows?","I dom't know", "Here we go"


Is there any logic behind each ending?

E.g.: そこでは温泉に*入った*り、きれいな山を*見た*りすることができます。
This is in the -ta form+り(する), but it has nothing to do with past.

-te form + おく, but nothing to do with continuous action.

Among others. I fail to see any logic in the apparently arbitrary choice of endings for each grammar point.


Can someone explain to me how to pronounce ん before a vowel? Like in 雰囲気 (ふんいき).

たり doesn't derive directly from the past tense た, it comes from the old auxiliary verb たり which derives from the 連用形 of the perfective auxiliary verb つ and the verb あり, in the form てあり.

And not all of the verbs that attach to て have to do with continuous action. ている is continuous or completed action, てある is resultant state of completed action, ておく is purposefully completed action, ていく is continuous action from the present into the future, てくる is continuous action from the past into the present, and then there are countless others that are neither continuous nor perfective like てみる or the directional sense of ていく or てくる. The main meaning of the て+verb structure derives from the second verb, not the て.

て by itself has many meanings and usages, but none of them specifically refer to continuous action.


I saw that, but I still can't hear the difference between んい and に.

ん before a vowel is pronounced roughly the same way as before さ、ざ、しゃ、や、ら or at the end of a word. I've heard it described as a "nasal vowel" before, but I usually just think of it being articulated at the very back of the throat, even further back than んか or んが. If you listen to how they pronounce the honorific さん at the end of a sentence in pretty much any anime you'll hear it's much closer to "ng" than "n". You don't do anything with your tongue, you just divert some of the airflow to your nose for a second.

So there's no special reason why it is that way. It just is.

Do you hear the "ng" nasal sounding ん more in this?

に should different. Although one thing worth commenting upon is that it is pretty common for Japanese to mispronounce the word as ふいんき. If you search the 知恵袋 Yahoo questions type forum, this actually comes up a lot and is interesting to read over for a more candid insight from various Japanese about these issues.

The same for 教えて!goo, their Yahoo questions type forum.

How long did you guys use 6k deck?

I'm at 3500 remaining now and I think I might stop at 3000.

Why stop the beat?

Focus more on other things, maybe just reduce new words.

I've spent the past few months doing cards and I haven't really touched grammar or reading much yet. I do have enough of a grasp on grammar that the example sentences are pretty easily readable for me, except for the odd word I don't know.

Maybe finish Tae Kim, I don't know.

What does this mean? Is it short for 齎さない? Or 齎すの perhaps?

im at around 5k, why stop when there's stuff left to learn ?

just keep reading to learn things in context and keep doing core to get vocab into your subconscious.


I guess, I use Anki for writing practice as well it just seems to take up a lot of my time in the evening.

When you are reading how many reviews do you do per day?

>I don't know.
Flip a coin: heads you reduce cards and finish Tae Kim, tails you keep going on the same path you are on now.

i just do 20 new and my reviews every day, depends on how busy i am.

also i reccomend reading something from the DJT lib and using rikaisama, they have so much stuff there to read.

It's still confusing to me.
I'm struggling to make sense out of these.

kanjidamage says that this kanji means "bright" as where there is a lot of light, and gives
my casio dictionary instead says it means having the foresight or a good judgement
who's (more) right?

forget "and gives"
i edited the message

Oh, in that case I believe it's 文語 volitional.

It's cold. I'm frail. My lips hurt.

I think I will go with reduced reviews and more focus on reading since in conversation I seem to able to remember the words I want to use but not be able to put them together.

The balance is off. Thank you for the advice.

It's this ancient goddess-like being saying it so that kinda makes sense.

The takeaway is that what kanji "mean" is a bit of a red herring. Learn words the kanji are used in and you will start to see their "meaning".

How jap's use いや?
It's just mean "no"?

You can think of it as "shedding light" on a topic, or being able to see/analize things in a "good light" a.k.a with good judgement or foresight. I think it can also literally mean bright(明るい). Its also used in the word tomorrow (明日). Personally, I like the "bright" keyword more.
Always keep in mind the "keyword" you associate with a kanji isn't always that usefull, as a kanji can be used in VERY different words. It's important to learn vocabulary with kanji in my opinion, as it will allow you to develop your own personal opinion on a kanji's "meaning" and increase your retention(And obviously, you learn some vocab).
Also, I'm glad to see a fellow KanjiDamage student. I try to learn the kunyomis and jukugos with each kanji, how do you use it?


Guys, this means torpedo

Thunder fish means torpedo, I love this language.

it means they want 中だし


Nice joke. (no)

That's pretty cool. Where'd you find the word user?

i try to learn both on and kun and possibly some use in jukugo (it's a bit of an information overload tho), after i'll cover all the N5 kanji i'll focus to the vocabulary more
i find kanjidamage nice for trying to learn them step by step "disassembling" the most complex ones to the radicals, however considering that it doesn't follow strictly the N5 requirements i think it's more suitable, as is, to those studying by themselves
i'm trying to find a compromise between their method and the didactics

I was asking yesterday about a military related Anki deck and got this to be as close as I could get, so I'm making my own deck.

The page is worth a browse through, ammunition is Ammo+Medicine, just kind of interesting.

If I actually finish this deck and don't fizzle out I want to do one for politics as well.

Make sure to share it after you're done, user!

>If I actually finish this deck and don't fizzle out I want to do one for politics as well.
This is a big "if" but if I do finish of course I will share, you guys are cool and stuff. This would be my first deck though so it might kind of suck.

I did about 2,500 before switching completely to mining

b-but it wasn't merged for me

Is that why I couldn't find a /djt/ thread?

I thought it was finally gone for good and shipped off to Sup Forums something, I was worried.

How are you mining/adding stuff? Rikaisama?

I was also scared. There were even 2 daily japanese threads

Would becoming a farmer in Japan be an option?

I am interested

I was planning to make that this evening so I'll post what I have in a google doc or something tonight to see if you could use any of it to save time.

Are you using the anki deck? It's really good since it also has stroke orders and has both reading and writing cards.
In cae you're interested I'm at around 450 kanji in kanjidamage and i think i already have all or most of the N5 ones covered(It took me around a month)

In one evening? You're efficient.

I am plugging away doing about 20-30 words per day making sure I have all the readings right and selecting the words I want vs ones that seem to unusual/uncommon. Transferring it all to paper first then having a list in front of me turn them all into flash cards in a caffeinated evening. This is mostly because I am also doing my reps at the same time and run out of time/energy. I don't expect to be done anytime soon.

I also have some words written down from random docu's/books/anime/games I'll add too.

Yeah, me too. The sheer density of people in NL makes being a farmer a bit tricky, and the amount of abandoned farms in Japan seems to make for a good transition to it. I just don't know how the laws and logistics are set up.

Patty farmer is the only option.

You mean Rice Paddies?

Why'd you say that? There are loads of different crops native to Japan, from what I know lots of those are viable

become a Wagyu rancher

What's the difference between っぱなし and まま? Besides the fact that っぱなし cannot be used with nouns or adjectives.